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peasant girl statue
By Sanbaz

3 Mar, 2010
at last i have mt statue, been round every garden centre around blackpool and finally found one i liked, well not many to be found in any of them really, a kind man at garden centre helped me with her, very heavy and i was almost on my knees carrying her from car to garden lol
Comments on this photo
lol muddy yes im going to give that a go and hope it works lol,well you`ve given me a chuckle today which im glad, all this winter weather getting me down, but at least the shopping helps ;o))
3 Mar, 2010
......(Shhh...., keep this between you and me Sandra...... I often find a bit of HRT very beneficial) No, not THAT HRT ! - I mean Horticultural Retail Therapy ..... lol :-))
3 Mar, 2010
haahha i need both i think lol it sure does help muddy, ive so enjoyed spending on my new area, wouldnt want to add it up though, but im going to have years of enjoying it all :o))
3 Mar, 2010
If anyone's an investment. Shame it's not tax deductable - hold on ! - where did I put Alistair Darling's phone number ? ... lol
3 Mar, 2010
Now, she is lovely, not seen anything like her before. My Mum offered to buy me a greenhouse , now I've been walking around the garden wondering if I can put up with the re-siting of everything to have one . . .this year is going to be one upheaval after another as patio being built . . .getting too old for changes . . . hope you feel better today. : o ) )
3 Mar, 2010
I love the statue San, you shouldn't be lifting such heavy things on top of that op. . listen to mother ...
The Yoghurt does work I've done it ..
3 Mar, 2010
What a Lovely Statue San :) U r Naughty though lifting it u should of waited 4 Baz !!
3 Mar, 2010
Very pretty statue, Sanbaz, elegant :)
3 Mar, 2010
Sandra its beautiful :o))
3 Mar, 2010
lol muddy sorry late replying been to another nursery haha
thanx megan im alot better today after retail theropy lol,
im sure your change around will be great but know what you mean, its the upevil of it all ;o) x
thanx jacque i know im naughty but impatient lol :o) x
lol amy you are right couldnt believe her weight , best start her on a diet lol, i will try the yogurt trick to mother :o))
thanx Gee she wasnt to bad a price at £37.95 as some are well over £100 or more, i thought better not get a nude dont want baz excited lol :o))
cheers carol, its taken me ages to find one at right price and size ;o))
3 Mar, 2010
Mmmmm...that is a nice one San....and a reasonable price too.....are you going to let Baz slap on the yoghurt.?
3 Mar, 2010
Very classy lady Sandra, can just imagine how wonderful your new area is going to be with her reigning over it ;0)
3 Mar, 2010
lol alice, hey it might give him ideas, so no way ahhah :o))
thankyou so much carole, its all coming together in my head now, baz getting some rocks for me from work soon, you know why :o))
3 Mar, 2010
Thats lovely sanbaz............i can see your wallflowers lol.... there looking good..
3 Mar, 2010
lol thanx holly :o))
3 Mar, 2010
: O )))
3 Mar, 2010
Lovely choice, she is stunning.....
3 Mar, 2010
Sandra its lovely.........Make sure you yoghurt it up before the warm weather starts or you will have a problem with insects if its close to the house!!!!!
3 Mar, 2010
thanx dotty glad you like her ;o))
thanx maureen will get some tomorrow if i remember, but soon if thats the case :o))
3 Mar, 2010
You didnt fancy a nuddy one then Sandra, lol.
She's lovely btw.
3 Mar, 2010
i didnt think baz`s old heart could take it dawn lol, thanx glad you like her :o)
3 Mar, 2010
Ha ha Sandra, good idea. Although you could have had a boy nudey. ;-)
3 Mar, 2010
saw a little boy spouter today which i would love but expensive :o)
3 Mar, 2010
Well it would be wouldn't it ?you would have a bit more statue.Lol....
She is lovely,Sandra,and such a lot of detail on her too...
3 Mar, 2010
Really lovely Sandra.
3 Mar, 2010
lol sandra. she is lovely ;o)
thanx hywel glad you approve lol :o))
3 Mar, 2010
Tell me Sandra, does Baz wear a suit with arrows all over it when he's breaking rocks at work ??? ... lol ;-)
3 Mar, 2010
She's lovely San :-))))
Muddy, you 'did' make me laugh with your comments :-))
3 Mar, 2010
Very demure San,the naked ones make me shiver lol.
3 Mar, 2010
lol muddy,, im not sure will ask him haahah ;o)
thanx louise ;o))
lol aster well it depends on what size :o))
3 Mar, 2010
Just perfect San..........
3 Mar, 2010
Oh very posh Sandra......Don`t forget she needs a light ,..,just adding to your bill......LOL.....
4 Mar, 2010
Pretty statue San, I like it very much....but please tell me, what is all this talk of yoghurt??? :-)
4 Mar, 2010
cheers janey glad you like her :o)))
lol sue, we have lights in raised border so can turn one to spot light on her hopefully :o)
potty if you paint live yorgurt on statues they grow moss to give that old look, baz says he likes her the way she is so not sure what to do, she has a worn look in the stone anyway :o)
4 Mar, 2010
Ah, I see! Perhaps you could paint half of her! Nooo...that would never look right!
4 Mar, 2010
lol potty will see whats she looks like when ive done the area, then decide :o))
5 Mar, 2010
Personally, I like her as she is, in the photo she doesn't look 'new'.
5 Mar, 2010
very nice Sandra..good choice
5 Mar, 2010
think im the same potty the more i look at her i think she already has that old look, so maybe i will leave well alone :o)
thanx deida :o))
5 Mar, 2010
Glad you found your statue, Sandra :o)
6 Mar, 2010
thanx Terra im very pleased with her, cant wait to see her in the new area :o))
6 Mar, 2010
She's probably very excited about the new area herself ;o) x
6 Mar, 2010
lol Terra :o) xx
6 Mar, 2010
:o) Does she have a name ?
6 Mar, 2010
i couldnt see a name on her tag Terra, will recheck and if not will have to name her :o) maybe i will ask members for sugestions :o)
6 Mar, 2010
Suggestion for 3rd March.. Minnie the Moocher.. Lol.
1931 U.S.A. Minnie the Moocher
"3rd March, 1931: Cab Calloway makes music history when he records “Minnie the Moocher.” This is the first jazz album to sell one million copies and it continues to be a popular album today."
6 Mar, 2010
lol not heard of that haha, didnt realise you were that old Terra lol kidding! :o))
6 Mar, 2010
Pomona was the Roman goddess of the garden San.......
Phoebe is pretty too....
6 Mar, 2010
thanx janey two good ones there :o))
6 Mar, 2010
3rd March 1931 was a very good day for Minnie the Moocher ..
...but way before my time :o) x
7 Mar, 2010
lol Terra :o) x
7 Mar, 2010
Folks, here´s a story about Minnie the Moocher
She was a red hot hoochie-koocher
She was the roughest, toughest frail
but Minnie had a heart as big as a wha-a-le
Heedey-hee-dee-hee-dee hee
Hidee-hidee-hidee-ho :-))
7 Mar, 2010
lol muddy still dont know it ahhaha :o))
7 Mar, 2010
25 years before I was born, but it's a classic. Have you never seen 'The Blues Brothers' ? Look here
7 Mar, 2010
I love The Blues Brothers singing that, saw a tribute band at a private function in January, really good show, go see it if you get a chance !
7 Mar, 2010
will look tomoz thanx muddy, yes seen the blues brothers :o)
7 Mar, 2010
A classic beauty.
12 Mar, 2010
cheers Gb :o)
12 Mar, 2010
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3 May, 2011
Good choice Sandra - are you going to slap yoghurt all over her ? (Posh girls prefer Hagen Daz !!!) ..... (so I'm told ... lol !) :-)
3 Mar, 2010