Cows can you see them now?
By drc726
I have found how to enlarge and crop etc, so here are the cows you could not see on the duck pond.
29 Sep, 2009
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Yes it does lily.
29 Sep, 2009
There's nothing like having a reason to get motivated, now I need to get motivated to get off GoY and go and cut the grass!
29 Sep, 2009
Sorry ,I havent seen the one you can't see them in , so this is the first time i've seen what cannot be seen, as yes! i can see them, (my brain hurts??)
They are really there aren't they ..I'm not imagining them am I???
29 Sep, 2009
Wow that's clever. They are so clear now. I wonder how on earth you did that. It is a lovely photo. Thank you.
29 Sep, 2009
Now I can see them.Thought it was just me and my dodgy eyesight again.
29 Sep, 2009
Theres a sort of dotted square on the computer Mad drag it over the part of the pic you want and copy and paste.
29 Sep, 2009
Definitely black, then - lol.
29 Sep, 2009
Must admit I couldn`t see them either,well done Denise....
29 Sep, 2009
Hee hee! My optician appointment is tomorrow!!
29 Sep, 2009
I heard that spec savers had lots of cancelled appointments today!
29 Sep, 2009
Well I'm definitely going!!
29 Sep, 2009
I'll have to go back to the other one now to see if I can spot them.
30 Sep, 2009
We'll call you the six million dollar man if you can, Hywel.
30 Sep, 2009
Theyre just to the left of the wildebeest Hywel!! can't miss em really!
30 Sep, 2009
nice to know we arent going blind Drc.. lol nice mooies
30 Sep, 2009
Lol...I can see them here right enough but I still cant see them in the first piccy.......are you winding us up? did you take this piccy first then scare the cows away and take the first piccy after the second piccy? awwww my head hurts (not to mention my eyes!!)
Please tell me that originally you accidentally posted a cow free photo...pleaeeeeeeeeeeese.
2 Oct, 2009
Garden fool - this pic is part of the first pic. The cows are mid way between the left side and middle of the pic at the back of the pond and plain to see until I put the pic on here and it came out too small. Could I email the first pic so you could enlarge it to see them?
2 Oct, 2009
Thats ok D, I jest of course. I would be mortified if you felt you had to prove your right!! your word is more than enough. lol.
I'm simply pleased you had a grand day out!!!
2 Oct, 2009
Its still so summery here Garden fool trying to make the most of it by getting out before it gets wet, and cold, and dark, and windy, and plain miserable!
2 Oct, 2009
Like it is up here! :~(
2 Oct, 2009
Too right MP, we have huge winds here on the west coast with driving rain, I'm just on my way out to right the pots that are on their sides and see what else may have happened during the night.
3 Oct, 2009
Hope there wasnt too much damage!
8 Oct, 2009
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Yes I can see them now Denise. Cancel that appointment at Specsavers! lol Does that mean you've learnt a bit more computer stuff because of our poor eyesight?
29 Sep, 2009