Fruit updates
Time for a progress report
My climbing French beans are now well under way, just starting to harden them off for planting out mid May. An unknown variety with seed passed on down the years.
Purple flowers & pods [cook green] with black seeds
My Sunburst cherry has set fruit after a lovely display of blossom, only need to fight the birds & snails now, I do put a bodged up fruit cage over, the tree is on dwarf stock so manageable
The red currant has got fruit as well, despite aphid attack you can see the blisters on the leaf lower right
My Charles plum has also set fruit, if it continues this will be my first plum crop from it
The curly gooseberry had a slight setback with the recent storm, some of the new growth has broken, I’ll leave it for the moment & see how it goes
But it has fruit, so all is not lost this year
Meanwhile the Doyenne Du Comice pear has also set fruit after the blossom, thanks to next door’s Concorde, time will tell if June drop gets them or not, fingers crossed
If they hang on this will also be first pear crop
And finally my new Lakemont grape is bursting into life. It is on grafted stock and this will be it’s first full year. Fruit is not expected
29 Apr, 2019
Previous post: Judas tree at Easter
Next post: Rain stopped, time for a look at the garden
Pretty good crops you have, grandad. I love the look of your Doyenne du Comice pear! Very exotic looking!
29 Apr, 2019
that holds a lot of promise for the summer :o)
29 Apr, 2019
Mouth's watering already...
29 Apr, 2019
Really nice photos GG!
29 Apr, 2019
Thrupenny, I did make an arch and trained a thornless blackberry over it, worked well but last year's drought meant the berries "cooked" in the sun, as did the wild ones, so I never got the real benefit, however the dream lives on with my grape
30 Apr, 2019
Wow! All that fruit, you will have a job getting through it all. Best of luck with the Cherries. We did have two trees, but only ever managed to pick fruit from one in nine years. All the other times the pigeons and Blackbirds had got to them first. One has now been cut down as it was in such a sorry state and the other has been killed (apart from one branch) by the pigeons eating all the shoots as soon as they appear. It just couldn't contend with it. So now I have a almost dead tree, one small clutch of leaves on the end of one branch, the rest dead and supporting a Clematis. Now have to decide what to do with it!
2 May, 2019
Looking very promising Grandad....
2 May, 2019
What a shame grandad your grape should be fine.
2 May, 2019
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Looks like your going to have decent crops this year shame the gooseberry has broken but at least you have fruit. Red Currents are lovely some thing you never see in shops any more neither Black Currants. Have you ever thought of growing over arches with you not having much space here is a clip so you can see what I mean.
29 Apr, 2019