Puss says Thanks
By jacque
I want 2 thank every 1 who has sent My Puss well wishes 4 a Fast recovery after his Accident & 4 saying a Pray when he needed it most
Many Many Thanx 4 Caring & being there 4 us Both Love Jac xxx The Pic is Of Puss this eveing Asking 4 yet More Food lol :)
4 Nov, 2009
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Ah Puss looks as if he is pretty happy with life now Jacque. Love the way he is sitting there like one of those china cats.
4 Nov, 2009
Thats what the Vet has told me to do Louise :) X
4 Nov, 2009
O yes Puss is a perfectionist @ sitting MG :)
4 Nov, 2009
Lovely to see you back home again Puss and ready for your dinner xx
4 Nov, 2009
glad to see he,s on the mend needs some t.l.c. now jacque
4 Nov, 2009
Really pleased he's on the mend. love to you both.
4 Nov, 2009
Glad to see him looking so well. Best wishes to you both.
4 Nov, 2009
Aww bless him! Take care....both of you xx
4 Nov, 2009
~ he must be on the mend Jacque ~ lovely to see him looking quite perky!
4 Nov, 2009
Puss z Dinner was Yummi it was left over Chilled Chicken which he shared with Febe,Sox & Summer :):)
4 Nov, 2009
I'm so glad Puss is home now and it all worked out for him. You must be so relieved Jacque !
4 Nov, 2009
Glad to see you've got him back home Jacque, must be feeling better if he's asking for food, hope you're feeling better too.
4 Nov, 2009
Its great hes home but hes not out the Wars yet :( His eye has until Friday morning to look/get better & im smoothing a Cream onto the Eyeball every 4hrs to help keep it moist as Poor Puss cant blink it himself :( xxx
4 Nov, 2009
You are a good nurse Jac. So wonderful to see Puss home again. xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Lovely to see a photo of the invalid, Jacque, and he is looking so strong and resiliant, bless him. Hope he doesn't need the op but, if he does, I'm sure he will soon be back on his feet. Keep us informed over the next couple of days - fingers crossed for a good outcome :)
4 Nov, 2009
Thanx Gee/TT , It was hard 4 me to touch his eye ball 2 apply the Ottiment & i must admit i felt quite sick after id done it but its done now & im sure the next time i do it itl be easier :)
4 Nov, 2009
I'm so pleased to see puss back home Jacque , i'm sure he's very happy to be there , he will have you running around after him fussing for as long as he can stretch it out , more food mum .. !!
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Amy im off now 2 rest with My Puss :) hes@vets in Morning 2 check the Eye so il give a up-date then ,Im sorry uv been poorly 2 it seems 2 be every where :( My Chest hurts from my coughing so nite nite My Friend XXXX
4 Nov, 2009
Aww beautiful puss i`m sure your glad he`s home safe &sound Jacque you`ll feel more contented lots of hugs& kisses Rita xxxx
4 Nov, 2009
Fantastic Jacque. So glad that he still has his eye as I thought that the vet had said it had to be removed. I'm sure that being at home with you is helping him get better.
Lots of love and hugs to you all.
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Puss pleased your home, thats how Smokey sits waiting for food. Give him a hug from me xx
4 Nov, 2009
I seem to have missed this story Jacque. Puss is gorgeous, I do hope he's continuing to make a good recovery. Poor Puss! ( and you too!)
4 Nov, 2009
aww he looks good concidering what the poor babe has been through jacque, lots of love and nice dinners will work wonders xx
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Jac, soooo pleased that puss is home . He's looking ok and if he's eating it's good. What did the vet say about his eye? Why does it have to be removed and what did they do with his jaw? Hope you got the insurance sorted as this is when it is really needed. Our grey female developed a tumour last year and the investigations cost over £2000 at the vet school not to mention the local vets bills, fortunately she was insured but sadly died in Feb of this year. Keep us up to date with his progress, he is a beautiful cat. His fur looks almost like velvet on his other picture! Take care both of you. xx
4 Nov, 2009
Pleased he is home Jacque he looks canny sitting there waiting for his dinner.Hope you are both feeling better tommorow x
4 Nov, 2009
I'm really glad to see him looking so much better. Keep up the good work, Nurse! :-)
Now you have to get well, Jacque! You've been poorly for ages! :-((
4 Nov, 2009
Good to see Puss up and about again....a good sign that he's eating!!
4 Nov, 2009
O'Reilly sends best wishes for a speedy recovery to 'Puss'.
(Two 'lookalikes' there and we usually call ours 'Puss' as it rolls off the tongue more easily). JB
4 Nov, 2009
Smudge usually goes ballistic at the sight of another cat, but she's sitting here purring away!
Poor Puss, it looks so painful, but he's eating well, & that bodes well for him. We can only hope for the best when it comes to his eye! I bet he's glad to be home!
4 Nov, 2009
I am really sad and really happy at the same time time here Jacque, sad that he had the accident and happy (really VERY happy) to see him sat there all proud and brave. Keep up the good nursing, and it will get easier to do.
Bob xxx
4 Nov, 2009
Animals always know instinctively what they need to help them recover so just keep feeding him if that's what he wants. It's the best sign you could have asked for.
You know everyone is here for you so just take care of yourself :~))
5 Nov, 2009
Just caught up on all this news Jacque - so sorry to hear of Puss' accident. Her's hoping that his eye will do well and that the both of you will be in better health soon. :))
5 Nov, 2009
Lovely to see him up and eating, take care you two. How's your cold Jacque on the mend I hope. :))
5 Nov, 2009
Awww look at him, his eye looks all red, good sign that he's eating Jacque, fingers crossed that his eye will heal..
5 Nov, 2009
Morning Dee iv had to leave Puss with Vets this Morning :( Hes having 2 Opps in 1 go 2day ,His Eye will be Removed & His Jaws Wired he also has some Teeth that r just hanging which will be removed to :( Vet will phone me l8r 2day 2 let me know if he`l be having a Feeding Tube in his Neck or being let home ?XXXX
5 Nov, 2009
Awwww Jacque poor Puss, what a lot to go through. He must of been on painkillers last night to be able to eat..Sending u a hug..
5 Nov, 2009
He was given a Pain Killer Injection b4 he came home Yesterday Dee ,Thanx 4 the Hug X
5 Nov, 2009
Oh Jacque, just read your original Puss blog which I missed. Poor Puss and poor you, so awful when something like this happens. I'm sure he will be more comfortable after his op, animals bounce back so quickly, not like us humans. My daughter's cat was hit by a car at 8 months old and we despaired when they had to remove his leg. 10 years on, he's still bounding about, albeit in rather an ungainly way! Will be thinking of you both xx
5 Nov, 2009
Oh Jacque hope all goes well for Puss... remember they don't show pain in the way humans do even when they are hurting badly.
5 Nov, 2009
I will be thinking of you today Jacque try not to upset yourself , and hoping the op. goes well for puss today , will check in later to find out xx
5 Nov, 2009
Thinking of you and puss............
5 Nov, 2009
Hi all Vets just rang & Puss is awake & doing ok :) il bring him home @ 530 2day :)
5 Nov, 2009
Aww hope everything went well...
5 Nov, 2009
Hows he getting on?
5 Nov, 2009
Hi Genuiss Pusses Jaw has Been put back 2gether with Nylon Rods & his Eye has been removed as there was`nt any blood supple Feeding it :( The Rods have 3 stiches whcih will be removed in 6wks time ! il know more when i go collect him@530 ,Only 2hrs & il have him home Again :)
5 Nov, 2009
Bet you can't wait Jacque, so glad the op went well. xx
5 Nov, 2009
Good to hear all went well take care.xx
5 Nov, 2009
Thanx Lily2/Stripes :) Iv got some Chicken waiting just 4 him 2nite :)
5 Nov, 2009
Glad to know all went well and that he is going to be back home tonight...
5 Nov, 2009
poor puss, so sory he will have to have eye taken, but glad he will be ok jacque, lots of TLC will have him up and running in no time, take care xx
5 Nov, 2009
Hope Puss is home by now Jac? Give him a cuddle from me....he's been a very brave boy xxx
5 Nov, 2009
Glad it went well. He will be more comfortable now. Did you take him to the PDSA?
5 Nov, 2009
I think we're all waiting to hear!
5 Nov, 2009
Hi Jac...
The vets have done useful work on Puss's jaw.... and they had no choice about the eye operation.... I hope Puss is soon feeling a lot better. xxx
Are you over your flu now ? Extra big hugs...
5 Nov, 2009
Hi every 1 Puss is Sleeping now :) iv just loaded a pic of him looking all cosy :) Im feeling much better myself 2 which is about time :) xxx
5 Nov, 2009
Great news. If he's looking fed, he must be well on the mend :o)
5 Nov, 2009
Just caught up, Jacque; sorry that Puss had to have the op but glad that he is OK and back home again. I bet he will come on leaps and bounds now all the nasty bits are behind him, especially with chicken on the menu :)
5 Nov, 2009
Jacque I`m so sorry,I`ve only just found your blogs, I`m so pleased to see your photo and know that Puss is home with you, when things like this happen its an absolute nightmare, I`m pleased you managed to get help so he was able to have the ops ,shame about his eye but animals actually bounce back a lot better than us.......Bet he`s enjoying his extra spoiling, Glad you `re feeling better as well...........
6 Nov, 2009
I'm pleased he's back home with you Jacque , he will recoop much better with you looking after him .... I'm glad that you are feeling better as well , take care xx
6 Nov, 2009
Delighted you have your puss back with you Jacque - enjoy caring for him! Animals break your heart don't they.... remember my father saying as he got older he couldn't have another dog, the pain of parting was too much. My cat is such a part of my life - we are better people for having an animal in our lives. So glad yours is on the mend~!
6 Nov, 2009
So glad to hear Puss has had the ops & is home where he belongs!
And its great that you're feeling better too, Jaque!
Love & hugs! :~))
I sgree with you, Antigone, we ARE better for having our pets!
6 Nov, 2009
Glad he is back at home lovely cat
6 Nov, 2009
Everyone is pulling for you Puss! Hope his recovery is quick, for your sake, Jacque.... it's even worse, his being a cat, cause he can't tell you where it hurts!
Bless you both.
7 Nov, 2009
Thanx 4 all the Comments :) My Puss is mending But Slowly XXXX
9 Nov, 2009
Poor Puss, but he certainly won't want for love and care while he's getting better. Glad to hear he's OK Jacque
9 Nov, 2009
Give him a gentle stroke from me. please! :-)) xxxx
9 Nov, 2009
Hi Lily hes slept most of wked & i didnt even know he was home ! today hes been more awake & more himself :)
9 Nov, 2009
il give him that @ Bed time Spritz cos Gentle Strokes send him 2 sleep :) xxx
9 Nov, 2009
I expect the anaesthetic has been wearing off, Jac. Sleep's good for him. :-))
9 Nov, 2009
~good to hear Jacque~my daughter is a firm believer that sleep is a great healer ,so hopefuly he is on the mend now!
9 Nov, 2009
Yes i believe sleeps agreat healer 2, But i think Poor Puss has a Long way 2 go b4 he is fully well again
9 Nov, 2009
Of course he has - but he'll get well - he has his age and your loving care on his side! :-))))))) xxx
9 Nov, 2009
:) Thanx Spritz i do still worry so much about him hes lost so much weight :(
9 Nov, 2009
~ never mind him sleeping Jacque ~I am sure he has turned the corner and if the weather is as cold and damp as it is here he will be better off sleeping somewhere warm!~ Considering what might have been he is one lucky Puss!
~ glad you are feeling better too~have some warm honey and lemon with a drop of glycerine ~Whisky optional but not with paracetamol!
9 Nov, 2009
I count My Blessings Arlene that he came home with his injurys & didnt go into shock ,il give the Honey a try with some whiskey that sounds yummi ;) All of my Cats r in the Warm this time of yr they pop outside 2 do their Business & r back indoors within 30 mins flat ! A world Record i think :)
9 Nov, 2009
~ put in a cup with a bit of hot water for a drink before bed!
9 Nov, 2009
MMMMMmmmmm sounds like itl help My Husky Throat &Cough iv been left with :) Thanx Again Arlene :) x
9 Nov, 2009
Bed time story!
~ a few years ago my son was walking our dog back home after his last walk of the day and they were crossing a minor road near to my mother in laws house very late with no one around when this taxi came hurtling round the corner~ caught George head on and he was thrown up into the air. He fell and just lay there . My son ran over to see him and as he got to him he just shook himself and stood up and barked.
The taxi driver shot back into his car as he was terrified George would go for him because he had been hit. Andrew brought George into the house and there was a mark on his back but nothing was broken and he seemed fine~we had him checked over the next day and he was none the worse for his encounter.Amazing!
We had a bill for a couple of hundred pounds for a new bumper and bonnet from the taxi driver but my husband sent a stroppy letter back saying he would see him in court and be happy to say he was driving too fast and under the influence!
We never heard from him again and Geoge went on to live for quite a few years after that!
9 Nov, 2009
:) Your Story made me smile so much Arlene :) i love Happy endings Sweet Dreams Love Jacxxx
9 Nov, 2009
Lol! I love a happy ending!! For a minute my heart was in my mouth, I thought George was your son at first!!!!
9 Nov, 2009
~ George was one of our boxers Marie~ do you remember the Colmans adds with the boxer?.By George it's Colmans!
We had just got him as a puppy so he was called George!
As he got older he was really strong~ probably why he survived a direct hit!
Could just as easily have been Andrew, Marie~ someone looking after them that night!
Got to go now as in work tomorrow!
Night both! xx
9 Nov, 2009
Sweet dreams, & I'm glad it wasn't andrew! Is caz still in NZ??
9 Nov, 2009
~ got home yesterday looking tanned! back to work today!
take care!
love Arlenex
9 Nov, 2009
You too! xx
9 Nov, 2009
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Aww, dear Puss, feed him up Jacque =^..^=
4 Nov, 2009