Christmas Trees and Black Eyes
By labdancer51
Today I bought the Christmas tree, a tad early but at least I got to chose the one with the nicest shape and as its in a pot it will sit in the back garden until required.
I`ve moved to a sheltered spot against the house wall and surrounded it with pots to keep it from being blown over. Can you see the eyesore that is our neighbours breezeblock wall in the background? We`re planning to paint it the same colour as the fence, screw some trellis to it and plant something that will grow over it, I really don`t want to look at that each time I go into the garden.
The last few weeks haven`t seen me doing very much gardening at all. I have done some clearing away of dead foliage and this Sunday we plan to tackle the fallen leaves that are now all over the beds and lawn.
I`m so pleased that I planted Honeysuckle to grow over the archway, at least it will be green through the Winter and will hide the bare branches of climbing rose `William Bell`.
One of my roses, the bright red `Crimson Cascade`looks very sick indeed. It had some sort of growths on its stem though I`ve cut them all out now. I think it might be wise to get rid of it altogether though its a real shame, its flowers were beautiful, like velvet and they lasted ages whatever the weather threw at them.
Perry decided to have a mad moment in the garden this afternoon. For obvious reason I couldn`t get a photo but he was hilarious to watch. The only problem being large labradors and wet lawns don`t mix and Perry ended up covered in mud and the lawn was..well… even wetter and soggier than before.
I snapped this just before he took off on his lap of honour, his beloved woollen glove clasped firmly in his jaws.
This is after said lap when I saw that he even had mud around his eye!
This was indoors after major clean up and still his eye is black despite my efforts to remove it!
Daft dog…he seems to get a bit more crazy the longer we have him, says a lot about us doesn`t it?…lol!
10 Nov, 2010
Previous post: Heuchera Mad! (holiday pics too)
Next post: Clearing leaves and Getting Wet!
Your Christmas tree looks lovely...and Perry...well he was really on the trail of something in that garden! lol
Yes, you do have a few leaves to tackle on the weekend. The price we have to pay for having beautiful trees :)
The wall is a challenge and your idea sounds good with the trellis. I guess that will be a project for spring?
10 Nov, 2010
Surprised Perry hasn't chewed that glove to shreds yet ... Christmas tree is alovely shape ... you'll be finding pine needles up to June though! Artificial for me these days ( or years) ... what do you think is wrong with your red Rose? Be a shame to have to dig it out. : o (((
10 Nov, 2010
What's that awful wall for then Sandra? It definitely needs hiding (or pulling down! lol) :o((
As you work in a GC I'll forgive you for getting, and showing us, a Christmas tree! It's looking really good, hope you manage to keep it going in the future.
As for Perry, well he's just gorgeous and those leaves will still be there whenever you can manage to get around to clearing them. Took advantage of the good weather and did ours today. :o)
10 Nov, 2010
Yep all labs have there daft moments,flatcoats do it as well, my lawn takes a terrible battering at times, Perry looks as though he doesn`t agree and his expression says " I`m a good boy really"LOL.
Very nice xmas tree and hope the weather is good to you so you can collect those leaves.
Shame to lose your rose, I think I`d be tempted to cut it right back and see if it improves next year..
10 Nov, 2010
Good for Perry! It shows how well he's doing. He's a happy Lab. :-)) Does he do a 'snake' impression on the lawn? I think Henry looks sooooo funny when he does it. lol.
10 Nov, 2010
You think your neighbor's wall is bad? You should see my neighbor's place! I'm planning to surreptitiously snap a photo of it & post it. It's full of broken down vehicles and piles of trash.
11 Nov, 2010
Perry obviously enjoyed himself :o) That's nice to know he's settled and happy.
You can make some nice leafmould from those leaves :o)
11 Nov, 2010
lovely perry sandra, i can just imagine him running round like that as my lab use to do the same thing, so funny, and the clearing up ,well its only dirt isnt it, he sure is worth it :o))
11 Nov, 2010
Lovely blog love Perry so pleased he enjoyed himself on the lawn,nice xmas tree.
11 Nov, 2010
That awful wall is there, as far as I can tell to support an even uglier perspex roof that runs from the back door to the front of their horrible (and I think illegal) extension. Its not worth complaining because we want to move in a few years time and I don`t want to have any disputes that can ruin our chances of selling.
11 Nov, 2010
It would look so much better if it were rendered, then painted. Have they ever seen it from your side ? Perhaps they'd consider paying for the paint if they could see what an eyesore it is! Is Perry looking a bit cleaner today .. lol!
11 Nov, 2010
I hope your neighbours will help you to disguise the dreaded breeze blocks . I suggest some Russian Vine! (as you plan to move!) lol
Lovely tree, lovely lab - I envy you!
11 Nov, 2010
hat a great looking tree - is it one of the firs that keeps its needles inside well ? After many years of a real tree I finally succumbed to a "pretend" one a couple of years ago purely because hubby's arthritis is too bad for him to carry a potted tree in and out of the house and unpotted ones just don't last at all.
Mind you we got quite a good tree that looks quite like a real one and not plastic-y and it really does look nice when it is groaning from the weight of all my decs on it and with lights etc on it, so it's not as bad as I thought. Just part of the ageing process as far as I am concerned.
Re the wall, I would have thought that the extensions should have had to have a brick exterior to match the rest of the house, as they usually do. It might be worth checking this with your local planning office, because your neighbours may not be building this with proper approval !
You could also try putting a trellis extension on the top of your fence like a lot of people do to grown a climber or two a bit higher.
Best of luck.
12 Nov, 2010
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Oh Sandra,that wall is horrendous...What's on their side ??
Glad you have plans to hide it.Perry is looking so content,and he looks so comical with his black eye.Lol. Nice xmas tree too,and a lovely shape...:o)
10 Nov, 2010