Mid September
By hywel
I like the autumn – summer is always too hot or too wet, and I’m glad it’s gone.
September has been lovely so far – warm and sunny, and it’s lasting well, but they say there’s going to be a change over the week end.
I don’t mind though – I like the autumn.
I’ve got loads of bulbs to plant and hope to do it soon.
My potted Fuchsias are starting to wind down, and I am taking as many cuttings as I can and putting them in my new propagators that I bought in Wilko lol
There’s a lot of cutting back and tidying to do, but I think I’ll let it die back naturally first, and then do a general tidy-up sometime in the early spring.
Here are some photos I took yesterday :)
Hardy Fuchsias in the ground are doing well …
This one has gone wild inside a perspex shelter ! :O
View of front garden …
I hope we wcan all enjoy the autumn before winter sets in. It’s a colourful season :)
16 Sep, 2016
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Thank you.
I think the shelter gives it some protection against the worst weather :)
16 Sep, 2016
I do not see anything winding down in your pictures Hywel. Your garden still looks lovely as ever. The fuchsias are still incredible. Do not know how you do it to make them look so beautiful for such a long time. Mine did not fare well this year. I had only 3 plants.
16 Sep, 2016
Thanks Klahanie ...
The Fuchsias in the garden are fine. It's the ones in pots that are winding down.
I'm sorry yours were not very good this year. I hope they will improve by next year for you :o)
17 Sep, 2016
Hello Hywel. Having seen and admired your fuchsias over the years, I decided to grow more of them in my garden as from next year. I like plants which flower continuously for many months and bear beautiful flowers. Fuchsias are the best example.I only have 5 this years and have all been in flower for many months. Unfortunately I misplaced the labels and have no idea what variety they are and whether are hardy or not. I grow them outside in the border and intend to leave them there and see what happens.
I hate plants which flower for a few days only, regardless of how beautiful they are. My garden is rather small to accommodate all.
17 Sep, 2016
Your garden is so colourful and tidy, Hywel, as is the greenhouse. I shall be showing the latter to my Other Half to shame him into tidying the fuchsias there.
17 Sep, 2016
Your garden looks great Hywel. Love all the colour.
17 Sep, 2016
Lovely garden as ever Hywel :o) Hope this balmy weather lasts a bit longer it is a pleasure to be outdoors in the garden is'nt it?
17 Sep, 2016
Thanks for sharing your lovely garden with us. Fuchsias beautiful, as always.
17 Sep, 2016
well for the winding down its looking brilliant Hywel.
some lovely plants still doing there thing.
17 Sep, 2016
September is the best Hywel....enjoy this final performance before it all goes into hibernation .?
18 Sep, 2016
Looking great Hywel ... all the rain we have had.
Still looks fresh and not winding down yet by the look of it
18 Sep, 2016
Still looking spectacular Hywel. My fuchsias have not done too well but at least they are still alive. Is your propagator an electric one? How are you going to do your cuttings?, any tips for the rest of us?
18 Sep, 2016
Well would you believe it my comment has disappeared, thats not happened lately Hywel..
I was saying that I too love the autumn, all the colours and everything changing daily, I don't like it too hot it makes me moody and you do not feel like doing anything do you.
Your fuschias are fabulous as always, my hardy ones have done really well this year but the newer ones bought last year and also this have really struggled and some are only just showing any flowers, even then its only a couple at a time, don't know why as I do feed them, the one in your shelter is really something to admire, don't think I have ever seen one as good, not even in the orangeries that I have visited in the grand NT houses...
I have planted all my bulbs, wallflowers and forgetmenots but like you I leave my cutting back until end of winter come springtime, I hate cutting back or removing anything thats still giving me some flowers and if this auumn lasts as long as it did last year then I'll still have flowers in Dec, fingers xx...
Lovely photo's of your garden Hywel, still lots of colour to admire...
18 Sep, 2016
Thanks for all your comments :)
Scotsgran my propagators are electrical. I bought one in a garden centre, and the other two in Wilko :)
None of them have thermostats. They're either on or off.
I have no tips. I just take a cutting and stick it in some compost. Then I water it and plonk it in a propagator ... and hope for the best :D
Good luck if you take cuttings ...
I was wondering why you hadn't said anything Sue. It isn't like you to just click the like button alone.
I'm pleased to know you have planted your bulbs. I still have mine to plant, but I want to work out where I'm going to plant them before I do some re-organising :)
18 Sep, 2016
Your back garden looks glourous Hywel and your perspex shelter last but one photo looks like a tropical hot house? wonderful cours in your front garden for autumn.
18 Sep, 2016
What can I say that the others haven't already said. Like them I think your garden looks lovely, still so full of colour. Seeing yours and Steragram blogs and photos of furshias this last summer has re ignited my love for them. Thank you.
18 Sep, 2016
Thank you Hywel. I will have a go at taking cuttings of the fuchsias. There is plenty of cutting material but very few flowers.
19 Sep, 2016
Fabulous fuchsias, a splash of colour, they seem to like overhead protection, at least mine do. Your garden is amazing Hywel.
19 Sep, 2016
Thank you all :)
20 Sep, 2016
Last as usual....... nothing to add that hasn't already been said...... great end of season garden Hywel.btw do you cut the hardy Fuchsia's down, have just planted a well established one in the ground?
26 Sep, 2016
Thank you :)
I cut the hardy Fuchsias back in the spring. If you leave them until springtime you can cut them back to the height you want - just like other shrubs really.
26 Sep, 2016
Right will do and thanks .....
26 Sep, 2016
Great to see more photos of your Fuchsias, Hywel. Although I lost a few while away during July but those that survived have flowered very well.
That is except for 'Lady Boothby'! She just doesn't make much progress at all! The cutting I took also died so I still only have the original plant. I'm thinking of taking it out of the "bucket" where it has been for the last several years & give it a pot to itself with perhaps a few spring bulbs.
27 Sep, 2016
A plant that grows big/tall may prefer being in a pot of its own.
The bulbs will have died back by the time it comes into growth so it won't have any cpmpetition.
27 Sep, 2016
Perhaps you are right, Hywel. Come back in a year's time & I will tell you how it got on! LOL! Meanwhile I'm posting a photo I took today of 'Lady Boothby' in my photos page.
28 Sep, 2016
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How the front garden has changed since the spring! Its looking very autumnal already. Hasn't the pyracantha done well? You'll have all the blackbirds from the area queuing up for it!
You do have the magic touch with fuchsias - it not usual to see them climbing about on the roof! They do seem to love that perspex shelter - worth all the effort you put into making it.
16 Sep, 2016