Heuchera Mad! (holiday pics too)
By labdancer51
It seems I`m not alone in loving all things Heuchera, whatever the colour and whatever the variation I want them all! I have collected 26 over the last 5 yrs and am adding to them all the time as there are so many more varieties available now. When I bought my first one many years ago I was only aware of Palace Purple. For me they are perfect as I have a north-facing border that rarely sees any sun and they thrive there as well as adding much needed colour to a very dull area. I`m going plant three of them under Cornus alba`Sibirica`to make its red stem stand out even more through the winter. Also I`m going to plant them in a large pot after seeing what Drc has done with hers, which is really lovely.
I have some more holiday pics, not gardens this time but fun photos:
One morning I looked out and saw this balloons passing by, I had to get a photo. There were eight that I could see but I couldn`t get any more in the picture. You don`t see that every day!
We had our evening meal in this amazing restaurant in Downtown Disney one night. As you ate the whole place came to life with dinosaurs roaring and others flying. It was quite expensive and we all had the cheapest meal on the menu but we enjoyed the whole dining experience.
Just arrived at the Magic Kingdon and walking up Main Street. My own two `kids` Danny and Kerry seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere!
Another photo of the dinosaur restaurant, just before the storm broke, it was very realistic though thankfully it didn`t rain while we were in there. I`m not sure there would be that many diners if it did…lol!
Again I had problems adding photos which I`m sure is because they are too big. I`ll have to shrink them by using Pixresizer, it should the job. :o)
25 Oct, 2010
Previous post: Home from Holiday ~ photos
Next post: Christmas Trees and Black Eyes
You are definitely not alone in your love of Heuchera Sandra, they are so versatile, and provide lots of colour through the winter. Look forward to seeing your pics when you get them sorted. Enjoyed the Disney pics, brought back memories.
25 Oct, 2010
I am a Heuchera fan too. I try to keep track of the labels as they usually indicate sun/shade or full shade. I have grown all of mine in pots. Marmalade and Caramel do well in a nice sized pot. Put one in a really good sized pot and they really get large. Some of them flower for ages. They are so versatile and don't mind the frosts either and share happily with other plants too. I suggest you look a Plantagogo site listings and there is lots of info on there on light snd shade and placement. Vicki is on GoY and runs this website as a Heuchera specialist with the official approved collection.
25 Oct, 2010
sounds like a good plant for my garden, i will try them in pots now
25 Oct, 2010
Lovely photos ... a place I shall never visit though ... hate flying and just about manage to get to Europe !
25 Oct, 2010
26 LAB,you sure do like them then lol,love the pics sounds like a great place to go, glad you all had a good time :o)
25 Oct, 2010
I've one in a pot and hope next year to start collecting them in pots and grouping them together, the colours are so lovely--- my friend wouldn't have the light green-- too like lettuce! but in a collection I would think it would 'set 'the others off.
many years ago we went to Disneyland-- Anaheim-- and thoroughly enjoyed it, the dino restaurant looks amazing!
26 Oct, 2010
wow sandra i thought my collection was doing well at 9 but yours knocks spots off mine lol, lovely pics to and looks wonderfull, resturant looks great, bet the kids loved it ;o))
26 Oct, 2010
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I'd like to hear more about those heucheras ~ are they happier in shade? i bought one a couple of years ago which didnt do too well even tho we have a shady garden. this year i put in a new one which looks like a very tasty bright lettuce and it is quite happy
25 Oct, 2010