The latecomers
By green_finger
It was a lovely bright, sunny & warm day this morning & a pretty pink bloom caught my eye that I hadn’t seen before so I had to go & investigate.
It was hesperantha that I barely remembered planting (was it last year or the one before) I hadn’t listed it anywhere & don’t remember where I got it but it’s so lovely I had to take a picture.
The info says they flower best after a wet summer & we have been deluged daily here for ages & that they can be slow to get going (that’s true).

So I thought I’d venture further to see how the one I did remember buying was doing & I’m so glad I did because I was treated to a whole clump of blooms, these are H. Major, the red one, so another picture taken.
The hesperantha’s don’t know we’re into autumn they think it’s late summer still.

Next, I spied a yellow dahlia.
I think it must be Bridge View Aloha.
This is one I thought I’d lost as no growth appeared until well into summer & then just one big bud a few weeks ago, but it has been cold since then & I didn’t think it would open. I am so pleased the sun did its trick though so snapped a pic of it.

I also took a pic of Robinia Frisia before it loses it’s canopy as this is its 3rd year in my garden & it is filling out nicely. It makes such a welcome bright hi-light in the border flanked by Japanese anemones & Helianthus Lemon Queen

Heading back toward the house I had to capture Rosa Absolutely Fab. because it is, lol. It’s only been planted a month or so & was flowering then, but it had since produced 6 new blooms & some buds.
Schoolgirl also has quite a few buds but time will tell if they open or not.
I really hope the frosts stay away a while longer so my latecomers can stay lovely & cheer my days.
24 Sep, 2017
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Next post: Ladybird, ladybird fly away home ......
Looking great
Nice mix of plants as well, I have a Robinia Frisia it does light up the garden and doesn't cast too much shade ...
24 Sep, 2017
Very nice GreenF. I hope my Hesperantha flower
24 Sep, 2017
Love and amazed you have a Robinia Frisia, hardly see them in the South, many lost due to disease, we lost a beautiful one!
The Hesperantha are great plants, some flower on and off all through the year.
24 Sep, 2017
Thank you for sharing Greenf. We are so lucky to have
24 Sep, 2017
Gosh, what lovely comments from you all, thank you so much I do appreciate them.
24 Sep, 2017
Lovely. Robinias are s pretty! I'd never heard of hesperanthas - aren't they lovely!
24 Sep, 2017
They are, Stera, I'm pleased with mine. They like moist soil, pond side is ideal but I don't have a pond so mine are just in a border.
24 Sep, 2017
Angela, sorry to hear you lost yours. While I do love the Robinia I have I really intended to plant Robinia pseudoacacia Hillieri Tree (do you know of it) but couldn't find it at the time.
24 Sep, 2017
It's nice to see some late colour ! I hope your garden remains colourful for a while longer :)
24 Sep, 2017
Me too, Hywel, it'll soon be tidy up time outside.
25 Sep, 2017
Nice :)
25 Sep, 2017
Lovely to see the colour. Hope the weather is on all our side that it remains colourfully a bit longer. :-)
25 Sep, 2017
No I don't know that variety GF, will look it up! ....
Yes I like that, so pretty.......noticed the RHS have acknowledged at long last!! there are problems with Frisia, and not just in this country, I knew it wasn't us!
25 Sep, 2017
You have some really lovely roses, GF! Like you I, & I suspect the great majority of us here, would like the warm autumn weather to continue a while longer as well!
In a few weeks, I want to do the annual changeover - out with the old & in with the new! The plants on the balcony are looking all the worse for wear & I need to get my spring bulbs planted & the spring bedding plants put in also.
26 Sep, 2017
They certainly bring some colour into a grey day. Love the roses.
26 Sep, 2017
Angela, I had the Hillierii one in a previous garden, it was stunning, I wish I had it now, it's hard to find.
Have you ever visited Hillier's Gardens in Hampshire; 180 acres,400 champion trees and 14 national collections - must be amazing. Hilliers books are 'the gospel' on trees.
Balcony, I agree some are looking jaded & tired while others are coming into their own. The dahlia I posted has opened more fully now & looks huge - like a big sun. I'll not be putting more bulbs out though, just going to stick with what's already there.
Eirlys & Jen, the colour is a joy at this time of year.
26 Sep, 2017
Gf, the stupidity of the young. I have moved about a bit and back in the late 80s /90s I lived in Romsey for 7 years and I never once went to the Hilliery's Arboretum :-(. I could kick myself now!!!! I used to go the Mill water garden centre that Charlie Dummock worked at as my ex was into his fish.
27 Sep, 2017
What a pity, Jen, isn't it silly that we always look far & wide but forget about what's on the doorstep, lol.
I'd love to visit the 4 acre Winter Garden.
''It has more than 650 plants grown for their winter beauty. It has been planted to show a wide range of plants that are at their best from November until March. This is a period that many assume is a 'quiet' time for gardens.''
Here's a link with a couple of short video's
& this one highlights some of the fabulous areas to see.
28 Sep, 2017
Wow Green finger, thank you for the links - that place looks so amazing! I would love to go and spend several days at least wandering around the different areas. And then again at different times of year. How awesome it would be to be able to do that.
29 Sep, 2017
Yes, indeed, Pamela, 180 acres would take some exploring!
(I wonder if they would notice a tent & sleeping bag hidden away in the rhododendrons?)
30 Sep, 2017
Jen: Hilliers is a bit more commercialised now but still well worth a visit as is their garden centre.
The Mill water garden centre is no longer: built on. We liked to visit and feed the Koi there. Once spoke to Charlie before she became well-known!!
The other water garden is still there though the pond displays are not quite so striking. Still worth a visit as they give one ideas Lovely waterfall with huge Koi. When the place was flooded in 2014 Steve and Chadwick "escaped". Read all about them here at:
2 Oct, 2017
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Fantastic flowers thanks for showing.
24 Sep, 2017