An August Garden
By hywel
My garden is a jumble of plants, and they are so overgrown, that it really needs sorting out.
There’s such a lot there, and sometimes I think they are choking each other as they fight for room.
Lots of the shrubs need cutting back, but it has been difficult getting around to it this year between the bad weather and everything else, but I hope by next year I will be more organised :D
I have taken some photos on different days through the month, and although it’s not as neat and tidy as most other people’s gardens, I’ve decided to put a few in a blog :)
There’s such a lot to do, and in reallity it’s much worse than it looks in the photos,
… but as you can see, the garden is for relaxing in :D
31 Aug, 2016
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My type of garden Hywel - something special round every corner - I especially like your rose picture - what is its name - I am sure it has a beautiful perfume - lovely pictures of Bella - best wishes to you both - Jane
31 Aug, 2016
Your garden will appeal to many Hywel (including me) Some lovely pictures and views of your garden I have not seen before.
31 Aug, 2016
Its easy to see how your plants love your garden Hywel - its a riot of colour and you have some real beauties there - love the hibiscus, and what a tall fuchsia - never seen one so tall that was self supporting-or is that a cane behind it? The photo of Bella sitting on the fencepost is lovely - she's admiring the view!
31 Aug, 2016
IT s nice to have such a lovely view as a backdrop to your garden.
31 Aug, 2016
Our balcony is almost a duplicate of your garden, Hywel, plants everywhere & hardly space to move around!
You should see the "tomato jungle" I've "created" - the living room windows of our flat are almost invisible from the street! I notice too, now, that light is also having some difficulty in finding its way through all the foliage! LOL!
I'd not worry about the "mess" after all it's you who lives in it & enjoys it every day! "Tidy" gardens are missing out on a lot of life & look so artificial! Since when did you see Nature sow things in straight lines & rows upon rows of identical plants? No, you are just copying Nature's plan for a garden!
I love your last phrase about a garden being a place to relax in! :-))
31 Aug, 2016
"Neat and tidy" isn't the only way to have a beautiful garden, Hywel. It looks lovely, even if your fingers are itching to clear it a bit. I confess that I like a bit of wildness in the garden!
31 Aug, 2016
Lovely garden, love your clematis. I agree a tidy garden is not a must, a little untidy and wild is more my thing. My garden looks like a jungle compared to yours! I have left an area untouched in a corner of my garden as I will be putting a summerhouse there next spring. It has been interesting to see what self seeds and which plants crowd others! Will post a pictures under my photo's.
1 Sep, 2016
Hywel it's how a garden should be full of lovely lovely plants and more plants ! and a few chosen statues my favourite being St Francis and a sundial what more could you want oh and Bella .
Kind regards to you and Beryl ?
1 Sep, 2016
It's stunning! So full of colour, mine looks really drab apart from the odd splash from the Dahlias and Chrysanths., everything else seems to have gone over. Lack of planning of course. Yours is how a 'proper' country garden should be - crammed with all sorts of wonderful plants, all looking so healthy, not a bit of slug damage in sight! Perhaps your little helper keeps them away, though she looks more interested in catching the sun. Superb.
1 Sep, 2016
It's all looking wonderful Hywel and at least Bella seems to be enjoying it. I'm sure you'll get round to doing whatever it is you want to do eventually, but I for one think it's lovely just the way it is.
1 Sep, 2016
It's beautiful just as it is, and Bella seems to love it too.
1 Sep, 2016
Thanks for all your kind comments :)
Next year in my garden I hope to have 'organised chaos' instead of just 'chaos' :D
Jane the rose is called Gentle Hermione. It has a lovely scent :)
1 Sep, 2016
The tall fuchsia is standing up n its own Sue :)
1 Sep, 2016
Hywel its absolutely gorgeous, I just wish I could get the results you get, I'm going green with envy at your fuschias and clematis, you must have the combination and conditions right even though you say its chaotic, I could relax there quite happily, thats if Bella would allow me to of course...I don't do pristine or organised here, it just sort of evolves as I go along, admittedly I have been cutting back this year but thats because things went a bit unruly whilst my back was turned and my shrubs went silly and took advantage, now I have spaces to fill up again...
Lovely blog and photographs....
2 Sep, 2016
Thank you Sue, but it is really a tangled mess and it's getting on my nerves lol. I don't want a 'tidy' garden, but I'm afraid mine is a disaster at the moment - a colourful disaster, but a disaster none the less :D
3 Sep, 2016
Looks perfect to me,soooo much colour and jam packed with plants.
3 Sep, 2016
It looks good to me, and the views are fantastic
4 Sep, 2016
Thank you both :)
5 Sep, 2016
Thank you for sharing your gorgeous garden Hywel. I have had a few years of neglecting the garden because of various mini crisis and we decided to go away for 17 days R&R in August. In preparation I filled 7 big 'green' wheelie bins for the council recycling scheme. I managed to refill five of the empties before we set off and was still chucking bits in when the chaps came on Friday am. for the monthly collection - another 7 gone. They will be back on 30th September by which time I will be desperate to have the empties again. The weather has suited the plants well this year and the growth has been unprecedented. As I feel refreshed I have taken a decision to cut back lots of stuff I normally leave until the Spring because old age is slowing me down. I sympathise with your desire to get control of your garden but my OH just laughs and says 'it will still be here when we are gone'. I hope I am not wrong when I view my grand children taking a great interest in the garden and I assume our generation are kindling the growth of the future gardeners. Your clematis are fantastic.
9 Sep, 2016
Thank you Scotsgran :)
It will still be here when we're gone ... LOL
Does that mean we should just leave it alone and not bother ?
I hope you enjoyed your holiday :)
10 Sep, 2016
LOL Hywel I wish. He loves seeing the garden look good. I think he just worries that I have too much to do. Like many others I discovered my passion for gardening after I retired and I am not joking when I say I struggle to keep all the expanded areas in cultivation. We had a lovely holiday thank you.
10 Sep, 2016
Thank you all :)
18 Sep, 2016
Your borders are like ours .....full to busting I don't do bare soil!!
At the moment we are having a good clean up, could do with being ten years younger!! cutting things down early this year...but we do need to stop an enjoy the garden otherwise it becomes a chore...
26 Sep, 2016
I agree there's so much to do that we don't sit and enjoy it. If I sit down I always see something that needs doing and get up again lol
I think I'll be cutting things back early this year too ...
26 Sep, 2016
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as usual Hywel a lovely blog. Do you really want a pristine garden? I used to think I did but the best combinations seem to the more wild ones. I had planned to get the garden in order now I have retired but I have so much more things to do that the garden is still taking second place.
and as you say the garden is for relaxing in. Hope you and Beryl are getting plenty of R&R. :o)
31 Aug, 2016