The tail end
By drc726
At the week end I posted pictures of my ‘Guy’ the reason was because he has recovered from an accident. Guy (age 10) like all cats likes to go out on the tiles at night. About 6 weeks ago he came home very slowly and slept all day and didn’t go out that night. He must be tired I thought. The next day I noticed he had stopped purring/grooming and didn’t eat and he was in obvious pain. . He by now could not stand up and his back half looked odd. He’s been hit by a car I thought?
The vet gave him an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory for the pain. I took him home and had to wait, as he may need a ‘tailectomy’ my Guy without a tail?
The vet thought a heavy gate slamming or something falling on him was the problem. The tail being the last thing to get through, gets damaged/broken and hangs down on the floor and it does not always recover they can then get bedsores on it so its removed.
Well poor little chap was in a lot of pain for over 3 weeks and could not lift his back half. Last week his tail started to lift and now its back to normal and he climbed a tree on Saturday. He’s had his tail bitten by a squirrel? before but never like this. My husband “who’s not an animal person” adores him and was so upset. I’ve missed him in the garden as he is very much a hands off gardener likes to watch me work then inspect it. After the sad animal loses we have recently heard about I hope you don’t mind hearing about my Guy.
8 Sep, 2009
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Get well soon, Guy...and keep away from roads, cars, squidgies, foxes, doggies and wind-blown doors.....stay with your Mum and Dad in the garden and you'll be fine!
Hope he continues to make progress Denise...he's so lovely.
8 Sep, 2009
Lovely to see pics of Guy Denise and I'm so glad to hear he is recovering at last. It's good to hear a happy ending. That's the trouble with cats, we never know what they're getting up to, they have a life of their own away from home. Let's hope he's learned a lesson! 8 lives left?
8 Sep, 2009
Poor Guy, glad he is on the mend. He obviously enjoys posing to have his photograph taken. My cat, Fidget, has to go to the vets on Thursday to get neutered. x2 kittens is more than enough to look after (and feed!!) Funny how quickly they become part of the family.
8 Sep, 2009
i have a lovely cat at same age same color they get into un expected things.
so when i threw some rubbish onto a piece of plastic i saw this streak of black swishing from under the plastic and rapidly climbing the fence .
glad you guy is ok
8 Sep, 2009
Gorgeous Guy! Thanks for posting his pic drc, and pleased to hear he's recovering well :)
8 Sep, 2009
That's good to know that Guy is recovering...
You must have been so worried... and your husband also...
Guy is very photogenic :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Yes he is Terratoonie and he knows it. At ten he's still so tiny.
8 Sep, 2009
Bless......He is just like my Midnight that passed away last year....She was a small cat too....Glad he is on the mend
8 Sep, 2009
He's so like my Morrissey Denise...I do feel for you...hoping he'll be ok. Look at his lovely face looking up at the camera!! So glad he's recovered.x
8 Sep, 2009
Yes when I first saw your Morrissey I thought the same couls be twins! even down to the bit of white on his chest. Guy has an overactive thyroid which he has medication for. So if yours starts hanging from the chandiliers you'll know why.
8 Sep, 2009
Great shots Drc, and a lovely cat, I'm glad he did'nt have to become a Manx :o))
8 Sep, 2009
So am I his tail defines him somehow.
8 Sep, 2009
Lovely cat, i dont let mine go out at nights, he never as so dont miss it.
8 Sep, 2009
Most nights he asks to go out about 9 but in the winter he tends to come in again with cold paws.
8 Sep, 2009
So does Morrissey!! Sure they aren't related?!
8 Sep, 2009
What a lovely cat and lovely photos pleased he has recovered.
8 Sep, 2009
Bless him he`s handsome and looking perky in your photo`s,they do get in some scrapes dont they,pleased he`s recovered.............
9 Sep, 2009
Oh bless - glad hes recovering!
9 Sep, 2009
So glad this tail had a happy ending.
9 Sep, 2009
Your soooo right wagger
9 Sep, 2009
Oooh! He's gorgeous!! I'm so glad he's ok now!
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks Madperth he fine now. He's so small and cute.
9 Sep, 2009
He's adorable! Looks like the cat I TRIED to adopt this year! Him & Smudge fought so much, I had to take him back after a month as they were driving me & each other round the bend! I have a nutty cat!
9 Sep, 2009
Apparently they really have to be introduced as kittens to live together or so my neighbour says. My cat would be perplexed as he has been the only one for so long.
9 Sep, 2009
So pleased Guy is on the mend and his tail mis-hap is now 'behind' him.
Is it Guy or your husband who likes to watch and then inspect your gardening? lol
10 Sep, 2009
Both. Guy give me his 'Look' so I know if its worked or not Hubby does not garden but is appreciative - well most of the time depends if I've been buying?.
10 Sep, 2009
Hah! My problem is that Smudge is convinced she's a hedgehog! Told you she was nuts! She absolutely hates cats!
10 Sep, 2009
Oh bless, does she hibernate Madperth
10 Sep, 2009
Just about! Mind you, so would I if I could get away with it!
Her best friend (only one!) is a hedgehog, & its been the same wherever we've lived! She was dumped & lived in the woods for 2 years before I got her!
10 Sep, 2009
Lovely Guy, looks just like my little Dunkel and she lived to be over 20. I think we suffer at least as much as they do when they're hurt don't you? but at least this time a happy ending in every sense of the word:-)
10 Sep, 2009
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Lovely, gorgeous black cat :)))
I'm glad he's perking up now Denise.
(I have a small black cat called Millie and Guy looks so similar to her )
8 Sep, 2009