Meet George ...
A lady called Shirley comes to cut my hair, and asked me a few days ago if I wanted...
The ZZ plant
I'd never heard of this until I bought one a few days ago ...
I was in a well known...
Bottom of the garden
A single track road passes the bottom of my garden, and there's an opening from the...
2021 so far ...
The year started off with Snowdrops and I noticed they are gradually spreading through...
Winter pots
I planted up two pots for winter decoration and put them by the front door, using...
Finished path.
I've been tidying a path that followed the line of my trellises down the garden....
A short message
I am sorry to tell you all that my dear Beryl passed away peacefully in the early...
Monthly favourites.
I've been trying to sort out my old photos on my computer, and as you can imagine...