Replenishing the rockery gradually.
By kate123
Lost a few little plants in the heatwave last many of you.
Our rockery is partly in full sun and further along its in part shade.
Mistakingly I bought some little plants at Brigg GC mid July when my parents were here…goodness knows why I bought them!!! The marigolds were munched overnight!
The little dahlias are doing ok as well as the geraniums fortunately! Especially with the hot weather. So, we picked up some succulents last week and planted them up along with the succulents that are already there and doing fairly well. Hopefully next year, I’ll revise my decisions.
I’ve noticed a few plants starting to recover on the rockery as well as in the garden.
26 Aug, 2022
Previous post: Hot Hull on a Sunday stroll..
Next post: The Old Tileworks and a new little GC.
Thanks Eileen..we thought we'd add a few more succulents to what's there. They were indifferent during the hot spell. Live and learn I guess.
26 Aug, 2022
lovely photos as always Kate. Like you the heat and critters killed my plants, more dead in summer than winter. I have given up on it myself milder language used - fed up with all the things plants die from , the nasty bugs they bring then the frosts . Still have a good amount but not buying anymore .
Will like to view your progress of course
26 Aug, 2022
Super selection there, Kate. Like Paul, I am out of love with my garden (and I think I'm not alone) after weeks and weeks of drought. Half a day of drizzle doesn't cut it. I am at a loss to know how to rectify it and the pockets could definitely do with a break from the cost of all the dead plants. Like you, the dahlias were a dead loss and the pelargoniums not much better. P'raps my mojo will return next year...
27 Aug, 2022
You have a good collection there Kate!
We had rain all day Thursday, plus some overnight rains last week so everything is starting to grow again!
27 Aug, 2022
Lovely selection of succulents. Must admist I'm a bit of a sucker when it comes to succulents! So easy to maintain and no worrying about watering. I have 4 displays of succulents and get very excited when they produce pups! Would love to create a gravel area to display them day....
27 Aug, 2022
Good choices Kate ā¦ very positive. We had a welcome downpour one day this week, so the next day we threw a mulch of manure over all the bare patches in the garden. Iām surprised at how good it looks now although there is very little colour š.
27 Aug, 2022
Kate, I love the geometrical shapes of those succulents but they're a genus I have never wished to have. No reason in particular! Adam Frost planted some in his new garden, as seen on Gardeners World on Friday evening. I only tuned in as Monty wasn't presenting. Carol Klein's progs. have finished now ... a real shame as I so enjoyed watching them.
28 Aug, 2022
Thanks everyone for all your really great feedback and interest too.
OH tends to like these much more..I like them, but I'd prefer a real mix of different plants up there!
They definitely are low maintenance, I don't seem to have had really any problems with the longer planted ones. I know some people lift them and put them in a greenhouse.
We've all list lost a lot of precious plants these past few months...
I have noticed some small signs of regrowth in a few plants in the past week, like Rose mentioned.
Like many of you, the rainfall hasn't been enough and we're using the water butt's supplies.
It is disheartening..hopefully Ange will get her mojo back next year? Paul sounds very frustrated with his garden too...
Thanks again, Julia, Paul, Angela, Rose, Amsterdam, Sheila, Klahanie and Shirley!
28 Aug, 2022
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well they all look to be happy plants Kate.
I've not bought any plants for ages.
26 Aug, 2022