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By Terratoonie

21 Feb, 2010
The Cadbury Parrots rescue Terratoonie.
secret winter hideout of the Flower Pot People.
Comments on this photo
TT!!!!....where DID you get them from (rather loud laughter!!)...:-))
21 Feb, 2010
Lol. Arlene and Alice...
Genuine Cadbury Pirate Parrots....
worth a fortune....
..should be on the Antiques Road Show... :o)
21 Feb, 2010
Awwww, TT! They are so funny...Love them very much! :)
21 Feb, 2010
brilliant Tt-- the FPP look petrified-- did you hear that there was a glitch on Goy and some couldn't get on! (I blamed the you-know-who :)
21 Feb, 2010
Thanks Uma and Pam....
....KRAFTY move, I hope you agree :o)
Yes... the Flower Pot People have been responsible for several recent glitches on GoY...
... yesterday there was a BAD GATEWAY caused by the FPP.
21 Feb, 2010
Ahh -- thought so-- very Krafty :¬)
21 Feb, 2010
They are fab TT very funny made me smile, bet kraft would like to have them aswell, love differant things like this in my garden, think it brightens every where up. xx
21 Feb, 2010
Lol TT......... love your cadbury parrotts.. hope you get rescued soon.....
21 Feb, 2010
Thanks Clarice and Holly...
The parrots are doing their best to rescue me.. :o) xxx
21 Feb, 2010
The Cadbury Parrots are on their way
They're going to rescue TT today !
Hurrah !! lol :D
They're brilliant TT . Nice and colourful
Enough to cheer anyone up :o)
21 Feb, 2010
Oh they are so brave, lets hope T gets rescued
21 Feb, 2010
Hi Yorkshire...
I hope you're surviving the snow !
... brave Cadbury Parrots :o)
Hello Hywel...
Flower Pot People will be lured with carrots...
.. and TT saved by the Cadbury parrots.. :o)
21 Feb, 2010
well done cadbury parrots, hope your ok Terra and its not all been to bad :o))
21 Feb, 2010
Hi Sandra...
Celebrations with LOTS of chocolate..Lol.
Thanks for asking...
the FPP gave me some stress-free time...
.... and then they recharged my batteries ...
.... so all systems go again here ;o)
21 Feb, 2010
thats great Terra glad your doing well, hope the boys are good to :o))
21 Feb, 2010
Yes, thanks.... all well here...
xxx for Casper...:o)
Medals update on my Wellie Olympics "Are You Ready?" blog...
.... the Flower Pot People have been "strimmed" of all their medals for taking a banned substance.................
21 Feb, 2010
well done Terra--- that should slow them down a bit !!
21 Feb, 2010
thanx Terra xxx
21 Feb, 2010
WE should nominate the parrots for th C D M ( do you remember the ad?)
21 Feb, 2010
Good idea, Pam..
..or CPM ...?
... ....Cadbury's Parrot Millet ? ;o)
21 Feb, 2010
Will Cadbury's parrots win the day and spirit poor TT away?
From evil clutches of the FPP~ Watch this space and you will see!
21 Feb, 2010
Hi Arlene...
You've been eating that special poetry-producing chocolate !!!
Excellent. :o) xxx
Olympic medals now all strimmed...
The FPP's hopes of glory drastically dimmed...
Parrots, helped by Arlene, to save TT
Are working hard to set her free....!
21 Feb, 2010
They certainly look up for it TT.
21 Feb, 2010
Hello Doctorbob....
"Kraft" parrots just doesn't sound the same, does it.... Lol.
I reckon those psittacines will save the day :o)
21 Feb, 2010
~To great rejoicing throughout the land
those despicable FPP have been banned ~
~and with threats of plastic melting gel
are facing life in a padlocked cell!
21 Feb, 2010
At least they're thwarted for a while...
Banished with determined style..
But we must be alert all year...
In case the FPP's reappear....
Yay !
21 Feb, 2010
this 'poet' chocolates really great
it must be the amount we ate.....
oh deah I think I need a glass of wine.....
21 Feb, 2010
Glass of wine ? Clever girl...!
That will wash down your Cadburys Twirl. ;o)
21 Feb, 2010
I decided on a glass of sherry
too much often makes me merry!
That it Tt-- my head hurts.....
21 Feb, 2010
lol. :o) x
21 Feb, 2010
ha ha i cant cope with you lot :o))))))))))))))
21 Feb, 2010
Hi Joanella... but you have lots of lovely smiles :o))))))))))))
21 Feb, 2010
i know and a broad grin on my face :o))))
21 Feb, 2010
Lol. :o)
21 Feb, 2010
Yo Ho Ho, nearly choked on me rum.
Parrots 'n' chocolate?
Now that sounds like fun!
Roll out the cannons an' bolt down the 'atch!
The darned FPPs 'ave sure met their match.
Me crew's down wi' "scurvy", but can all 'ardly wait
to blast 'em plastic blaggards into pieces o' eight!
But, aye, Pretty Pollys, one small favour I begs -
D'ye think ye can lay me some gold Easter eggs?
't would lift the weight o' 15
burly deadmen off me chest,
an' be an awf'llly big adventure for
an Easter treasure quest!
An' as for ye. "school" Mistress 'Toonie!
(no parrotgraphs, note ye, just the ramblin's o' a "loonie")!
I 'as no doubt that ye shall be saved,
an' shall keep this picture safe in me faves.
'ave run out o' rum - but there may be some port.
Well, they says any o' this does as well in a storm.
There be a twinkle in me one eye, per'aps a real glimmer?
I spies ahead wi' me one eye "Terra firma" !
21 Feb, 2010
~well done David!~ you must have had quite a lot of that poetry producing chocolate!
maybe find some gold foill easter eggs~the solid stuff is quite expensive these days!
21 Feb, 2010
Those proud Pirate Parrots are antique and rare...
Steal my bold brave birdies from me if you dare...
You won't see these gems on TV's Cash in the Attic...
Not even if prices would make me ecstatic...
Some free golden parrot eggs ? ....having some laughs ?
... please note my technique as I space parrotgraphs..
You ask.. are these parrots egg-laying psittacines...
Well, they might be, if only they'd eat up their greens..
Should gold eggs appear with eye-patch on each shell,
Whether Cadbury or Krafty or Rowntrees as well..
I'll send them to Fife on the Pony Express...
Hope they don't arrive with their yolks in a mess...
21 Feb, 2010
Ahoy, M'lady Arlene!! The "poetry" rolls off me tongue like melted chocolate, Ahar! Alas, no chocolate left aboard today. :-(
Foil? Reminds me o "Jim" an' his fencin' lessons (really!). An' - as for real gold eggs - I still as some gold spraypaint left from Xmas. :-))X
21 Feb, 2010
~your parrots are precious and heroes to boot~
~no one will steal them and make off with the loot.
with Conker and Truffle to guard them and bark
no burglar would dare venture near after dark~
so take heart and let us all be of good cheer
with luck won't be long before Spring doth appear!
~I hope!
21 Feb, 2010
Yay... three cheers for Arlene... puts all into focus...
But mustn't forget my guard-budgie called Crocus...
It looks like the FPPs plans are awry...
Yes, let's hope the glories of springtime are nigh. :o)
21 Feb, 2010
I doesn't want your parrots - wot's an "attic? I request!
Is it, per'aps, summat like a crow's nest?
An' - please - M'lady! 'tis awfully obscene
to spit when pronouncin' the word "psittacine"!
Me own parrot's tot'lly ruined me left collar,
(dry-cleanin's no option when you're on your last dollar).
Be all means send 'em by pony or ass.
As for parrotgraphs, excuse me, you're top o' the class.
Ye can send 'em to Fife, Caribbean or Penzance!
But, bein' a pirate, me life's one merry dance.
Yolks may be golden, but what o' the whites?
Quite frankly, my Dear, they give me the sh....frights!
I as a spring in me step, too!! Bit like a divingboard, or a long walk off a short plank?
21 Feb, 2010
lol david and arlene :o)
21 Feb, 2010
A land-lubber's 'attic' is what you call 'loft'..
And do you like golden eggs hard-boiled or soft ?
Seems cooked would be better to cope with the trip..
Or would you prefer to collect them by ship ?
21 Feb, 2010
Hi Joanella~we will be next appearing as the verse writing trio for next years pantos at a venue near you!
we have obviously missed our vocation~
he's behind you~oh no he isn't~oh yes he is!!!!
21 Feb, 2010
"Aloft" ye say, Terra, makes sense, now, to me!
A sailor goes to sea to see wot 'e can see.
'ard boiled would be best, wi' leftovers, in case,
the 'FPP's 'ave to get "egg on their face""!
21 Feb, 2010
I'm cream-crackered now...
No more can I write..
I wish you good cheer...
God Bless... and goodnight...:o)
21 Feb, 2010
Brill------- ;0) ) ) ) )
I was going to say 'avast me hearties'( the only piratespeak I know) until I found ---
Talk like a pirate day--- really--- its in september David put the phrase into google-- you'll see-- and avast means stop and I diddnt mean that at all!
22 Feb, 2010
...Hi Pam...
Seems we might need a "Don't Talk Like A Pirate Day"
.....or week.... or year... Lol... ;o)
22 Feb, 2010
Lol ;0)
22 Feb, 2010
Brilliant Tt, congratulations to you and all other poetry contributors. I don't know how I missed this yesterday 8~/ This pic is so funny and going straight to favourites. Thanks :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
22 Feb, 2010
Thanks, Bornagain... How is your weather ?
It's snowing again today...
...even more than when I took this photo yesterday !
22 Feb, 2010
we're ok here just very cold!
22 Feb, 2010
The snow is gradually going now, all roads are clear it's mainly on lawns and fields, but it still feels cold. Yesterday it was rather sunny here, then we had hail! We must have a lovely spring and summer to make up for all this surely?
22 Feb, 2010
Yes.... we really need some warm, dry weather ! :o)
22 Feb, 2010
I've eaten loads and loads of chocs...
But my chocolatey treats come in writers blocks:-)
22 Feb, 2010
Ahoy there, Pamq, me 'eartie!! Thank ye kindly for the pointer to talkin' loik a poirate. They just can't be serious? Can they? :-)
22 Feb, 2010
Thanks TT and David and all the other contributors who made my day with yet another crazy blog .........chocs away!!!!
25 Feb, 2010
Hi Dotty...
Chocs away ? I need all the chocs I can get....
I'm pleased you enjoyed the blog. :o) x
26 Feb, 2010
'shivver me timbers 'david --I've no idea ! :0)
26 Feb, 2010
What fun! :o))
26 Feb, 2010
that is so cute
7 Jul, 2011
Cadbury Parrots are on stand-by ...
... ready for more action if needed ;o)
7 Jul, 2011
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~I hope they succeed with their daring rescue bid~!
21 Feb, 2010