What is a Digger to do?
By ian_digs_v2
As some of you know, we live in a tiny little bungalow and poor Holly has a bedroom that would be illegal in any prison in the land. So with space being at a premium, we were gifted a cabin bed from Freecycle.
This is one of these beds like a set of bunks but instead of there being a bottom bed there is shelves and cupboards etc. Well this has ‘swallowed a whole bunch of Holly’s toys and teddies (which she has more of than a teddie shop!!!) so We have managed to empty this…………..
It’s about 24" tall……
and the same across!
So you can imagine with a few holes drilled in the bottom it will make a really nice planter
The problem is, we don’t know what to put in it? Obviously it’s going to take some filling and Carol’s idea of a few bulbs (while being in the right area ) just wont do it.
So my question, to my lovely gardening chums is, apart from Holly’s brilliant idea of using it to stand on to feed the birds ……….
What would you put in it?
20 Nov, 2009
Previous post: Purple flowery things
Next post: In my garden.
By 'Hells Angels' I take it you mean Cyclemen Sue?
20 Nov, 2009
That size, with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage, would definitely take something lovely like a Japanese Maple ( purpurea would look good against that green! ) and then you could underplant it with crocus for the spring.....
Japanese maples ( Acers ) don't like wind, don't like full sun, need to be moved around quite a bit, and in acid soil if they're to be happy when young, so putting them in pots means that you can shift them around to suit their needs. And they're so lovely! ( There's a pic of one on my photos, and yes, it's been in a pot for about 10 years....)
Just an idea, Digs!
20 Nov, 2009
A very slow growing conifer to give height + the above suggestions or some heuchera perhaps. I think it calls for a trip to the GC, Ian, what a great excuse!
20 Nov, 2009
Fill the bucket with lots more new teddies :o)
20 Nov, 2009
.....or fill it with some pebbles, water, a miniature water lily, some water irises, etc etc.
20 Nov, 2009
Got it in one Digger ;~)
20 Nov, 2009
it would make a great tattie planter!!!
20 Nov, 2009
Tatties and Hell's Angels Mac ! A match made in heaven ! ;~)))
20 Nov, 2009
that would do it Sue
20 Nov, 2009
how about a real rootballed christmas tree I had one happily in a tub for many years and Holly could decorate it with bird food for christmas. when I was little we bought peanuts in their shell and strung them together you could hang them on the tree like edible tinsel!
20 Nov, 2009
There is some really good ideas here! Thanks all :~))
20 Nov, 2009
I like Pam's idea.
20 Nov, 2009
Would rubbarb grow in it????
Love the idea of water feature or bulbs
but i think i'd go for either potatoes
or add a wigwam of canes ready for green beans or even
sweetpeas xxx
hope you'll tell us eventually xxxx
20 Nov, 2009
I'd put something dark green and yellow variegated evergreen, like Euonymus pictata, because it would look good in that colour, surrounded by spring bulbs, polyanthus or primulas. plus some gladioli for summer, - replace the polyanthus with summer bedding in late spring.
20 Nov, 2009
Thanks Kimmy, I am just waiting to see if there is any more ideas before I let Carol and Holly help me to decide. Lol :~)))
20 Nov, 2009
Thanks Bamboo, I think we must have posted together then! Lol
All these brill ideas are being written down along with other planter ideas I've seen by using the links below!
20 Nov, 2009
By the by, Ian - I remember those cabin beds, very useful things, we had 2 of them when my kids were young. great storage.
20 Nov, 2009
Well Holly's room is 5ft by 9ft so you can understand why it's important to keep things 'tidy' Lol
20 Nov, 2009
New spuds! or strawberries!!!!
20 Nov, 2009
Hmmm yummie, slurp, dribble ;~))
20 Nov, 2009
How about hostas...with trailing ivy down the sides...you've enuf room?!
By the way Holly...love the cabin bed...well cool!! ;o)))
20 Nov, 2009
I like spring bulbs with strawberries on top!
Pretty, and ymmy...pretty yummy!
21 Nov, 2009
If you want a flowery thing, Digs, something like an azalea or a small rhododendron might do it, though once they've flowered they're a bit boring! I think if it's 24" tall it needs something to balance it's height, otherwise it'll be all container and norra lorra plant, and look 'bottom heavy' ( some of us know that feeling! )!
New potatoes would do nicely...or carrots......or let Holly have it for one of her own gardening projects.....Happy Birthday, Holly....hope you're having a lovely day!
21 Nov, 2009
Happy Birthday from me too Holly!xx
21 Nov, 2009
I would plant it up with bulbs and cyclemen and pansies for the winter.... then in the summer you can fil it with summer bedding plants........or a shrub.... or another of the lovely hibiscuss......... bet holly loves her new bed....
21 Nov, 2009
Like Gee's idea think it would look brill with watter lillies etc in it :o)))
21 Nov, 2009
I had the same problem when sprog was cleared out at the age of 8ish we had 3 of them, they were used (without drainage holes) for tatties the first year and one is still kept as a spare for any volunteers that pop up the other two were put into use as mixing tubs and wheeless barrows for all sorts of s...tuff.
They do not last long outside they don't like sunshine (UV light).When mixing potting compost (bought bags ) and either or both manure and home made compost theyre just the right size and with the handles easily moveable.
I do however really like Pams idea of a crimble tree that you can bring in every year and decorate with bird food afterwards when it goes out again!!!
As a water feature its liable to split if it freezes for that a better bet is an old rubberised dustbin the depth will allow a few goldfish to live in it (with some oxegenating weed) and a waterlily and as its rubber it will stretch if it freezes and not crack!
21 Nov, 2009
I like Pams idea, or alternatively a shrub needing ericacious compost that you wouldn`t be able to accomodate in a border.
21 Nov, 2009
hi ian im a bit late lol, all the above are great ideas, think i like the janpanese maple idea from Bscott as i love maples :o))
21 Nov, 2009
Is it Holly's birthday? Happy Birthday Holly!!!!!! :-D Did you get a nice prezzie?
I have one of these tubs with a Camellia in it, but it has outgrown it in recent years and now I haven't a clue what to do with it....haven't got the right kind of ground to plant it out so I'm a bit stuck! THink some nice tall tulips would look nice in there - Spritzhenry did a nice blog recently on her various tubs and containers for ideas. I also like the strawberries idea, but when I did that I had problems with vineweevil grubs, just to warn you.
21 Nov, 2009
I know this isn't relevant, but every time I click on this and see the pic, I think "I really like the colour of that stripey bedding.. and the pink wall and blue bed together"!
21 Nov, 2009
Too cool for words is the Diggsy household, thats why I didn't mention it!.
21 Nov, 2009
is it hollys birthday, wasnt mentioned in blog!
21 Nov, 2009
Happy Birthday, Holly!! xxxxxx
21 Nov, 2009
Well all, the important stuff first! I've survived Holly's birthday. A house full of charging, hypa kids on an 'E number' high. Tear ar**ing around our little bungalow and generally taking years off my life. Lol (Next year, it'll be a trip to McDonalds with the credit card! ) :~((
Holly has 'High school musical'? stuff coming out of her ears. Apparently it's something that kids like but I haven't got a clue. All I know is we spent a fortune on HSM table cloth, plates, napkins, cups and even a High School Musical cake!!!!!
Oh and that tub? It's been used to take all Holly's new toys! so I don't have it any more. :~((
22 Nov, 2009
didnt know it was her birthday ian, was wondering why members were wishing happy birthday and wasnt mentioned on this blog ,, anyway hope holly had a great time and loved all her pressies :o))
22 Nov, 2009
Oh well, so much for that then! lol
22 Nov, 2009
Nice one, Holly!
Way to go, girl!!!
23 Nov, 2009
Lol. See my suggestion near top of the blog...
.....fill bucket with new toys...Lol. :o)
23 Nov, 2009
Obviously youre sidekick, TT, awesone prediction power!!!!
Pay attention next time everyone, no one speaks till the oracle has spooked (as if thats gonna happen LOL) ;~)))
25 Nov, 2009
TT.....is......W-A-T-C-H-I-N-G....Y-O-U :o)
25 Nov, 2009
I think it would make a very nice water proof hat(as long as you haven't already made drainage holes) You could use the ropes to hook around your ears so that it doesn't blow off in the wind. I hope that helps!
25 Nov, 2009
Well I've 'liberated' it again! I've spent most of the day (in between bidding on EBay and wringing my hands worrying that I've spent to much!) tidying toys away and putting some shelves in a cupboard for her toys. So the games still on. Lol
Paul, one thing strikes me about your suggestion and that is, You must have one hell of a head!!!!!!!!! ;~))
25 Nov, 2009
and lugs !!!
26 Nov, 2009
Now Ian, I TOLD you not to get carried away bidding on that Farrari on e-bay! What's Carol going to say when THAT arrives outside? Tut, tut...
27 Nov, 2009
Game on.....
At Christmas, Santa will bring lovely Holly lots of gifts, because she has been such a GOOD girl, so the new shelves will become full..... and she'll need to put the extra presents in the turquoise bucket.:o)
27 Nov, 2009
Hi Mac, nice to see you!
Farrari Sid? Try a Kawasaki GPZ 900 instead!!!!!
TT, I'll have something planted before the big day arrives! (I hope) Lol
27 Nov, 2009
Hi Digger....
Santa Claus may have other plans for you...Lol.
27 Nov, 2009
Oh TT, I got my pressie yesterday. Google Kawasaki GPZ 900!!!
27 Nov, 2009
Wow.... was it gift-wrapped ?! Lol.
27 Nov, 2009
Not quite TT, it's a 'project' (which means it doesn't work, yet and has some parts missing) but I won't be bored over the winter. I love doing this kind of tinkering and then I get to ride it all over in the summer! My shed is going to get a radical makeover first though. ;~)))))))
27 Nov, 2009
You'll need a big turquoise bucket to hold all the spare parts ;o)
27 Nov, 2009
Lol, I tell you it's a green planter for the planting of ......... errrrr, ...... well, plants actually!
27 Nov, 2009
wow good project Ian , many moons ago I used to go to college on a green meanie Kawak .. good times I think I would need stabilisers on now.
28 Nov, 2009
I'm not sure I can hold it up for very long Mac. I might have to plan all my trips to avoid traffic lights! Lol
28 Nov, 2009
Hmmmm - Ian, you wouldn't be having one of them mid-life crises thingies would you?
30 Nov, 2009
ME? nooooooo! I'm only six! LOl
30 Nov, 2009
Mac yeer hoomless mon where ryez gonna moorrr up the noo matey, ah hardly recognized ye !!!
1 Dec, 2009
Indy thats got to be the best Scottish accent I ever heard !! I thought it was Sean Connery for a minute !!! Brilliant the noo och aye
1 Dec, 2009
I have to agree Mac, I thought it was Jasper Carrot ! ! ! !
1 Dec, 2009
It was even better than mine Ian , and I practice mine every day!!!!
1 Dec, 2009
Lol Mac ;~))
1 Dec, 2009
By the way Mac, your new avatar's are making me sea sick! Lol
1 Dec, 2009
Och it'll be a wee puffer next yun, sat no rite ears!
1 Dec, 2009
1 Dec, 2009
zats rite
1 Dec, 2009
Mac. I'm going to take a wild guess here! Is it possible that you like boats?
1 Dec, 2009
lol no not really the first one I just clicked a photo out an album and I sort of ended up on a boat theme . ..
1 Dec, 2009
Lol :~))
1 Dec, 2009
s'a puffer, aye ney doot abootut!
2 Dec, 2009
sat yon wee puffer stul puffun ur wha? Braw wee puffer tis n aw!
2 Dec, 2009
Nope.....you've lost me.
2 Dec, 2009
I've tried Indy's comment in a translator site and the site crashed?????
2 Dec, 2009
Goodness sake boys cant you understand the queens english , the man makes perfect sense. Indy is enquiring wether the Small coal carrying boat is still seaworthy he then goes on to mention it is indeed a splendid little boat.
2 Dec, 2009
What I can't fathom is why Indy is talking in Scotish when he lives in Wales.....I'm obviously missing something...... lol
2 Dec, 2009
Aye indy she's in braw trum puffin upndoon thewater wi her lumgonliketheclappers. a bonysicht ritenuff
2 Dec, 2009
Oh gawd....Mac's at it as well now......and just for future reference, we're not all boys ;-)
2 Dec, 2009
Fancy thinking you were a boy Sid? Lol
2 Dec, 2009
Lol dont even think about it Ian lmao.
2 Dec, 2009
Lol Mac.
2 Dec, 2009
Ach dinnae fash yr sel Mac yon sassenachsl no ken ye ken!
3 Dec, 2009
an lang mey yon lumb reek n aw
3 Dec, 2009
Sid ...hint Indys not Welsh he just lives here! ye ken!
3 Dec, 2009
He's a Scot living in Wales. I see. But that doesn't explain why he refers to himself in the third person. ye ken to you to...........????? comfused.com.....
4 Dec, 2009
Thats cos he's my alter ego Sid the real me reserves the right to talk about him in any way I like! LOL, psyclepath.co.us
4 Dec, 2009
So you're Welsh are you? whatnationalityami.com
4 Dec, 2009
No hes not welsh I thought you had established that quite well above, and to dispell any illusions neither is his alter ego, me!.
As far as I know Sid in answer to your last poser, is that you are a GOYER, and more I am unable to guess at, as your written english accent is absoutely perfect and betrays no hint of any sort of foreign (not english) overtones though through previous postings made by and about you I think you are also of the female gender! schizofrantics.r.us.// whosaidthat.went ;~))))
4 Dec, 2009
Ok, so he's not Welsh and he's not Scotish....that narrows it down a bit....is he Japanese?
I am an English GoYer with a slight Welsh accent and a leaning towards orange fungus. I am a female Sid. My cat is a female Birtie. genderconfusion.com.us
11 Dec, 2009
He's no longer here. wheredhego.com.lost
11 Dec, 2009
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- Driving safely in snowy/icy conditions
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- Hallo everyone!
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- Killing off a website.
29 Oct, 2010
- A bit of fun making a special effects video!
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- More strange goings on!
5 Oct, 2010
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22 Jan, 2009
Of course Carol's idea will do it !! Underplant bulbs and put a few Hells Angels and Pansy's on the top !! Colour right through the Spring !! Sorted ! :~)))))
20 Nov, 2009