Puss In Vets This Eveing :(
By jacque
7pm this eveing My Cat Puss came home with his Mouth Bleeding & Jaw Hanging open :(
Thank God Phil was here 2 rush myself & Puss to the Vets
Please say a Pray 4 My Puss this eveing as i wont know until morning if he`l pull through :( The Vet says he was hit by a car XXX
2 Nov, 2009
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Fingers crossed for you Jacque. Cats are resilient creatures so hope it all works out OK
2 Nov, 2009
oh jacque im so sorry,how awful i feel so sorry for you,will say a little prayer, maybe along the lines of 9 lives,im sure everything will be ok.
2 Nov, 2009
Jacque thinking of you and your poor little Puss, will say a little prayer for him, hope he'll be ok.
2 Nov, 2009
XXXX hope he's ok jacque..
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Jacque...sorry ..will keep you and Puss in my heart and thoughts..xx ~Cat
2 Nov, 2009
Know how much all your animals mean to you Jacque .. yes will be hoping puss not too badly hurt and can pull through.
2 Nov, 2009
Hopefully it is only a broken jaw and your cat is back to its normal self soon.
2 Nov, 2009
Oh Jacque - he has 9 lives and he got home that has to be a very good sign. the vet will get him through this. I will pray for you.xxx
2 Nov, 2009
Oh Jacque, I'm so sorry to heat that. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for pusskins. I hope everything will be okay.
if it's a broken jaw he should be alright. Will be thinking of you. x
2 Nov, 2009
Jacque, as pet lovers this kind of thing is our worst nightmare, thank goodness he came home for help, thinking of you. x
2 Nov, 2009
As a pet lover i'm thinking of you as well tonight I hope it's good news in the morning.try and get some sleep tonight
2 Nov, 2009
Hope he will be fine will be thinking of you.
2 Nov, 2009
aww jacque im so sorry,, poor puss, after loosing your fishies to,, hope puss cat is ok, your all in my prayers, take care xx
2 Nov, 2009
Hope he's ok Jacque
2 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear of puss's accident. I'm sure he will be ok even if he needs a little help for a while. I know that you are the right person for him to be with.
Lots of love and hugs to you both.
2 Nov, 2009
Hi Jac... saw this blog just as I was closing computer for the night..... prayers that puss will be okay.... love & hugs. xxx
2 Nov, 2009
Jacque i'm so sorry , your poor little puss cat , I'm sure the vet will do everything possible for him , let us know how he is tomorow ... xxx
2 Nov, 2009
Oh my god! Jac... so hope that puss will survive and be well. Mr MB & I are thinking of you and puss and sending you love... God I'm in tears remembering our little ones who've been killed.
2 Nov, 2009
We're with you tonight, Jacque.
2 Nov, 2009
What a horrible shock for you, Jacque. My prayers are with you and Puss Cat tonight. Hope the news is much, much better in the morning.
2 Nov, 2009
~ Thinking of you ~ horrible that you are facing this after the loss of your fish~ hope he pulls through for you!
2 Nov, 2009
Oh poor puss what a dreadful thing to have happened to him, Il pray that he pulls through, love xx
2 Nov, 2009
poor puss. I'll say a wee prayer for him tonight - but I'm sure he'll be OK
2 Nov, 2009
I have everything crossed for puss, I wish him well and hope he pulls through.
2 Nov, 2009
Hope all goes well for your little cat, have been there many times, good luck, he is in the best place.
2 Nov, 2009
My prayers are with you & Puss. I really hope he pulls through, Jaque.
3 Nov, 2009
hope he's ok Jaque x
3 Nov, 2009
Morning Every 1 so lovely 2 wake & see all your well wishes 4 Puss , Didnt sleep well as u can guess ,its now 7.20 am iv 2 wait till 830 2 phone the Vets :( feels like a Life time :( The Vet sedated Puss last nite so he wouldnt go into shock ,If hes ok this Morning they`l carry out Xrays 2 see what damage he has :( il keep u posted on his Progreses l8r today as im still poorly with Flu sytoms myself & need to rest Love & Thanx 2 u all Jacxxx
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Jac...
I'll be watching your blog for news and I'm praying that Puss will soon be feeling very much better..
A bit later on I have to take Conker for his next chemotherapy session. It is quite a journey to the vet clinic and so I'll be away for part of the day, but I shall catch up later on.
I hope you're soon over your flu. love & hugs. xxxxxxx.
3 Nov, 2009
Jac, I do hope puss cat pulled through, thats everone's dread when we have cats, shall be thinking of you hurry up and get better puss cat needs you.
Good luck TT with Conker. xxxxx
3 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Stripes....
3 Nov, 2009
Fingers crossed Jacque lol x
3 Nov, 2009
Been wagging and spinning for Conker this morning....have doubled efforts now for Puss......
Hope he pulls through Jacque...x x
Hope your 'flu symptoms are getting better too.....
3 Nov, 2009
Hi all Puss has pulled through the Nite :) Hes suffered a Broken Jaw & may lose his Left Eye :( Iv 2 wait another 24hrs b4 knowing if the Eye can be saved as the swelling is a big problem @ the Moment :( Many thanks again 4 all your Support Jacxxx
3 Nov, 2009
Thank goodness Puss has got through the night... now it is a matter of time for him to heal. Will keep you in my thoughts and send you and Puss lots of healing love
3 Nov, 2009
Puss will be fine Jacque - please take solace in the fact that he managed to get home to you, confident that you would take him into your care and shower him with TLC.
Hugs and best wishes from June, Giorgio (hopefully on the mend now), Lupa, Rosie and Sleepy.
3 Nov, 2009
So pleased for you and Puss that he has made it through the night. The vets will do their best for him I am sure. He will just need plenty of tlc when he gets home. If you are feeling stressed out because of the shock take some Bach Flower Rescue Remedy it will help you. The vets are looking after Puss so you need to look after yourself :~)
3 Nov, 2009
Glad to hear that puss has made it through the night Jacque , please keep us informed as to how he is , I hope you will soon be feeling better ... xx
3 Nov, 2009
Try and rest your self today Jacque so as you feel better when he comes home.
3 Nov, 2009
Thanx every1 i must admit seeing Poor Puss like that was a Big Shock & im not that good with Blood/Injurys :( I feel drained :( im so grateful he got home 2 me in time ,The Vets hes in has 24 hr Nurse Care so i know hes in the rite PlaceXXXX
3 Nov, 2009
Pleased he has made it through the night and as you know he is in safe hands you take care of your self now.
3 Nov, 2009
~so pleased for you !
3 Nov, 2009
I've still got all my fingers and toes crossed Jacque, (a bit hard to walk) but I am confident Puss will be ok.
Some time ago my son's cat was hit by a car and she suffered a shattered leg, the vet said all was not good but they persevered and now she has a steel pin and a permanently stiff leg but at least she is alive. What I am trying to say is if Puss does lose the eye it will be better than the ultimate.
3 Nov, 2009
~Years ago we had a lovely marmalade wild kitten from the site where I
worked that was going to be drowned by the onsite maintenance team so we had him from a few days old~ much too young to be parted from mum but we had no choice really!
He used to play with two other neighbour's kittens that turned up at the same time and I frequently had three of them running up and down the shored up rows of potatoes in the back garden.
We used to leave the door to the utility room open with basket and food and I frequently found it full !However when we went out one Saturday morning after coming home from shopping we found the little grey one called Smokey sat injured in the basket on top of the washing machine.
Owners were out so I called the nearest vet out and he came asap~ however because of the extensive bone loss to his face he said there was nothing he could do to patch him up ~he was amazed he had got back to us in such a state.
I was thinking about that all last evening and hoping that your cat wasn't so badly injured as that~
So pleased that he is still around and hope he makes a good recovery.
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Jacque. Only just read this blog. Glad to hear things aren't as bad as they may have been! Hope you both are well soon. x
3 Nov, 2009
Jacque, so pleased to hear Puss got through the night, hope he's feeling better soon, and you too x
3 Nov, 2009
Ah jacque........ do hope he will be ok.........thinking of you and him
3 Nov, 2009
Hi JaC. So pleased to hear that Puss came through the night, hope they are able to save his eye, well he is in good hands and on his way to recovery now, what a relief for you!
3 Nov, 2009
So pleased to hear that Puss has made it through the night, thanks to your speedy action and the Vet. Hope he continues to progress. Thinking of you, as you really don't need this when you are feeling unwell yourself. Take care and keep us informed. God bless.
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Jac.... as Gee says, your speedy action getting Puss to the vet has played a big part in the progress so far.. Well done on acting so promptly, especially when you don't feel fully fit.
Sounds like your vet is monitoring Puss very well, and I'm praying that the eye will be okay, and other injuries will heal up quickly. Love & hugs. xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Very smart kitty finding his way back to you...good job on both of your parts..he will be ok...Sweet Puss..xx ~Cat
3 Nov, 2009
So sorry Jacque to hear about Puss, hope he will be ok, funny that one of my daughters rang me Friday night to say her cat Monty had to been rushed to vets that night, he as his back right leg in plaster apparentley he as broke his paw in 3 places and will be in plaster for about 4-6wks, she as to take him back every 10days to change plaster and see how his paw is mending.
3 Nov, 2009
What a relief Jacque, he made it through the night :) I hope he doesen't loose his eye, poor little Pusscat.. X
3 Nov, 2009
So glad to hear that Puss made it! Hopefully the swelling will go down enough to save the eye!
Get well soon, both of you!
3 Nov, 2009
Have faith in your vet, I am sure all will be well, so glad he made it through the night, one hurdle jumped...........
3 Nov, 2009
Are you able to go in and see him at all Jacque?
3 Nov, 2009
hi jacque just got home and read your news on puss, poor little mite, so glad he managed to get hoem to you in time, im sure the vets are doing everything they can, i do hope they can save his eye, he got through the nite as dotty said so thats a good sign, take care my friend and hugs for puss when you get to see him x
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Jacque, I agree with Sandra, the fact that he got through the night is a good sign, I'm sure he's over the worst. So pleased he came home as often in these situations they go away.
3 Nov, 2009
glad to hear he,s on the mend now
3 Nov, 2009
Give him a big hug from me too - hope the both of you get well soon :o)
3 Nov, 2009
Great he`s ok Jacque hopefully they can save his wee eye fingers crossed for wee puss xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Thinking of you Jacque, and hoping for a good recovery for puss xx
3 Nov, 2009
Hoping Puss makes a full recovery and the vet manages to save his eye too.A speedy recovery to his owner too ! xx
3 Nov, 2009
Hi every 1 im just off the Phone from Pusses Vet & sadly hes eye is going to be removed tomorrow :( Iv not visited him as he needs 2 be rested b4 his Opp, I Just want him home now so i can hug him lots ,Thanx so much 4 all your caring/kind words Jacxxx
3 Nov, 2009
oh no jacque, poor little thing, hope you get some sleep tonight so you can see puss tomorrow x
3 Nov, 2009
O San Sleep/Rest is far from my mind @ mo :( i had to discuse My Dear Pusses out come with My Teenage Children as its going 2 cost a lot 2 get him all better agin:( Life means more than Money to all of us so hes having the Opps & coming home SanXXX
3 Nov, 2009
Oh dear I'm so sorry Jacque but you'll see Puss will get around just as well with one eye.
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Jac just got in from work and I'm so happy to know he's going to be alright. So sad about his eye but he will get used to it - not much consolation to you at the moment i know, but it could have been so much worse. You take care now. x
3 Nov, 2009
yes i know & im so grateful hes still with us :)XXX
3 Nov, 2009
Glad he is goig to be okay Jacque.He will get by with only one eye.Money doesnt come into the equation whwere our pets are concerned do they.We just want them back safe and sound.xx
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Jane /Ray imiss Puss so much & cant wait 4 his return xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Its sad about his eye, but great that he'll be okay otherwise! Chin up Jacque, he'll be home & being spoiled rotten in no time! I'll pin a prayer to the flags for him (and you & the family) again tonight!
3 Nov, 2009
Thanx MadP :) iv got to go back 2 bed now Luv Jacxxx
3 Nov, 2009
Get some rest, pet! You need to get better too!
Sweet dreams!
3 Nov, 2009
So sad to hear about his eye Jacque, but they are so resilient I'm sure he'll be up to his normal activities soon :) xx
3 Nov, 2009
He'll be fine with one eye Jacque. My neighbours cat was run over 2 years ago, at the age of 15! He survived, but lost an eye and is still with us and enjoying life.
For us, it is the thought of it being done, I know I'd feel the same. He'll be home soon and then you can give loads of fuss....
Take care x x x
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Jac... you are being very brave... and Puss is being very brave too....
Puss will soon be home with you again, and you can share lots and lots of cuddles...
Love and hugs...xxx
3 Nov, 2009
Puss will surprise you at the way he copes with one eye, Jacque. Hope he is home with you soon.
3 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear that Puss will lose his eye but so glad that he will be back with you soon. As others have said, money is not the issue. Money can never give you what pets and people can give.
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Jacque , i'm so sorry that Puss is losing his eye , I'm sure he willl cope very well with your love and you looking after him .. hope he will be back with you very soon xx
4 Nov, 2009
OMG OMG OMG!!! Been on Phone 2 Vets This Morning & their not willing 2 Finace My Pusses Opp :( Im now on Phone to Blue Cross 2 find out if theyl help ??:( If not Puss will have to be put 2sleep :( XXXXXXXX
4 Nov, 2009
That's bad news Jacque :o( let us know if Blue Cross can help you please ....... !!! xx
4 Nov, 2009
Oh NO Jacque. Please let us know whats happening X
4 Nov, 2009
Please give us an update, Jacque...
Peoples Dispensary For Sick Animals might also be able to help you.... PDSA...
Let me know if you would like further details of PDSA...
love and hugs. xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Yeah, I was thinking that TT. There really good..
4 Nov, 2009
My fingers are crossed for you and wishing you all the luck in the world that things turn out OK for you and Puss
4 Nov, 2009
Just back from the Vets & Puss is coming home@3.55 today :) Hes not had the Eye Opp & Dear Blue Cross & RSPCA r helping pay the Bill that is outstanding :) The Rest i can afford ,Im going 2 be giving My Puss 24hr care which he is going2need& hes 2 go 2 the Vets every morning 2 have his Eye looked @ ,Im Praying the Vet is Rong & his eye will just Go Blind & Not need the Surgury ,He is eatting today which is great & why the Vets letting him home :)xxx
4 Nov, 2009
That's brilliant news, Jacque and having help with the cost is a lot less to worry about too. Do take care of yourself too while you are doing the nursing. It's good that Puss is eating but you need to eat and rest too. Take care.
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Gee im dosed up on Flu Tabs & coping well @ mo! Iv got a Dame cough now which is a Pain :( il sit & kip on Sofa when My Puss is home as im sure he`l be Kipping on me :)
4 Nov, 2009
So pleased, Jac, that you have help with paying the vet bills... they can be such a worry...
I hope you are getting over your flu, and I know you'll feel better as soon as Puss is home, even though a lot of nursing to do.
So pleased to hear he is eating... a very good sign.:o) xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Hi TT :) Puss was eatting & entertaining 3 of the Care Nurses when i got there :) he eats with his Paws which the Nurses found great 2watch :) lol
4 Nov, 2009
Oh, that's lovely Jac :o)
Puss is a real character ! Lol.
The vet nurses dealing with Conker each week tell me how they cuddle him.
It helps so much, doesn't it, to know that the people looking after our pets are treating them so kindly. xxx
4 Nov, 2009
It is a great thing knowing People who r caring 4 them have a love 4 animals TT :)Dear Conker is a little Hero TT he really is & deserves all the love & hugs he gets from u all XXXXXXXX Iv been on Net sorting Out Pet Insurance 4 Febe &Sox as i dont want 2 go through all this again in the Future ,il wait till Puss is well now b4 i get him Pet Insurance ,Summer is under PDSA so she is covered & with her being a RSPCA Rescue 2 shes never had probs with Vet Bills :)XXXXXX
4 Nov, 2009
Good idea to get sorted with how you pay future vet bills, Jac. Back in March, when Conker was so fit on his 5th birthday I had no warning that he would become ill so suddenly... and I would be facing months and months of veterinary visits and lots and lots of expenditure...
But our pets are worth every penny... aren't they. xxx
Conker says thanks for your love and hugs, and sends special licks and kisses to Puss. :o) xxxxxxx
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Jacque do hope you and puss will feel better soon.......your spider plant is on the way.......xx
4 Nov, 2009
Pleased to hear Puss is coming home. I know you will give all the care and love he needs. Don't forget though to look after yourself :~))))
4 Nov, 2009
I'm so pleased that puss is being allowed home for you to take care of him Jacque i'm sure it will do him more good than anything to be back home ...
Take care of yourself , this cold / flu thing must be doing the rounds of this area 'cos I have it and I spoke to a friend a few miles away who has it as well .. .. keep your self warm and try to get some sleep ..xx
4 Nov, 2009
Good news that he's coming home and gettn help with the Vet bills Jacque, Fingers crossed he wont lose his eye.. Love Dee..
4 Nov, 2009
Great news that Puss is getting home to his mum... like you I hope eh will not need the eye op.
4 Nov, 2009
He will recover much quicker if he is at home with the family, good luck to you all.....
4 Nov, 2009
Brilliant news Jac, fingers crossed he makes a full recovery shall be thinking of you good luck. xx Les.
4 Nov, 2009
hi jacque so glad puss may not need op, and coming home to be with you, think you both need a good sleep tonight, hugs for puss x
4 Nov, 2009
That's great news Jac! Hope Puss is now safely back at home? Take care xx
4 Nov, 2009
Hi all Puss is Home & just filled his Belly full of Yummi Cat Meat in Gravy his fav Food :) hes walking about meowing & rubbing his head on every1 &everything :) Iv locked The Cat Flap & made him a real speacial Commfy bed :) xxxx
4 Nov, 2009
Give him a hug and kiss from B & I and our two siamese girls.
4 Nov, 2009
I will Mg im sure Puss being a Ladies man will enjoy those :) Thanx
4 Nov, 2009
Our two still miss the male siamese Jack who used to visit them regularly. He got killed right in front of our house - presumably coming to visit his lady friends.
4 Nov, 2009
Thats awful MG :( Puss has 2 girl friends down my street & 1 lives rite across street from me :)
4 Nov, 2009
Yes we were away at the time and a friend, and our next door neighbour, was looking after the girls... she was in a total panic it was one of them!
Minor rant coming up... our village has a narrow, winding road and in fact was a cart track at one time. We are very near the top end of the village and car drivers entering tend not to bother slowing down until they get to the first bend... whilst those leaving put their foot down as soon as they can see the straight bit of road. We've begged and begged for the council to put in speed bumps - so many animals get killed and with no pavements it is only a matter of time before it is a child or elderly person crossing the street that gets hit. Rant over... normal service is now resumed.
4 Nov, 2009
I'm pleased he's home and comfortable Jacque , if he's eating well he should be alright , xx
4 Nov, 2009
Its so good 2 have him Home Amy & be looking after him myself :) Hes behaving like nothings rong with him ? Hes such a Soldier :) xxx
4 Nov, 2009
glad hes ok and that hes home now....;-))
4 Nov, 2009
Jacque so pleased that Puss is back home with you, and is doing alright.....
4 Nov, 2009
so glad puss is home and doing ok, great thats he is eating and rubbing everything, shows he glad to be in his home with mum xx
4 Nov, 2009
Glad you have your cat home Jacque its a good sign he's eating so well take care.
4 Nov, 2009
Great news about Puss Jaque! Pity the vet wouldnt cover the costs though! My heart was in my mouth reading this tonight till I got further down!!
Good luck & my prayers are with him, sounds like he's going to be just fine tho! What a wee star! :~))
4 Nov, 2009
Oh Jac! I've been reading down through all the comments with my heart in my mouth worrying about poor Puss!!! I'm so glad to find out that everything worked out reasonably well. I can't believe the Vets refused to finance the opp!! Didn't they even offer to allow you to pay in installments??!! I think that's shocking - I know they've got to earn their living, but to refuse to treat an animal in need.... :-0
Anyway, big hugs to you and Puss. Birtie says a soft get-well-soon mew to poor Puss and hopes he keeps his eye. Hope your flu clears up soon - I had that too - the cough really hangs on. :-(
4 Nov, 2009
So glad the fees are sorted Jacque and hope Puss makes a full recovery.He certainly has the best of nurses to help him ! xx Our vets have always been very good and let longstanding customers pay by installments.
5 Nov, 2009
Puss had the Opps today the Charitys Blue Cross&RSPCA both helped buy giving a Donation which ment i could afford all the Bill :) The RSPCA z Vets r allowed to refuse treatment if u cant pay the bill :( I was horrifid by that & i rang around agood 14 Charitys b4 i found Help 4Puss ! I must of been on my Phone a hour&a half crying & asking 4 help so My Puss wouldnt be put 2 sleep :( I never felt so useless in My Life as yesterday :( Febe & Sox now have a silver vet plan insurance cover & when Puss is well again il be taking out cover 4him 2 :) xxx
5 Nov, 2009
Jacque , thank goodness , i'm so relieved to hear that you have the help you needed for Puss .. Lets hope he now has a speedy recovery and will be well again soon ...
You get yourself to bed and have a good nights sleep , take care xx
5 Nov, 2009
So glad Puss has had his opp now. Poor Pusscat. I would like to know how the vets know if you can pay the bill or not - do they make you pay upfront before they treat the animal? Just shocking...... I would have thought that at least some of the motivation for becoming a vet was a love of animals, not just money.......... maybe I'm being nieve...
So, did Puss have a broken jaw Jac? And has he kept his eye?
6 Nov, 2009
This is the lovely Puss from the parking lot? awww poor guy~...
7 Nov, 2009
Yes This is Puss who i found On a Snowy Sunday Easter Morning back in 2008 !! He became 1 of the Family & still is :)xxx
9 Nov, 2009
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Aw poor Puss,I'll be thinking of you Jacque-I'm sure the vet will do all he can xx
2 Nov, 2009