Do U Miss Lay your Hand Trowl,Fork when working with them?
By jacque
I think im going Mad?? Im 4 ever putting down My Hand Trowl /Fork when iv finished making The Holes 4 the Plant/Bulbs ? I turn round & cant find it until iv got Up & looked about 4 it? It drives me Nuts & takes up2 much time :( Its not like their Not Bright Colours So Why do i Miss Place Them ??:(
Any Help or Ideas how to stop it Happening would be GREAT :) Thanx JacX
1 Oct, 2009
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Lol.Jac ~
the Flower Pot People take your hand tools and hide them in other parts of your garden.... :o)
Look out !!!!!!! x
1 Oct, 2009
I think a Bag around My Neck would be Better LinC :) lol .Flower Pot People Rrrrrrrr so Naughty TT :( I was beginning to think it was Summer doing it just 2 get my attention lol :)
1 Oct, 2009
I agree with TT, they have even been known to dig holes under my veggies and hide them there! ! ! Little b****rs Grrrrr
1 Oct, 2009
Good thing iv no Veggies then Ian cos id never find them :(
1 Oct, 2009
A common problem, for me even worse with the garden decending on four levels and aprox 12 steps between each level so now have one for each level but still hard work to remember not to take one down the steps.I tried training the dog to fetch the trowel as he does his ball,that was a waste of time he thought it was a game and took them all the way down to the bottom where we play ball,his brain is small and mine only part
1 Oct, 2009
All the time jacque, and sacateurs even me spade sometimes, (its a small ladyspade :) i have about a dozen hand forks and trowels around the 2 gardens, my pink one's are easier to spot.. I lost my expensive sacateurs early in the year and wouldn't dare tell the hub hahaha, i spotted them on one of my pics would you believe.. What are we like :))
1 Oct, 2009
OMG thats so Funny Bjs i think thats what My Summer would do 2 if id taught her the same :) Maybe TT can give us some good tips on training them Bjs? :)
1 Oct, 2009
LOL O Dee maybe we all need them tyeing around our necks like reading Glasse lol :)
1 Oct, 2009
Lol... I've trained my dogs to retrieve the Flower Pot People AND the tools they have stolen...he he he. :o)
1 Oct, 2009
Good Idea that TT :)
1 Oct, 2009
lol. I've lost countless secateurs. One pair I only had for a day! They were small and black, a free gift with a gardening mag and they were really great, fitted my hand a treat. Maybe I might have held on to them for longer if they were bright pink or orange. I think bright colours are the only answer!
1 Oct, 2009
I Bend/Break My Secateurs Lily2 b4 lossing m :( lol
1 Oct, 2009
I agree, they need to be tied round our necks! I lose mine all the time! I now have handtrowels dotted about all over, & my gardens really small!
1 Oct, 2009
Now thats an idea Madp if i have m all over garden i wont need to keep getting up 2 look4them cos there`l be that many il hav 1 close by 2 use :)
1 Oct, 2009
The flower pot people must have been here as well asI can never find mine again. I wonder if they were responsible for my packet of seeds that dissapeared never to be seen again.
1 Oct, 2009
im the same jacque, walk away for something, come back and its gone, then spend ages looking for it lol, i even got a long handled one but still loose that to, heheh a basket would be good, couldnt have a belt would probably stab myself :o)
1 Oct, 2009
Mavis.... you've guessed right....
The Flower Pot People steal seed packets too..Lol. :o)
1 Oct, 2009
TT hope they got a nice show of cornflowers my 2cnd packet were lovely.
1 Oct, 2009
Lol. Mavis...
Look out for a new GoY member posting pictures of Cornflowers... by the name of F P Person... Lol.
( With a potty looking avatar...he he he )
1 Oct, 2009
Join the clan Jacque ! My tools are always turning invisible :o(
This morning I took a mug of coffee down the garden with me to drink while I was potting up some seeds. I lost it of course !.
When I found it - well it had gon stone cold.. lol... so I took it back up the house to warm it in the microwave. - Took it back down the garden and it became invisible again ... lol.. and I still haven't found it :D
Sometimes I just give up !
1 Oct, 2009
I blame the Welsh Flower Pot People.... they like a nice cup of coffee in the morning..:o)
1 Oct, 2009
LOL i do that with Drinking Glasses to Hywel Phils always finding them in Graden lol :)
1 Oct, 2009
I still have a rather frightening pic in my mind of man who was caretaker of a storage area we used to use. He was a bit off and lived in a tiny little caravan in the storage area...he came out to help us find something and he had a large hunting type knife attached by a lanyard or line as it his swung to and fro and around his leg as he walked toward us...just about garden tools done the same way..could get a bit noisy I suppose and one could get tangled..but you would not loose them! LOL..I have a pic in my mind now of myself clanking about the garden and getting my knees ontop of lines and pulling myself head over hills and wound up from the waist down in garden the's worth a try... ;)
1 Oct, 2009
That made me giggle - when replanting my baskets for autumn I was emptying out the old compost and what was at the bottom - my little pocket knife that I use for cuttings - I wondered where that was.... just thought I was getting old!!!
1 Oct, 2009
LOL Great Idea CatF il get Phil Drilling holes in My Hand Trowl&Fork this wked :)Think il give Spade/Hoe/Rake a Miss though :) Im glad u found your Pocket Knife GenuisS :) lol
1 Oct, 2009
I'm so glad its not just me that loses things! I do it inside the house as well as in the garden. Sometimes I just can't see it for looking and then feel a real idiot when its right under my nose! Chloe's brother, Mungo, used to run off with small tools and hide them in his bed! Now I can only blame myself :)
1 Oct, 2009
There used to be a little gizmo you could attach to keyrings so that when you lost your keys you could whistle and the gizmo would bleap. I've just googled and you can still get them, lol. Tie one of these to each tool Jacque! (Don't know what you do if you can't whistle!)
1 Oct, 2009
Give a Little Whistle PWoPWo Give a little Whistle :) lol
1 Oct, 2009
Tell me about it....even today..,I misplaced a gardening glove and hunted high and low.....and found the middle of the bed I was working on......doh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....keep threatening to buy bright pink garden tools so I can see 'em when I lose
1 Oct, 2009
Glad theres more than me that lose things, and forget what i'm doing, or even where i'm going, Jacque when i do something like that i always blame it on my age.
1 Oct, 2009
Is as good an "excuse" as any
1 Oct, 2009
I lose sacateurs and trowels and when I replace them only then do I find the lost ones. I now have 4 trowels and 3 pairs of sacateurs till I put them down. I lost my specs (were on my head) didnt realise I had lost them in the garden till I found them a couple of years later.
1 Oct, 2009
I have a metal detector - located 20 secateurs dozens of trowels a couple of lost ladies wandering round their gardens .. I think Phil drilling holes in you hand is a bit extreme Jacque ..
1 Oct, 2009
If Their Pink,Orange Or Yellow Amblea ul still lose m cos i do lol :) Iv 2 admit Clarice i must never put any thing away Safe because itl never be found ever again lol :) O Dr int that anouying when that happens! it sounds good when u dont know uv lost sum thing until2yrs l8r LOL :) Hi Jane/Ray i think Phil Drilling holes will be cheaper than buying a metal detector & i wouldnt know what 2 do with 2 old Woman LMAO :)
1 Oct, 2009
Dont think its exclusive to ladies Jacque .. I forgot my lawnmower on more than one occasion its big and red not like you can miss it !
I once took some plants to the wrong garden planted them up the customer so delighted when realized could hardly dig them up again .. had to go and by more myself for the garden should have put them in ..
1 Oct, 2009
Same problem here Jacque ...... maybe all gardeners are afflicted with the same disease ...! it ought to have a name ... .........
1 Oct, 2009
I thought it was called ' Now where did I leave my ..-' Amy
1 Oct, 2009
LMAO Ray Big&Red 2much Info lol , Amy thats a Fab idea & fancy Dr knowing what its called lol :)
1 Oct, 2009
Good one ... LOL......... now if only I can remember that !!!
1 Oct, 2009
:) Now where did u Put That Amy ? LOL :)
1 Oct, 2009
I thought it was called "Where the h***s my........."!
1 Oct, 2009
LOL i think what ever way we say it Madp itl have WHERE in it LOL :)
1 Oct, 2009
Oh Jacque can hardly type this hysterics here cant believe I typed that without realizing a big red one could mean something quite different .. like my face right now lol
1 Oct, 2009
LMAO Ray!!!
1 Oct, 2009
1 Oct, 2009
We call it CRS here...can't remembe sh**
1 Oct, 2009
And to think y ' all get so embarrassed when we call it a toilet
1 Oct, 2009
Here its CRAFT! Cant Remember A Flaming (or words to that effect) Thing!
1 Oct, 2009
ALL the time Jacque! utility belts are the way forward or we get our better halves to walk behind us with all the tools, picking them up as we go and then they would not go missing.....Oh, forgot one small detail, Ali is worse than me for losing things!! Lol!
It's a common problem by the looks of it!!
14 Oct, 2009
I'd just lose the utility belt!!
14 Oct, 2009
My grandmother called it the toilet..she was full English and
15 Oct, 2009
If she was Scottish, she'd call it the lavvy! LOL!
15 Oct, 2009
She must have been mostly english
15 Oct, 2009
LOL! Or polite!! ;~))
15 Oct, 2009
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Lol.Jacque I`ve been losing mine for years,especially pruners,I have a little gardening basket,and two tool bags with gardening tools in them,I also have a little tool box on wheels and still I lose them,sometimes for a whole season.,unfortunately it comes with the territory,lol, Have you ever thought about getting one of those tool bags that tie around your waist that might work for you.........
1 Oct, 2009