White Hibiscus.
By ian_digs_v2
Well it seems that Sprizthenry has a lot to answer for, just when I thought all chance of buying more flowery things had passed us by and my wallet would be safe for a few months, Spritz goes and puts a photo of a pure white Hibiscus up. Carol, of course (who has a thing for all things Hibiscusy) Wanted, ney DEMANDED that I track one down and purchase it with most haste. Her actual words were (and I quote) “unless you want to join the local eunuch society, you WILL find me one of those white ones………..”
Did I bow down to this assault on my leadership of planet Digs, not to mention my manhood?………………………. To right I did, I was all over Ebay like a bad rash and didn’t rest until I had located, purchased and printed a reciept of said purchase.
Now I know most of you blokes will be thinking, tch, what a wimp, stand up for yourself man and other such blokey type things but I sleep very heavily and wasn’t leaving anything to chance! ! !
Now, answer me honestly lads, knowing what you do about my much better half (she’s reading over my shoulder!!!) Faced with such demands what would you do???
Thankfully it arrived yesterday, but due to me not having much sleep for the last few days! ! ! I thought today would be a good day to plant it .
Now, being a good flowery thing gardener and having spent the last week or so reading anything to stay awake, I knew that the first thing I should do is stand the pot in a bucket of water
We (that is to say Carol) chose a suitable place for it. So I moved a rather large pot that was there, cut a cross into the weed membrane and started to dig, (as is my want! ! !)
Having dug quite a big hole (with a trowel) I soon dicovered a large metal pipe running across the bottom of the garden? ? ?
Gas?, electric? who knows? so I filled the hole back in again, turned the membrane down and resited the large and now somewhat unliked (by me at least) pot in its original position.
So what of the Hibiscus I here you ask?
So what of the Hibiscus I here you ask?
Thank you, well there was no alternative really, ‘we’ had no other area prepared for it, ‘we’ couldn’t decide where else ‘we’ would like it so I stuck it in a bucket and put some cyclamen in with it.
I hope you like it………………..
Here’s a close up…………
PS. Spritz I was only kidding, I think its lovely really. :-))
7 Sep, 2009
Previous post: Strawberry Bed! ! !
Next post: Getting fruity in the garden!
Blimey that was fast Carol, I've only just finished! ! !
I do like it of course. :~)))
7 Sep, 2009
Digger - I posted a picture of a hibiscus in my garden with DOUBLE FLOWERS but you'll be relieved to know it is not commercially available. Sorry Carol
7 Sep, 2009
Great blog digs and .......ouch! Just the thought of the ole manhood thingymajob!!!
We saw some cracking Hibiscus a few weeks back at homebase and I resisted the temptation! Wish I hadn't now.
Been ourselves today and I bought quite a few packs of seeds for next year....12 in fact but much cheaper than buying the plants themselves. Gotta have a go eh?
This looks great though and best not to mess with one's pipes.....either of you....lol!
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely blog, lovely flower :-)
7 Sep, 2009
Hi Andrew, I've left a comment under the photo, Lol
Thanks OB 1 canoby, I don't intend messing with anyones pipes, Lol
Evening Sue, It is lovely, Carol has four now plus the one that was here when we moved in which is about ten yr old and flowers for ages. :~)))
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely Hibiscus - I want one for my conservatory - have to wait til payday though - I'm penniless this month what with the kids uniforms etc etc etc
7 Sep, 2009
Hi Spindle, God isn't that a racket though? When I went to school, apart from the basic uniform, I was told "if they want you to have it tell them to buy it for you" :~(((
7 Sep, 2009
Ahhhh, poor you, but wont get away with that nowadays- I tried to save money this year by buying the trousers in Asda, and the clips (dont know what they are called, but they are there instead of buttons!) fell off on day ONE of school. I was sooooo annoyed, back to M&S for me for a 'proper' pair. Also one of the schoolbags has a rip in it already, and it was a fairly decent one. Its never-ending. Have to save up for Christmas next - now THAT is a racket.
7 Sep, 2009
I got a bag for my packed lunch and never thought twice about it yet when we took a certain six yr old to get some things she had to have a High School Musical one that cost £12..... I'll say that again £12. For ONE. :~((
Then there was the HSM pencil case, PE bag, and drinks thingy. Bl@@dy rip off if you ask me.
7 Sep, 2009
Now DON'T get me started on christmas...................
7 Sep, 2009
lol...I feel dead guilty now for hijacking your blog to moan about school uniforms and Christmas...lol
7 Sep, 2009
Well I don't. I like taking things in different directions......... Someone will come along in a minute and snap us out of it, never fear. Lol
7 Sep, 2009
In that case allow me to continue moaning.....I got a letter from the school last year which said something like 'your son has been spotted as being a musical genius..please send cheque for two HUNDRED quid for cello lessons, and rent of said cello. My husband hit the roof. We ended up paying in installments. lol. Wont get caught this year, son HATES the cello.
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely plants Ian look nice together,agree with you on the HSM stuff, my 5yr old granddaughter had to have the bag and all the other stuff with it
i was shocked at the price of them, tried to buy her bag in Tescos £5.99 she was havin none of it Lol wanted Lelly Kelly school shoes £50 can`t repeat what i said:~))))))
7 Sep, 2009
Okay Ian/Spindle snap out of it ..... there you go! I don't blame you mate going for an all time record in Hibiscus buying, especially when you sleep heavy, you never know what is going to dissappear by the time you wake up .... OUCH!!! If you hack into the pipe and it hisses ... its gas, if it spurts out and you get wet ... its water, and if it goes BANG! and you end up with wings and a halo it was electricity. You made a wise decision to leave well alone. :o)))
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks Bobg - I was tempted to start on about the price of bread for a minute there....lol
7 Sep, 2009
great blog. dont forget to have drainage holes in that big bucket or you will be singing sopranno if you kill it by letting it get waterlogged :o)
7 Sep, 2009
Who mentioned Christmas ????????? :-)))
8 Sep, 2009
Great blog Ian (as ever). Well I've got to be on Carol's side haven't I and it seems like she knows how to get the best out of you....you men are such wimps about bodily things! Carol has great taste in plants so just keep doing as she says with the flowery things and you'll be having an 'Open Garden' in no time. :o))
8 Sep, 2009
Christmas??... what's that Sue?
8 Sep, 2009
NO idea Lily !!!! tee hee hee ! ; - ) )
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks Goy's :~))
SBG, that was an old bucket, not the one with the water in and yes "there's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza"
It wasn't me Sue, Honest............
Thank you Lily, I would love to open for the yellow book, I could have the first drive by garden! ! !
8 Sep, 2009
So fix it dear Ian, dear Ian fix it !!! lol ;-))
8 Sep, 2009
Christmas has been delayed this year. I only ahave a sat job 6 hours a week so havent got enough weeks to buy for a lil peppa pig addicts birthday and Christmas....especially as I have a plant list longer than my garden and now I have added a hibiscus to it
Cheers carol :o)
thankfully we dont have school uniforms to worry about yet!!
x x x
8 Sep, 2009
With what shall I fix it desr Liza, dear Liza, with what shall ifix it dear Liza, with what?
Carol says your welcome Mookins, and I say wait until they bloom next year, we'll be holding the national collection by then..............
8 Sep, 2009
I dont do waiting Ian... am rubbish at being aptient hehehe
x x
8 Sep, 2009
Lol :~)))
8 Sep, 2009
also rubbish at spelling/typing hehe
x x x
8 Sep, 2009
Love your White Hibiscus Ian.........Carole i love them as well and have recently bought 4 from ebay...... and i have done a swap with a friend for another one.....lol
8 Sep, 2009
LOL Ian, a 'drive - by garden? That's very funny and also a good idea for lazy garden visitors!
8 Sep, 2009
With a straw DI, DI, DI with a straw DI,DI with a straw ...... :o)))
8 Sep, 2009
i like a man who knows his place Ian...but dont tell my husband Julian that.....nice hibiscus tooo...;0))
8 Sep, 2009
carol knows what she wants just like myself and most ladys on here lol, anyway sorry you couldnt plant it but looks great in the bucket with the pretty cyclamen, very pretty indeed, good work ian :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Glad your 'bits' are still entact Digger...nice one Carol!
8 Sep, 2009
Nice use of a bucket, Ian! The Hibiscus looks fab together with the Cyclamen!
My mum came to visit us once in Spain & she bought me a lovely red Hibiscus. I still have some photos of it somewhere I saw them a few weeks ago when our granddaughter was looking through the photo albums!
8 Sep, 2009
Well I'm pleased to announce that the local church won't be gaining another soprano for the choir, Carol loves it "but it is just temporary, yes?"
Thanks for all your lovely comments :~))
Love the new avatar Mookins, brill.
9 Sep, 2009
like the blog Ian , hard work . . glad you didnt end up to knackered err if u know what I mean
9 Sep, 2009
Hi Mac, cheers mate and no I'm not Kna..... err yes well I'm not. :~))
9 Sep, 2009
Hi bis cu was glad you did as you were told, at least you`ve still got an end to your story. Loved the plant, its on my wish list.
9 Sep, 2009
Ohhhhhhhhhh stroller, you should be ashamed of that one! ! ! :~)))
9 Sep, 2009
Lovely plant Ian and Carol, with me its Clematis i have 13 now!!!!! some still in pots as they were from a newspaper where you just send the postage, but they'll soon come on next spring just got to find somewhere to put them LOL!! don't ! and don't get me started on schools!! :o)
10 Sep, 2009
Lol SK, I know what you mean but its sooooo peaceful during the day now, :~))
10 Sep, 2009
Such a sweet heart...more women wished they had a man who would give in so icely! :D
11 Sep, 2009
I've got to admit I like them as well..... :~))
11 Sep, 2009
Of course you do, ya big softy! LOL! :~)))))
11 Sep, 2009
Watch it you, you, you, you scottish person you, of the female variety. :~))~~
11 Sep, 2009
You wouldnt know what hit you if I didnt take the mick, Digger!
Hi, Healerwitch! Welcome to GoY!
12 Sep, 2009
Not a lot has changed since I last popped on here -then! Thank goodness, still lots of nutters giving me lots of laughs. I have spent a few hours today trying to catch up but obviously with the blogs going into epic proportions it is taking for ever !!!Lol Love Sue x
13 Sep, 2009
Hello Sue, where have you been hiding then? ? ?
13 Sep, 2009
Hi Sue!
13 Sep, 2009
Hello Ian and Marie. Sorry but life has been rather hectic in quite a few ways some which are too personal to be talked about here. My little grandson Josh has been in hospital to have an operation to correct a problem with his eyes. The little darling was such a star and was happy to co-operate fully with the nursing staff and only cried when he came out of theatre. His mum and I were much worse than him. Hopefully now his sight will be perfect and the bruising will soon be gone. He looks like he has been in the boxing ring.
I am planning a blog but have had trouble with the camera again. We think it may need a new battery. How long are they supposed to last? We have had the Kodak camera about 2 years but I have taken about 800 photos. It is a rechargeable battery but I suppose no two are alike are they? Anyway I hope to be back in the bosom of my good friends unless other unforeseen things crop up. Love Sue xx :~)))))))))
13 Sep, 2009
Well give little Josh a big cuddle from his GoY uncle Ian and you take a breather before you rush into anything else. We'll all still be here when you get yourself sorted out.
Best wishes from Carol and me. :~))
13 Sep, 2009
And me! Hugs to you, Josh and his mummy!
13 Sep, 2009
Bless you all 3 dear friends xxxx
13 Sep, 2009
13 Sep, 2009
Josh is now much improved -as kids generally are when we are still worrying about them!!!) My upsets are still not all over and not had opportunity to sort camera out so sadly pictures still remain behind their confines. (didn't know what other way to describe where they were) but as some of you know - senior moments take over LOL love to all my good friends Sue xxx
17 Sep, 2009
Thats good to hear! (about Josh, not that you're still having s*** to deal with!)
Chin up!
M xxx
17 Sep, 2009
Forget the senior moments Sue, let the youngsters deal with them! ! ! I'm so pleased that Josh is duing well and the other S**t will still be there later so ignore it for a while and have a day off. Look after yourselves (John included) and have a good GoY session. Bless you, :~))
17 Sep, 2009
Thanks for all your support Marie and Ian. Our little Josh has just flown off to Spain with his family for a week's holiday. Apart from a few now diminishing bruises you wouldn't know he had had an op'.
My camera is also going into hospital tomorrow (well the Kodak shop anyway!) We think it may need a new battery - not that we managed to work that small thing out by ourselves Doh!! Our eldest daughter suggested that just may be the problem!!! Battery? What battery? Oh! yes the one that gets charged up when we plug in the electric thingy!! Me thinks I may need to renew my battery at the same time; does anyone know where Ineed to look? only genuine nonsenses accepted Lol. Love Sue xx
20 Sep, 2009
I'm so pleased to here the good news re: Josh, you must all be relieved he's fine. Batteries, Carol keeps buying batteries but I've no idea where she puts them! ! ! Lol :~(( ?????
20 Sep, 2009
Glad little Josh is ok Grannysue.
20 Sep, 2009
Try freecycle Sue! LOL!
They changed their name up here to freegle, Digger!
20 Sep, 2009
I've been told this by someone else but they are still Freecycle here. I think its something to do with the American side of it. Not sure actually, was it you that told me?
20 Sep, 2009
Nope! Dunno who it was! No notification of a change tho, I nearly spammed it!
20 Sep, 2009
Hmmm must have been someone else then. Sorry to whoever it was but I do have a good excuse! ! !
Yes Hatter, it was something like free and legal = Freegle
20 Sep, 2009
Ah! Right! Honestly! Where can I get a cheap RELIABLE laptop?
20 Sep, 2009
I'm not sure, there are always deals where you can get a free one if you sign up to a contract for either a mobile phone or mobile broadband. I'm sure I don't have to tell you to be careful and read the small print first. :~))
20 Sep, 2009
oooh, yes! I've been told to try for one from the uni, as my eyesight makes things a wee bit problematic!
20 Sep, 2009
I'm sorry to here you have problems with your eyes. Will a laptop make a big difference?
20 Sep, 2009
I have permanent double vision, so I cant focus on the board, as the words separate out & double if I'm staring at them too long!! With a laptop (because all our course materials are online too) I could have it right in front of me!
20 Sep, 2009
So its a long sighted thing? that can be difficult to deal with, how are you with driving?
20 Sep, 2009
Have you tried a wanted ad on Freecycle?
20 Sep, 2009
No, I'm shortsighted! Its thew side-effect of some medication I was given in the 80's. They said it'd wear off in a couple of months! I dont drive (tho I can) but its ok, its just the teeny stuff like writing & small print, I need to take my specs off!
There are so many wanted ads up for laptops I've no chance!
20 Sep, 2009
Hmmm, Well apart from trying a uni based help or grant system then I'm stumped, unless you take my previous suggestion.
20 Sep, 2009
Thank you! xx
20 Sep, 2009
I wonder if the DWP ( I don't know what its called in Scotland) could help as it IS getting you off the unemployment figures?
20 Sep, 2009
Nope! They say I'm not entitled to anything!
The uni are going to assess me, but I've got to get letters from my gp and my optician!
20 Sep, 2009
I'll PM you. :~))
20 Sep, 2009
Got it & answered, ta!
20 Sep, 2009
Ya welcome ;~))
20 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
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- Killing off a website.
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- A bit of fun making a special effects video!
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- More strange goings on!
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Nice one Carol, i like them plants aswell, big softy really are'nt you Ian:o)))
7 Sep, 2009