Observing only...
By kate123
After covid, I now have a chest infection and the GP says I also have post covid symptoms…therefore he’s prescribed some antibiotics.
So, I popped out into the back garden yesterday to soak up some sunshine and take in some fresh air – all wrapped up in hat and scarf.
OH has been pressure washing the patios, steps, paths and the small deck bridge over the pond.
He also transplanted an aucuba, spotted laurel for me, which I’ve posted. It was in a large ceramic pot in the front garden before.
We had a difference of opinion when it came to the ‘wood/watering can’ storage area. I don’t like it and the logs aren’t used for the wood burner – they are there for aesthetic reasons. Plus the watering cans do fit in the shed!
So, we came to an agreement.
The bottom half he removed and planted the aucuba for me and the top section stayed.
I appreciate the plant will grow…☺️
He laughed about this too, saying the top section hasn’t got long really until it’s removed too!!!
We shall see..
28 Feb, 2021
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Sorry to hear you are suffering again. I hope you soon recover.
love Marjorie
28 Feb, 2021
Thank you, Ange! I didn’t see that until you pointed it out! A subconscious decision! Yes, I was the gaffer for a change, not the apprentice! He didn’t have to suffer too long in the role, bless him!
Thank Ange for your warm wishes, I’ll get there, just seems to be taking a bit longer than I hoped! It was very helpful to see some sunshine and get out in the fresh air! Medicinal for sure! You keep safe and well too, keep posting your lovely garden pics! Xx
28 Feb, 2021
Aw thank you, Marjorie, I really appreciate your kind message. It’s just one of those things, I guess! I just want to get back out in my own role, traversing that lovely county you live in, again! I do miss it, and the lovely patients.
You take care and I hope you and yours are keeping well too. Best wishes xx
28 Feb, 2021
Julia, thank you kindly. I am grateful for your thoughts and wishes. I know, it’s a blasted nuisance, it really is. I thought I was perking up, and, then the chestiness and cough started up again, with the lung pain..typical! The antibiotics should do the trick, plus, sticking my head out into the fresh air and sunshine daily for a short spell too!
I’ll be taking your Mum’s advice, wrap up warm!
Thanks again Julia, keep posting your beautiful artwork, it’s great to see and to enjoy! Xx
28 Feb, 2021
Kate, your conversation with Meadow reminded me of visiting my dear Nan when I was a teenager. Every time she saw me, Spring, Summer or Autumn (even once I was first married), the refrain was always "Have you got your vest on?" It still makes me smile thinking about it. It's a query from my OH now!!
28 Feb, 2021
Yes, Meadow, I have to admit there was an old-fashioned haberdashers in Cambridge that Nana used to frog march me to every November to buy the Liberty bodices (Germolene pink). They were the last place on earth to stock them. You can imagine the shame of being the only girl in the lower years of Senior school to spend hours before gym lessons undoing the rows of rubber buttons down the side.
See how traumatised I was - I still remember.
(Sorry, Kate).
28 Feb, 2021
Do hope your feeling better really soon Kate, good to hear you were able to get out in the sunshine it;s been really lovely this weekend.
28 Feb, 2021
Julia, it’s such a pity you live so far from here!☺️
28 Feb, 2021
Julia and Ange - I don’t envy your youth having to wear those vests! Thankfully, there are many more styles out there now! As Julia said, much prettier ones!!
However, as a young child in the 70s, I remember long, harsh Scottish winters...and lots and lots of layers. I had the best blue ‘moon boots’ for snow. Loved them! I’m not sure if that’s just what Mum and Dad called them - probably!
28 Feb, 2021
Thank you for your lovely, warm message, Lesley. Xx
28 Feb, 2021
We lived in Scotland in the late 70's. May have seen you in your moon boots!
28 Feb, 2021
Goodness, yes, liberty bodices ... awful things. I guess we needed them before central heating but glad we’ve moved on to lightweight vests!
Hope you recover properly really soon Kate 🙂.
28 Feb, 2021
I'm sorry you're still suffering Kate but hope the medication soon does its trick ,take it easy rest and keep warm .
Yes I remember liberty vests also St Michael knickers and vests ,I didn't know who he was I thought he owned all my underwear Lol
1 Mar, 2021
I am sorry you now have a chest infection after all you have been through already. Hopefully the antibiotics will get on top of it and make you feel better very soon.
I think we all need lots of warm sunshine now and lovely Spring like days.
Don't be tempted to do too much too soon! Take lots of care.
1 Mar, 2021
So sorry you've been unwell Kate, I missed your previous blogs, internet problems, turned out to be nothing wrong here, it was work going on in our locality, as well as Goy being silly when we did get back online....
This darn virus affects people differently, my son got over it fairly well, his wife was a different outcome completely and like you was badly affected with breathing problems, quite nasty chest infection, was taken into hospital at one point, was very poorly and made her very tired for months, be careful with yourself, don't be tempted to do too much. xx
I like what hubby has done, Acucaba looks good in its frame and the logs make for a lovely bug hotel, made me smile at your difference of opinion, hubby and I often have those, gets quite heated at times , glad I spent time outside last week as its a really cold, grey day here, take care now..
1 Mar, 2021
Ange, you may very well have seen me ‘kicking’ about - they were pretty big and bright boots! ☺️
1 Mar, 2021
Thank you kindly, Sheila. Just a little setback. 😊
1 Mar, 2021
Thanks again, Amy. Fingers crossed the antibiotics will kick in soon and I’ll be back at work and getting into the ‘Spring’ garden too! 😉
1 Mar, 2021
Hi Chris, thank you, I will definitely not such back into things, I’ll take it day by day. I’ll be right as rain when the antibiotics are complete! I have to agree, lots of milder weather, sunshine and fresh air is what we all need - a great tonic! ☺️
1 Mar, 2021
Sue, thank you very much for your kind and thoughtful wishes, I’m very grateful.
I’m sorry your son and his wife had this blasted virus too! It sounds like his wife has had a very bad experience with it, even hospitalised! I do hope she is doing ok now, Sue? I appreciate she’s been poorly with what sounds like this long covid. It’s worrying isn’t it, as we don’t know the long term effects of it all..I’m wishing her the best of recovery.
Thank you for liking hubby’s task of many, on Saturday. I’m liking it too! I’ll try to maintain a sort of shape to it, if it will oblige!
Thanks gain for your lovely message, I’ll definitely take it easy and not rush into things.
You keep well too! Best wishes to your family. Xx
1 Mar, 2021
Thanks Klahanie! I really appreciate your kindness. Hoping to get out more in the fresh air..and hoping for more sunshine too! Hoping you and your family are doing ok!
Thank you for commenting on the aucuba, I’m pleased you like it’s new place in the garden ☺️
1 Mar, 2021
This is sad news Kate. I was afraid you had gone back to work too soon but there was so much pressure for staff i guess it couldn't be helped. Now please relax and recover properly before they shanghai you again!
Your little Aucuba house looks very pretty and the shrub is surely more attractive than watering cans? Hope you can enjoy your enforced leisure for a while longer.
1 Mar, 2021
My best wishes for your speedy recovery Kate. Horrible virus. I hope we gave some nice sunny days to help you along. I hope also that your hubby doesn't catch it. I guess he has had the vaccine.
2 Mar, 2021
Sue, I didn’t even get the chance to get back to work. I’ve been off all this time. Hoping to get back in a couple of weeks now. Yes, I will definitely take it easy before I return to a frenetic schedule!
Thank you for liking the newly altered little area, the watering cans are just fine in the shed!! 😊
2 Mar, 2021
Thank you kindly, Josee, I’m grateful for your warm wishes and thoughts. OH hasn’t had his vaccine yet, he’s in his 50s, but the vaccination programme is a bit random in different areas. He fortunately didn’t succumb to the virus. We isolated apart at home and wore masks and used different bathrooms etc, but, I think some of it is luck and some genetics.
I do hope you and your family have been safe and well, Josee! Thank you again, best wishes to you, take care xx
2 Mar, 2021
I have just found this Kate! I don't always check in every day. I am so sorry to hear you are suffering again and hope you will soon feel better ! We need the sunshine, don't we !
3 Mar, 2021
So sorry to hear about you health problem after you had this blasted covidi, hopefully the spring will be here soon and I sure that it will help clear up your chest infection ..
Like the pic of your aucuba.
Race care
4 Mar, 2021
Thank you Rose and Mossy, it’s very kind of you both.
I ended up in ACU yesterday evening. My friend/colleague called our matron to say I was still feeling symptomatic.
Matron asked me to attend for CXR and bloods. BP was up a bit, so I had an ecg. All ok. The registrar heard wheezing in my upper right lung and agreed with this and other issues, I had post covid symptoms. To keep taking analgesia, my antibiotics just finished. Not to rush back to work yet. My colleagues have been absolutely wonderful. I plan to take them all - there’s half a dozen who are friends out of work - a thank you gift.
I just want to get back to my own job and patients soon.
5 Mar, 2021
Hi Paul, thank you. Yes, feeling a bit better. Just this blasted cough and heavy chest tightness. I’m hoping to get back to work soon 🤞
6 Mar, 2021
8 Mar, 2021
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A framed picture: how artistic of you! I like the idea of you 'directing operations'. That's definitely the way to go! Now you've set the precedent....
Seriously, I do hope your recovery from the infection is swift and the current lovely weather helps you to feel a bit better, Kate.
28 Feb, 2021