Reach for the Skye!
By geraniumdad
I thought I would share a few of my holiday snaps from the Isle of Skye, some of which show the lovely landscape the island boasts.
This first photo was taken from the main road to Uig Bay where we were staying. As you can see, Skye is very hilly, mountainous in parts. Very spectacular!
Although there are trees (woods and small forests), they are not on the same scale as mainland Scotland.
There is plenty of heather though.
The heather does extend quite a way up the side of the mountains!
As is usual with Scotland, Crocosmia grows well.
Apart from growing wild in hedgerows and occasionally on the edges of fields, a lot of gardens were growing it. I never saw any colour other than orange and red though.
Our holiday cottage had lots of it in the main garden.
We had great view of Uig Bay. It is from here that the ferry sails to Tarbet on the Isle of Lewis/Harris.
The weather was showery at times but it made the landscape look even better!
The evenings were often quite spectacular and beautiful….
We visited some beaches whilst on Skye and the best by far was one not listed anywhere! The beach was at Ord a tiny village on the banks of Loch Eishort. It was on the large rocks that I saw wild sea thrift growing. I have grown it myself but have never seen it growing in its natural habitat before. The tops of the rocks were covered in it.
We did visit mainland Scotland on one day just so we could go the famous and very lovely Morar Sands. It was a 300 mile round trip (we couldn’t get the ferry which would have been quicker) but it was well worth it! Sea thrift was growing on rocks here as well.
The best holiday so far!!
22 Nov, 2010
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Looks idyllic....beautiful photos, GDad. The last photo of the beach looks so calm and peaceful...and lovely sand too.
22 Nov, 2010
i think that last one is known as 'the silver sands' of morar ~ the hogwarts express goes past it in the harry potter films.
22 Nov, 2010
Agree with both my friends above. Amazing pics, every one! Skye is stunning, I love it. So much variety as well. I would love to go back there again glad you had a lovely time geraniumdad. I know you love Scotland and it's clear from your photos! Thanks for sharing. :)) brought smile to my face which was not easy today!!
22 Nov, 2010
Thank you for the lovely comments. Hope all is well Karensusan: glad to have made you smile!
22 Nov, 2010
Stunning photographs, it looks a beautiful place, I love your evening shot......
23 Nov, 2010
Other than plant photos, my lovely, talented wife Sonia takes the photos. I am getting better with the camera though!
23 Nov, 2010
I´d love to live in the cottage.
23 Nov, 2010
Spectacular scenery. It looks an interesting place ti have a holiday.
23 Nov, 2010
Wonderful spectacular scenery! Just my cup of tea! One of our local mountains has heather growing all the way up so we refer to it as 'Purple Top.' Love the beach pictures - they could be any of the 'secret' coves here.
23 Nov, 2010
there is a steam train that goes across from which you can see this beach and the river that flows into it ~ the train that was used in the harry potter films ~ its a famous train ride because from it you can see Britain's highest mountain [Ben Nevis] and the deepest loch [LochMorar or Nevis???] and the shortest River!!! i think thats right?
23 Nov, 2010
Yes, Sticki, that is the famous 'West Highland Line'. It has been voted the most beautiful rail journey in the world. Goes all the way from Glasgow to Mallaig. We did it in May. You follow spectacular scenery all the way. The Train splits at Crianlarich and half goes to Mallaig and half to Oban. The most spectacular scenery (I thought) is after the split on the route to Mallaig. The Harry Potter association is with the Glenfinnan Viaduct I think. That part of the journey is the highlight. Once you get to Mallaig you can get a quick ferry across to Skye (which we did) and spend the day there. There is a lovely garden at Armadale, just a ten min. walk from the ferry and it was there we saw the sea otters playing. Fantastic!! We also saw dolphins and seals on the crossing. The Steam train only runs from Fort William to Mallaig in the summer time, and I'm sure that's wonderful, but when the trees are in full leaf you wouldn't see all the spectacular lochs, so I would recommend April/May as we could see everything and all the freshness of the spring as well......bliss! The whole journey from Glasgow to Mallaig takes five hours if I remember rightly, so.....take a picnic with you and a nice bottle of wine!!
23 Nov, 2010
We visited Armadale Castle and the gardens. They were superb. Couldn't afford to get the train though: it would have cost over £100 for the 5 of us!
23 Nov, 2010
Beautiful scenery thanks for sharing them with us.
23 Nov, 2010
Wonderful photos.. :o)
23 Nov, 2010
What a pity the trains are so expensive Geraniumdad!
23 Nov, 2010
Stunning pictures ! :)
23 Nov, 2010
i visited the skye gardens ~ and grumpy georges photo studio [he isnt grumpy ~ he is very entertaining] the gardens were great too but we didnt see anything on the crossing cos it was thick fog!!!
i couldnt afford the train journey either but i did see it in the distance ~ i only wanted the photo!!
but it is certainly an amazing journey
23 Nov, 2010
We will do the train journey one day. However, the drive was amazing! The scenery was fantastic.
23 Nov, 2010
yes i think its on my wish list ~ one day!!!
23 Nov, 2010
Skye is a magic place GD. We arrived once in the middle of Skye week. Not intended. Staying in a beige bungalow that had not been decorated since Disraeli PM. Two weird spinster sisters in charge. There were celihds galore and lots of guys who seemed to prefere resting on the pavement. Tossing the cabre and throwing the hammer any old where. No H&S in those far off days!!!! Lots of lovely pipers. That heart tugging sight of them facing the loch and piping away to the beautiful views, to practice for the competitions, or just to be on their own with the skirl. Everyone quite naturally in the kilt, plaid over the shoulder. Ah nostalgia.....must be neary 50 years ago. Been a few times since but never such magic as that visit.
24 Nov, 2010
Marvellous pics, Gd. :-)). I love visiting Skye, which I can do as a daytrip (only just, and due to the connecting bridge rather than the ferry crossing). I instantly recognised your pic of the beach, lol!
Lovely to see the White Sands of Morar, again (almost right, Sticki! :-)), as had many great childhood hols in the area.
I love the Glenfinnan Railway Viaduct (21 arches), think it is a Victorian engineering marvel, and a very close rival to the Forth Rail Bridge. My heart seems to skip a beat every time we see it in some of the Harry Potter movies - LOL!!!
Sticki, you are "spot on" with your "statistics"! Ben Nevis is Britain's highest mountain; Loch Morar is its deepest freshwater loch/lake (also, in the past, reported sightings of a "monster", so, a rival for Nessie?); the shortest river is on Skye - River Scavaig. :-))
24 Nov, 2010
We will be visiting Skye briefly next year as we have to get the ferry across to Harris/Lewis (from Uig Bay where we stayed this year). My children said it was the best hoilday ever! My wife and I were stunned at the landscapes the island presented to us. Living in a relatively flat area of Britain (Hull in East Yorkshire), but no less beautiful in its own right, you don't realise what this island has, in the terms of beautiful countryside, scenery, villages, etc until you have seen it in real life. HD television is great but no substitute for the real thing.. As a keen walker, I have not ventured further than the NY Moors, but seeing Scotland really whetted my appetite. The West Highlands Way is one of the walks on my list for the future.
24 Nov, 2010
how lucky are you david ~ skye for a day trip!!?? how amazing.
i must look up that west highland way ~ sounds very interesting. lewis has an almost lunar landscape in some places, very barren and in others the most incredible views. should also get some fantastic sunsets as you will be facing west! its a wonder i had any spare capacity on my camera at all ~ i was on the beach until 10 and 11 at night still taking photos ~ its not so far from the land of the midnight sun!!
24 Nov, 2010
lovely blog & photos too...
24 Nov, 2010
Superb blog. I've alwaysfancied a trip to Skye.
24 Nov, 2010
Fab blog and amazing photos too, thanks.Gdad.
24 Nov, 2010
Your photos are just amazing. I spent a couple of weeks in a mosquito swarm just opposite Skye in a place called Glenelg. Very beautiful...if not itchy. :)
26 Nov, 2010
Great photos from a truly wonderfull place, i took the wife for a suprise holiday for her 40th in 2004 and we stopped in the lighthouse on neist point, just us alone listening to the waves crashing in to the rocks as we drifted off to sleep and the same when we woke, the sound of all the sea birds, and skylarks, the beautifull sunsets, we sat on the cliffs one evening the sky was tangerine, coral and yellow, the sun was going down it was 11.30 at night, we sipped wine as we watched over the minch, it was like a millpond, wow it was the most magical moment in my life.
28 Nov, 2010
An interesting & fantastic blog, GD! Those views are just the most fabulous! Never been further north than Whitby & that was back in '71 or '72! Used to sing that lovely song "Fly bonnie Prince, over the sea to Skye"!
29 Nov, 2010
always liked that song balcony [skye boat song ~ used to try to play the music.
29 Nov, 2010
Thank you all fro the lovely comments about this blog.
As always, you ahave been very kind!
For those of you who have never been to Skye: it has everything for everyone. Mountains, hills, cliffs, wonderful birds and insects, fab flowers, great people, beaches, plenty of walks, gardens, castles: definately a place to visit.
29 Nov, 2010
also sunsets and good food.
29 Nov, 2010
Lovely blog and stunning pictures GD! :~)).
28 Dec, 2010
No wonder "Bonnie Prince Charles" liked the place then! :-D
29 Dec, 2010
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what can i say, i just have to smile all through those photos ~ its so lovely! the mountains that seem to go on and on, the sky that stretches to forever and a rainbow to finish it off!
i walked from morar to camusdarach beach last year ~ camusdarach beach is where 'local hero' film was shot.
22 Nov, 2010