The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Break away..


By kate123


Hi all, I do hope everyone is keeping well, or recovering from any horrid winter illness.
I’ve not been around for a while and I think I’ll only be popping in once in a blue moon, unfortunate.
Sadly, one of my colleagues/friends passed away suddenly a few weeks ago. She was 51. It’s been quite surreal and an emotional time.
We’ve had a celebration of her life recently, a get together with her family and colleagues and friends. She’d have enjoyed this!!!
So, now, we are a small team of 4. Another close colleague retired last week. We were a tight 6.
Our charge nurse retires next month and it’ll be 3 of us until the 2 new nurses can start at the end of February…
It’s going to be a difficult time, we’re stressing a bit. We cover a wide area, from our base in Hull across a lot of Lincolnshire, East Yorkshire (and close to York, Doncaster and Scarborough). We are reassuring our patients and hopefully, we will implement our plan from after Christmas.
So, I will be busy for a while, but, will pop in to catch up with all you lovely folks soon.
Best wishes and I hope you are all doing okay 🙏🩷

More blog posts by kate123

Previous post: Mid autumn in and around the Humber area.

Next post: Checking in.



Hi Kate,do not worry about not appearing on here...a very sad time for you will seem very different for you having a smaller unit.Hope you are able to offset work stress with your yoga.Will keep in touchx

7 Dec, 2024


Oh Kate, that sounds very bad. I am so sorry you lost your colleague and friend. Take good care of yourself and please don’t drive yourself into burnout. X

7 Dec, 2024


Thank you, Julia. It's definitely been a very strange and emotional few, a time of uncertainty.
I am still doing a yoga class and a zumba's a good distraction as well as helping me de-stress. My friends, Jo and Elaine have been supportive too.
I'll keep in touch, thank you for your kindness xx

7 Dec, 2024


Thank you, Karen, it's very kind of you, I appreciate it. Yes, it's been quite an emotional few weeks, the initial shock has been sinking in. Everything seems to be happening all at once...I shall heed your thoughtful advice, thanks so much xx

7 Dec, 2024


I do sympathise Kate. It’s so hard to get back to reality after such a shock. A few weeks ago, a friend (one in my book group) had a stroke and didn’t recover consciousness. We still can’t quite believe that we’ll never see her again, and she was only 71, but your colleague was far too young.
Don’t worry about posting on here, and do look after yourself. xx

7 Dec, 2024


I was thinking about you lately Kate. I was missing you around here and assumed that something is not right .

Life is not always kind to us and I am very sorry to hear about your friend. Very depressing.
Lucky you have some supportive friends. Keep strong and take care of yourself.XX

7 Dec, 2024


So sorry to hear the news about your colleague, Kate. I'm thinking of you and the few colleagues left to do the work that's needed in such a large area.

I think everyone understands why you won't be around for a while and we wish you all the best during this rather distressing time.

7 Dec, 2024


I just put "like" as it was nice to hear from you despite the sad circumstances.
It must have been very hard and sad for you all.
Thinking of you at this very sad time. x

8 Dec, 2024


oh Katie that is so sad, no wonder you have been 'missing' from here. Do take care of your self in the coming weeks/months.

I hope you will have a lovely Christmas none the less.

8 Dec, 2024


Take care Kate and try to enjoy Christmas, you're having a stressful time so it's important for you to look after yourself.

8 Dec, 2024


I’m sorry to hear about your loss Kate, we are all thinking of you. I hope you manage to enjoy Christmas with your family nevertheless. It’s seems a pity that your colleagues who are retiring were not able to delay until the new nurses start in Feb. Perhaps there are rules governing time of retirement. You will be very busy, so keep up with the yoga etc & the Zumba ( I’ve no idea what this is ) :-). Sounds fun.

9 Dec, 2024


So sorry Kate, such a sad blog, my heart goes out to you, losing a friend is hard but yours was so young, do take care of yourself, it must be very hard for you and your colleagues at the moment and sounds as though you are going to be run off your feet/wheels over the coming months, I hope they can sort it out asap, not a good situation at any time of the year but winter to me must be the worst ever as you cover such a large area......I sincerely hope you can relax and enjoy Christmas and we will see you when you have time.....Take care of yourself Kate xx

11 Dec, 2024


Kate, I echo everyone's thoughts and comments regarding the loss of your colleague and friend. You mustn't overdo things, easier said than done I know, but if you're not well then your patients out in the community will worry.

I do hope you are able to enjoy your Christmas and wish you all the very best for the new year.

12 Dec, 2024


Hi all you lovely people, I'm just popping on to say a big thank you for all your kind and thoughtful messages. I'm very touched.
Sending all of you my very best wishes, good health and have a lovely Christmas xxx

14 Dec, 2024


Thank you Kate, hope you can look after yourself in spite of it being such a stressful time. xx

16 Dec, 2024


Hi Kate, I've only just come across your blog this evening. Sorry to hear about your colleague's passing away & the others that are retiring. Hope you were able to find some time to enjoy a couple of days rest around Christmas. If yoga & zumba help you to relax then go for them. It's important, for you & your patients, that you look after yourself as well. What would they do if you fell ill because of stress?

A little gardening also helps to reduce stress so don't leave it, even if you can't do all that you would like to do.

Looking forward to your occasional visits. :)

14 Jan, 2025

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