Once more same as before! ! !
By ian_digs_v2
Well its no secret now that I’ve been taken over by the Dark side (as Nariz put it).
The flowery things have had more of my attention than my babies have recently (thats veg to you ) and I seem to be enjoying them almost as much.
Well it seems one border isn’t enough for family Digs and I was charged with taking a dead(ish) bit of space which ran down the side of our path and turning it into something worth looking at!
This space is about 15 foot long and 2 – 3 foot wide.
So I started to dig (this photo is blurred because it was raining at the time)
and dig, (its still raining !)
Well the rain did start to come down! so that was the end of day one.
Day two
I actually got some help ! ! ! ! ! (Yippeeeeeee)
So we dug
and dug
Till we could dig no more. There were more roots and stuff per foot of this bed than there was in the entire of the first bed. There were those tiny candy floss roots, the usual long thick weedy ones, and some enormous tree trunk type things that just went on and on and …. well you get the idea ! ! !
You find the most amazing things when you dig over other peoples work
I have no idea why this plastic sheeting was put down and then 4 inches of soil put over the top? but it only went a few feet and stopped again. ?
Day three
Well day three started much the same as day two finished. ie. more digging, until, finally we reached the end.
Now today I have to report the kind of help I got………….
From both female members of the Digs family.
Funnily enough, she did wake up in time to go to the garden centre
Not a bad selection really, even if I do say so myself
I’ve got a list somewhere, but you must know what I’m like by now.
I can’t find it! ! !
Ah-Ha I’ve found it, here goes, we have:
1 X Gaillardia, (Dazzler)
2 X Hebe x Franciscana – Variegana
2 X Aruncus Dioicus, (Goatsbeard)
2 X Dwarf Dianthus (Show girl and Raspberry sundae plus the Dianthus – Passion we had in the other bed!)
1 X Echinacea purpurea, (Coneflower)
2 X Phygelius x rectus African queen (Cape figwort)
1 X Crocosmia (crocusmiiflora)
and finally
2 X Geranium macrorrhizum (Bevan’s Variety)……..Phew! ! !
Well now comes the “good” bit. I placed them, then I re-placed them, then I pinched some from the other bed and replaced them, until I’d had enough and I planted them
Carol supervised, of course???
And the finished article…….. Well I like it and it does have a sort of theme, at least a lot of the colours match.
I also added the Cineraria (Silverdust) and a couple of Salvias (Red)
Like I’ve said before….. I bet the majority of you could do this in your sleep, but I’m learning………….
4 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Veg verses Flowery things?
Next post: Another quick update
Wow!! That looks amazing Ian....well done you!! Poor Carol looks exhausted though, Lol :))
4 Aug, 2009
She really was Di, she had been up all night and was in sooooo much pain. :~((
Thanks for the compliment by the way but I thought I should explain about Carol first. (She might hit me again) Lol
4 Aug, 2009
Thats the worst bit done,Now sit back and watch it mature :-)..
4 Aug, 2009
I wish Swanky, Carol has her eyes on my veggie patch next ! ! ! ! ! HELP
4 Aug, 2009
I can't see that happening your a Veggie man at heart ar'nt you !!??
4 Aug, 2009
Well I was co-ursed into a piece treaty which included a polly tunnel for myself and a table, chairs and parasol type thingy for her majasty. The land was originally set aside for a seating area about 3 years ago and now she's pushing for it to be returned to its 'proper' use (sob, sob) :~((
4 Aug, 2009
Swanky, you weren't telling Carol to sit back & watch Digger mature were you?????????
Seriously, well done Petal! It looks good to me!
Hope Carol's feeling better.
4 Aug, 2009
Well errrrrrhhummmmmm!!
4 Aug, 2009
I quite agree!!
4 Aug, 2009
Ian bless you we all learn as we go along and you mark my words we all have out fair share of mistakes and even disasters sometimes,you are doing a grand job and be proud of it mate.Sorry Carol`s not feeling well,give her my regards and hope she is better soon.( Sue)
4 Aug, 2009
Thanks GoYs for all your comments. Carol really was knac....... tired and as I say her painkillers are not the type you can buy over the counter. :~)(
4 Aug, 2009
Nice one mate! You may just be learning but me also and I've actually learnt something from this blog...Cineraria - silverdust!
Ali brought some from the previous abode and we thought it had had it BUT, repotted in a bigger pot and a hanging basket and it's thriving. Also got some by the pond as well so thanks for giving me the name as we didn't know what it was.
In no time the border will look ace and you will be 'begging' the good lady to allow youto go to the garden centre for YOU to purchase more flowers...excuse the pun but it's a bug, and not a nasty one at that.
Keep up the good work sir!
4 Aug, 2009
Cheers Oddbillie, Pleased I could help with the silver whatsit and I do beg to go to the GC but not for flowers........ :~))
4 Aug, 2009
It looks great Ian and you have a nice selection of plants there too :o)
I also hope Carol will be feeling better soon. There' s nothiong worse than having to take pain killers. They make you drowsy and you can't do anything then.
4 Aug, 2009
Thanks Hywel, Some of them may not stay there and I wish I had done it earlier so that I could have added some bedding plants aswell (just to fill it out a bit) You sound like you also have to take strong ones? I know I fool about with my blogs and the photos but Carol and I both know only to well when to wake each other up and when to let the other sleep.
4 Aug, 2009
Enjoyed your blog and photos, Ian. The new flower bed looks great and in a short while it will look as if its always been there :)
4 Aug, 2009
Thanks Gee, I could have doubled the ones I got from the garden centre but money, time and err ..... well money stopped me :~))
4 Aug, 2009
It's a nightmare when you have to take drugs to get you through the pain, & they just stop you functioning! Hope Carol's back on her feet soon!
4 Aug, 2009
Awww thanks sweety, we tend to hold each other up when it gets bad but she's alot better today, :~)))
4 Aug, 2009
Good to hear, give her my best! You ok today?
4 Aug, 2009
Flower bed looking really good Ian.Well done for keeping at it "Carol as well of course" hope Carol feels bit better and will be able to sit and enjoy your lovely garden :~)))))
4 Aug, 2009
Well it 'miserabled' all day here so we haven't had much of a chance to get out there :~((
Miserabled ? oh thats easy, you know when its almost raining but not quite enough to say it is but you still get wet?
Does anyone have a clue what I'm going on about?????
4 Aug, 2009
Scarily enough, yes!! :~}
4 Aug, 2009
I thought you might understand Lol
Its almost like 100% humidity
4 Aug, 2009
Aye! We call it "Smirry rain" here (dunno why) or Scotch Mist & I think the Irish would call it A soft day.
M x
4 Aug, 2009
Going to bed me thinks !!!!!
4 Aug, 2009
Ok, sweet dreams!
4 Aug, 2009
Know what i would call it Mp "Doin Your Head In"Lol
4 Aug, 2009
Nahhhh I've changed my mind now. I want to see that pic.......
4 Aug, 2009
You're right Mobee! He is! Ok, I'll put it up for 10 minutes only!
4 Aug, 2009
Well, that's it! No uniform, nowt!
4 Aug, 2009
Ahhhh yes now I remember, theres nothing wrong with that pic, it looks cooooooool. :~))
By the way you can only change your icon twice ! ! ! ! !
4 Aug, 2009
You BETTER be kidding!!!!!!
4 Aug, 2009
WHAT *?!*?! not even any h h h handcufffffffs?
4 Aug, 2009
I think that makes it 2 - 0 to me.
Gotcha....... again
4 Aug, 2009
Nah! My b/f took them off me!
4 Aug, 2009
:~ (((((
4 Aug, 2009
4 Aug, 2009
Its still up then?
4 Aug, 2009
4 Aug, 2009
Numpty dumpty sat.......... haven't we been here before?
I am going this time, goodnight all x x x
4 Aug, 2009
Goodnight Numpty!
4 Aug, 2009
That was a god trip to the GC Ian, nice plants and good planting too !
5 Aug, 2009
Thank you Louise, I am really enjoying myself now but don't tell Maccrimmon! LOL
5 Aug, 2009
See you at the flower shows Ian !!!!!
5 Aug, 2009
Lol, but I had better go in disguise ! ! !
5 Aug, 2009
We'd still spot you, Digger!
5 Aug, 2009
Well we wouldn't be able to spot you, you keep changing what you look like, one minute your coooool and the next your a cartoon character......... :~))
Morning by the way.
5 Aug, 2009
A fantastic transformation of that border Ian....well done both of yu....hope Carol is feeling better today...x
5 Aug, 2009
I'll let you know when/if she ever gets out of bed. Lol
5 Aug, 2009
Well, I just hate that photo! I usually hide when I see a camera! If I ever get a decent one, I promise I'll put it up!
It's a gorgeous sunny morning here (the sun woke me, streaming into my bedroom) & Smudge is sunbathing already!
5 Aug, 2009
Its Pi..... pouring it down here, woke me up I thought someone had left a tap running :~((
5 Aug, 2009
Shame! I've still got loads to do in the house, but hope to get out in the garden at some point!
5 Aug, 2009
how is your kitchen coming along?
5 Aug, 2009
Almost totally empty! Couldn't do much yest, too sore, but I NEED to get it emptied today, they arrive tomorrow! Been told I'll have no electricity or water in the kitchen for a week! I moved two single base units, the fridge & a worktop into the living room to make a makeshift kitchen!
5 Aug, 2009
That sounds like Hell on earth...................
How about you add a sink of similar with a bucket underneath? for washing up etc. You could use the waste water for watering your plants.......... Good luck and keep :~))))))))))
5 Aug, 2009
Not enough room! I'll use a basin, & can still use it to water the plants! I'm definitely going to make myself a mini greenhouse today tho! Got a shelf unit dying for a makeover, some paint & a big roll of bubble wrap!
5 Aug, 2009
Yeah Hatter go for it ! :~))
5 Aug, 2009
You sneaked this blog in when I wasn't looking Ian. You really have got the flowery bug haven't you but it's working it's magic on your new border which is looking great. Know exactly what you mean about moving them around and pinching bits from elsewhere, I do it all the time!
Lol . I feel so sorry for Carol, she has such a lot to put up with and now I feel even worse for my whinge elsewhere. Oops, I wasn't including you in that comment about Carol! :o))
5 Aug, 2009
Hee hee! :~))
5 Aug, 2009
Ohhhhh I nearly took offence there but it doesn't match our gate Lol and Carol would say I'm the biggest problem she has to put up with! ! ! Like I said we all deserve a whinge sometime and I've done plenty in the past and even thrown my dummie out of the pram so don't you feel bad about anything. You don't whinge anyway Lily, its horrible having to sit up all night with nothing to do, you were only showing how you felt. Keep smiling and the world will smile with you :~))
5 Aug, 2009
I think you could do with a new fence Ian !
5 Aug, 2009
LMAO. Your not kidding Lily, I'm thinking along the lines of a trellis :~)))
5 Aug, 2009
Trellis would be good but dare I say you have the cart before the horse?
5 Aug, 2009
Isn't that an awful lot of lines?? No wonder you're confused, Digger!
5 Aug, 2009
I'm a happy happy bunny today! Loads of work to do, but the sun's shining, & I've just been interviewed for uni on the phone, & I got in!!
Mind you the course starts the day I was supposed to go on my hols!
Ah well, can't have everything!!
5 Aug, 2009
Yes I know I have Lily, but thanks for pointing it out..... :~))
Congrats Hatter, Doesn't that always happen, I started a new job I had been after for about 2 years the day I was supposed to go to America ! ! !
5 Aug, 2009
Yep, we all live according to Sod's Law!
Thank you, I'm like a dog with two tails!
5 Aug, 2009
And so you should be. Well done and good luck for your course. x x x
5 Aug, 2009
Ta muchly!! :~)))))))))))))))))))))
5 Aug, 2009
Just to bring you back to earth........ did you get your kitchen finished? They're coming tomorrow you know! ! !
5 Aug, 2009
Wowwwwwww you and your helpers are getting your garden to look great Ian..........good choice of plants.........
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks Holly, I did get lots of help didn't I? :~)))
5 Aug, 2009
Spoilsport!! There's one wall unit I can't get down! I'll ask the nice men to get it for me!
I'm also going to try to blag the plumber to fit my new outside tap for me.It arrived today! Heehee! Time for the "helpless female" act, methinks! ;~))
5 Aug, 2009
Hmmmmm I've seen that act before......... me thinks :~))
5 Aug, 2009
5 Aug, 2009
you and Carol have done a great job
bless her heart she looks so young, so unfair to have to be reliant on painkillers.
the garden is looking great
xx x
5 Aug, 2009
Nice blog again, Ian! So you decided to plant it up with flowery things, eh? Looks good! You didn't say what you did with the plastic, I imagine you dug it up & got rid of it, didn't you?
What is Carol taking painkillers for? You probably wrote about it sometime before I started to read your blogs. I hope she's feeling better.
For the last week I've been suffering a lot with my sciatica, after a few days when I'd been feeling a little better again. Today I'm feeling a little better & have less pain. I'd been taking strong painkillers as well but stopped taking them some weeks ago. I didn't feel better for taking them so 3 weeks ago I stopped taking them. I've noticed no difference between the weeks I was taking them & the weeks that have passed since I stopped!
5 Aug, 2009
Hi again Balcony, I have taken the plastic up and it is destined to be reused as a 'tent' next year for my young veggie seedlings. Just to get them started a little earlier than usual. :~))
Carol and I are both disabled and suffer from different things but I don't think I have gone into to much detail before. I have a joint condition and suffered a small stroke earlier this year and Carol has been in a wheelchair for about 6 - 7 years now.
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the explanation, Ian. I remember you saying that you had a joint problem but I couldn't recall having read anything about Carol.
5 Aug, 2009
It's looking very smart, folks! :-)
6 Aug, 2009
Thanks David :~))
6 Aug, 2009
By the way, Digger, the helpless female act did the trick! The plumber has drilled through the wall for me, & says he'll fit the tap when he does the sink!
SO much easier than doing it myself!! :~))))
8 Aug, 2009
I should have known really, Well done you :~))
8 Aug, 2009
I just asked if he had a bit big enough that I cd borrow to drill the wall, & he asked why & said not to tell his gaffer, but he'd sort it for me! What a sweetie!
8 Aug, 2009
You women certainly know how to "wheedle" us men! :)
8 Aug, 2009
8 Aug, 2009
What???!!!! I would've done it myself, but he wouldn't lend me his bit!
8 Aug, 2009
Oh yeah, Now let me see about 15 - 16 comments ago ? ? ?
8 Aug, 2009
I would've!!!!!!! But as I keep telling you, no use getting a dog & barking yourself!!!
8 Aug, 2009
How did I not see this blog before, Ian? Sooorrryyy... :-(
I keep saying I'm proud of you - now I'm proud of all of you! You're using all the space you can to make a great garden - you'll be so pleased with it when it fills out, which won't take long!
Well done from me. XXXX
8 Aug, 2009
Awwwww, Thanks B. I am enjoying my flowery things and they will continue but I still like growing veggies. :~))
8 Aug, 2009
Well, of course - and why not?
8 Aug, 2009
I'm planning big changes for next year though, The bl**dy blight has beaten me twice but it won't next year. Grrrrrr :~))
8 Aug, 2009
Have had loads of that trouble here with my veggies (growing, for the first time,in containers :-(.
As for you women, remind me of my Aunt, Sister and Cousin, who all manage to get "away with murder", when it comes down to "tradesmen" lol! :-)
8 Aug, 2009
Oi! Watch it you!
It's not my fault that when I asked to borrow a drill bit the fool thought I wouldn't know one end of it from the other!
Lol! :~)D~~
8 Aug, 2009
I am really enjoying your blogs (and all the back chat after each new instalment) - you always make me smile. The new border looks fab - but oh dont be persuaded to give up the veg patch you have worked so hard on it - im sure that with your ability to make the most of your space there will be plenty of space for Carol to have her garden table and chairs, and flowers, and veggies!
10 Aug, 2009
Yes, he could grow veggies on the roof!
10 Aug, 2009
Well done Ian, was she ill from lack of useing muscles as that can make her ill. Its fashion now Madperth for men to grow them in their under pants thats of course if he wares them lol I know a fellow gardener grow them out of her bra and hung them on the line she has put Geraniums etc in them and I seen the picture lol
11 Aug, 2009
Hee hee!
11 Aug, 2009
??? Grow what in their underpants Morgana. Do you mean vegetables and are they still wearing them??? LOL
11 Aug, 2009
That was the image that came into my head too, Lily!!
11 Aug, 2009
What vegetables came into your head MP? LOL
11 Aug, 2009
That'd be telling! Haha!
11 Aug, 2009
I know what came into mine Ians favourites oooow me taters
11 Aug, 2009
Lily2 its now fashion on the gardening show s on tv to grow things in your underwear so one gardener I know tried it, if they want to wear them while growing vegies its up to them, but I would still stay with my original of what Ian s growing in his its his favourite he told us all so , so he did LMAO
11 Aug, 2009
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I must explain that Carol was in pain on day three and had taken some severe painkillers............. SORRY Carol :~((
4 Aug, 2009