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My favourite sedum ...
By Terratoonie

22 Sep, 2011
Sedum "Frosty Morn" ...
... with background of little Euonymus
Comments on this photo
looks nice:) I remembere last year looking at them at the trial beds, they were not looking so nice... think they were slower than others to establish in the bed..
22 Sep, 2011
I love this sedum Terra, my friend has just given me a tiny cutting she has rooted, cant wait for it to grow.
22 Sep, 2011
That's a beauty TT.
22 Sep, 2011
Thanks Paul, Kasy, Stroller, Bob ...
This sedum doesn't grow so strongly as some of those without the variegated leaves, but is very eye-catching. :o)
22 Sep, 2011
And so it should be, TT ! It looks fab and happy against that wall! :)
22 Sep, 2011
Thank you Karen ..
That's the little wall of my back garden raised bed. :o)
22 Sep, 2011
A nice cosy, wee place to be, then... :)))
22 Sep, 2011
I've never seen sedum with varigated leaves - like it. (how do you spell varigated - this looks wrong) lol
22 Sep, 2011
Lol. can always check quickly on the spelling of variegated by clicking on GoYpedia "V" at the base of the page. :o)
22 Sep, 2011
Lovely Sedum can see why its a favourite, I love the variegated foliage!
22 Sep, 2011
Thanks Pansypotter ...
It seems more delicate than some of the other sedums ..
needs just a bit more t.l.c.. Lol.
22 Sep, 2011
Thank you Homebird ..
I've had this several years.. Doesn't spread so quickly as other sedums ..
22 Sep, 2011
This one ( I haven't seen it before) really earns the name 'ice plant' doesn't it? It's a really 'cool' customer! nice!
22 Sep, 2011
Thanks for that TT - I've learned something new today!
22 Sep, 2011
Thats a beauty Terratoonie varigated too.
22 Sep, 2011
Thanks Karen and Sixpence ...
Fascinating seeing the subtle colour changes on the blossoms :o)
22 Sep, 2011
Is the flower two tone as it looks it or it that it changing
22 Sep, 2011
Hi again Sixpence...
The flowers start off white, and then become more of a lilac colour as time goes on... I think the flowers stay whiter in warmer climates, but turn more mauve-coloured in cooler areas ...
and, yes, at the moment the flowers are two-tone ..
part white and part lilac .. :o)
22 Sep, 2011
that's very nice Terra, the two different variegated coloured leaves really look good together..
22 Sep, 2011
Thanks Surreylad ..
I'm very pleased with how this sedum has developed, and glad I planted the euonymus behind... :o)
22 Sep, 2011
really pretty :)
22 Sep, 2011
I like that one TT I'm not sure that I've seen a varigated one before , I bought a white one last year and was keen to see it flower this year it's turned out to be a disappointment because it's pink not white , it's not fair ! :o(
22 Sep, 2011
Thank you Pixi and Amy ...
Amy .. I explained to Sixpence,above, that I've read about some sedums flowering more pink/purple in colder climates ...
whiter in warmer regions ..
... maybe this would apply ...
23 Sep, 2011
Yes I find that interesting and lovely to have the flowers two tone :o))
23 Sep, 2011
Thanks TT perhaps that explains the change although the name tag with the plant states ~ white flowers in late summer and is called " Iceberg"
23 Sep, 2011
Hi again Amy.
I've looked up Sedum Iceberg, and that one should have greeny-white flowers ... no wonder you're disappointed... :o(
23 Sep, 2011
Lovely sedum. I was curious if the ph of soil has influence on color? Mine and neighbor are a bright pink and other parts of town it's a really kinda ugly brown mauve and look like there dying.
23 Sep, 2011
Hi Regina... Thanks ..
yes... soil type, amount of water, and general temperature all seem to be factors affecting the flower colour... brown coloured ones have either finished flowering or are dead ! I also have some pink and purple flowering sedum spectabile plants.
23 Sep, 2011
What a fine looking Sedum must be very happy there:)
23 Sep, 2011
Thank you Nana d...
I reckon it likes the protection of the wall... :o)
23 Sep, 2011
Lovely picture TT
24 Sep, 2011
Hi Aleyna...
Thanks. This sedum seems to like the camera ..
quite photogenic... Lol.
25 Sep, 2011
Thats a lovely one Tt, specially like the variegated leaves.
25 Sep, 2011
Thank you Janey ...
Everything in this little area has turned out to be variegated... even the flowers ...Lol.
25 Sep, 2011
Hi BB... Thanks ..
I hope you find this one at the garden centre.. :o)
26 Sep, 2011
Just catching up on GoY ... as ever Tt! ... Everyone has said it all about this Sedum ... I can only agree ... it's a lovely one ... :o)))
27 Sep, 2011
Very beautiful, as usual! :>)
29 Sep, 2011
Thanks Shirley and Delonix ...
... the variegated flower heads and the variegated leaves go well together ...
29 Sep, 2011
Beautiful! A lovely sedum in super condition - mine doesn't look like that...
2 Oct, 2011
I love it Terra, I want one in my garden! ;o)
11 Oct, 2011
Thank you Volval and Labdancer ...
I think this sedum is fussy about where it is planted... does much better in some locations than in others ...
11 Oct, 2011
wonderfull dear Terratoonie. thanks for your comment. next year i will get another one.probably a green one. have a good time david
18 Oct, 2011
Hi David...
Good luck with your plants next year :o)
18 Oct, 2011
I totally missed this. It's very pretty.
30 Oct, 2011
Thanks, Hywel ..
Yes, I also think it's a very pretty sedum :o)
31 Oct, 2011
6 Sep, 2015
Thank you Gertrude ...
it is in flower again this month :o)
6 Sep, 2015
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Lovely - I have that shrub you have behind it too :))))
22 Sep, 2011