The Changing Garden
By libet
This is just an idea of the garden when we first moved here in 2000, the lovely people we bought our house off are building their own new house in the field at the bottom of the garden…I know…most people have fairies in theirs!;) The photo was taken about October and is from an upstairs window.
This is about June in 2001. The covered seat on the left was inspired by a visit to Chelsea, and built by Keith my hubby, photo taken from same window. Unfortunately the greenhouse to the right couldn’t be saved, but we were able to use the base slab for a new one!
This photo is taken from the bottom of the garden looking up towards the house, the bed on the left hadn’t been planted yet!
There’s a big jump to 2010, too busy working on the garden! I’ll fill in the details later! Photo taken from upstairs.
These photos are taken from about halfway down the garden looking back towards the house. When I get some free time I’ll post more! Hope these are ok! :)
17 Mar, 2011
More blog posts by libet
Next post: At last! Out and about in the garden!
Thank you TT, you're very kind! I've seen photos of your garden and it's beautiful (as are your cute doggies!) so I'm very flattered!
17 Mar, 2011
Hi again Libet...
Pleased you like my garden ...
... my doggies and budgie all say hi :o)
17 Mar, 2011
What a lovely garden,and house ,you have,Libet..You have done some wonderful planting,it looks great.:o)
17 Mar, 2011
Oh no! How could I have forgotten your wee budgie! I used to have them when I was young, Mum always let them fly around when it was safe in the house, and it was lovely having them 'help' my twin sister and myself do our homework... however, not so good using the excuse "the budgie slightly nibbled my homework" when the pages had lovely lacy' beaked' edges! Lol! Tweet tweet!!
17 Mar, 2011
Lol. Libet... when I was a child, I had budgie which used to make frilly edges to all the wallpaper ! :o)
17 Mar, 2011
Thank you Sandra! You're very kind! I was surprised when I was putting the photos together, at quite how much the garden had 'grown'! I'll have to post some more pics from ground level, so you can see under the trees and shrubs!
17 Mar, 2011
Lol TT!:)) we have two cats who like to do that too! I think it's a comment on our taste in wallpaper!
17 Mar, 2011
Beautiful garden Libet :-)
17 Mar, 2011
What a fantastic garden and a wonderful home too! You are clearly a fan of a good curve, just like me! I am also a plantaholic and a fan of Chelsea too...but sadly I don't have half an acre to play in...but that's ok, because then I would really bankrupt OH!! Love your garden Libet, and can't wait to see more of it! p.s. I am going to Chelsea this year!!!!yippee!!!\0/ \0/ :))))
17 Mar, 2011
Thank you Simbad! You're very kind!:0)
17 Mar, 2011
Ohhh! Karensusan6! Chelsea!! Lucky, lucky you! Room for a couple of little'uns in your suitcase?! we promise to be good?! Thank you for your lovely comments, it's amazing what good curves a hose and a few 'helpful' comments shouted from an upstairs window can create! Funnily enough the garden doesn't cost too much to run now, the shrubs and trees are established now, and there are a lot of perennials that can (and have!) be split and moved around. Then of course I can have fun with new varieties of annuals, and take cuttings and have patience... and loads of fun! ;0)
17 Mar, 2011
What a beautiful, large garden Libet. I am also a big fan of curves :o))
17 Mar, 2011
Your garden is beautiful, Libet...very nicely planned and it has matured well. It is very pretty viewed from either the upstairs or at ground level...and you have a lovely home set off by all your planting.
I did welcome you on another blog...great for you to be in our midst. Enjoy.
17 Mar, 2011
What a lovely garden. I wish I had a bigger garden. Mine is tiny. Literally.
17 Mar, 2011
Thank you Annella, for your lovely curvy comments! :0) very kind!
I'm sorry I missed your welcome before, Whistonlass, I've seen you before on other blogs and you're always very kind to newcomers! So thank you for your welcome, I think it's going to be fun! And thank you for your lovely complements!
Hello Alexb! All the nicest things come in small packages! My first garden was in a little 2 up 2 down terrace house, with no front garden and a concrete yard at the back. When I stood in the middle of the yard, I could touch both walls, while stretching over the bin! What I said at the time was, if I can't get plants in the ground...I'll just have to go up! To between hanging baskets, wall baskets and containers, we managed to make a passable effort at the 'hanging gardens' of Belfast! Never give up!
17 Mar, 2011
You have created a beautiful garden over the years, Libet, you must have lots of birds coming in to settle on the trees and shrubs? Welcome to GoY from me too. : o )
17 Mar, 2011
Welcome to Goy Libet, I love your garden quite envious of the size, I only have a very small plot and have taken over the spare car port to grow some veg. I'm looking forward to seeing more pics. :-)
17 Mar, 2011
You have a beautiful garden and you've done a lot of work on it. I like your house too :)
17 Mar, 2011
Thank you Shirley Tulip! We do indeed have loads of birds in the garden! and sometimes the noise is deafening! the nicest possible way of course! They are creating a really early alarm clock these mornings, so we are a bit bleary-eyed! The robins are one of my hubby's favorites, he has managed to keep them going through the last two bad winters with food and water and little roosting boxes stuck in hedges and shrubs where I'm least expecting them! There are hawks and buzzards etc but I'll tell you all about them in another blog! Hope you're still grinning ShirleyTulip...planted those bulbs yet?! only teasing!;0)
17 Mar, 2011
Hello Teds! Gosh I was just looking at your blog the other night, and I must say your ingenuity is to be commended! Plus those wicker tubs are just the thing to set to whole thing off. Just lovely! Oh! and thank you for your lovely welcome!
17 Mar, 2011
Hi Libet - welcome to GoY! You've done wonders already to your garden . . . it looks a beautiful haven for pottering. :)
17 Mar, 2011
Och! Hello again Hywel! Your comments are lovely! Thank you! It was a lot of hard work...years! But fun work!!
And you'll never guess, the wind did blow me something nice into the car...a gorgeous bag of sharp sand! Livin' the high life now! eh Hywel! My hubby pronounced "Don't say I don't buy you nice things!" And you know...he's right!
17 Mar, 2011
lol :) that's nice to hear !
17 Mar, 2011
Hello Sheilabub! Thank you for that! That's just the word I use too! I love a good potter! The garden's quite private so I can just wander off and weed and fiddle about and weed and eat far too many tomatoes in the greenhouse and weed and prune something and weed...well it all comes under the umbrella of pottering doesn't it! As long as it's done with a big smile, it's not work at all is it!! ;)
17 Mar, 2011
what a beautiful house & garden you have...
17 Mar, 2011
Thank you Elsiemay, you're very kind!:0)
17 Mar, 2011
Hello Libet,
Just a few words to say that it was a pleasure to look at the photos of your garden. Such a transformation.
The curves, the layout of the garden and the planting have been well thought out, it is very inspiring.
I can easily imagine on a warm sunny day sitting out there with a nice glass of white wine.
21 Mar, 2011
Hello Mossy! Thank you for your lovely comments, you're very sweet! You'll be making me blush! Thank you again!
21 Mar, 2011
Libet welcome, you are new to me..not been around here much the garden and how things have changed since you moved in..keep motivated and working hard on it and you and hubby will enjoy all its beauty..great blog thanks for sharing
21 Mar, 2011
You have transformed it all beautifully Libet and I for one would be out pottering all the time as well, toms straight off the plants are the best........
23 Mar, 2011
just love your garden and house libet, the transformation is amazing and you have a good eye for planning and planting,love the little harbour your hubby made you and its all matured so naturally, enjoyed your pics :o)
23 Mar, 2011
Thank you for all your kind comments on my first blog, I feel really encouraged carry on and keep working away!
Thank you, Skipscanda1, for your warm welcome and enthusiasm! When I was hunting out the photos for the blog, I was surprised myself how much the garden has changed, some would say overgrown!! ;0)
Also Lincslass, I was out pottering away today, tomato seeds, among others, planted and in the propagator...yumpety yum! I just spotted your lovely dog on your hilarious blog, he looks like he's channelling Michael Jackson with his one blue bandage! Very smart!
Thank you Sanbaz, but as you can see from the bottom pics you can't see the wee seat anymore, I think I'll have to go in with a machete and a tin of paint and give it a new lease of life! Thanks for the great comments! Keith(hubby!) says thank you too! You're very kind! :0)
23 Mar, 2011
its lovely having a hubby to make things you need for the garden, im surpose to be getting my arch made this year all being well and if baz gets chance, not only cheaper but better made i think. look forward to more blogs :o)
23 Mar, 2011
Yep, Sanbaz, you're right about making it yourself, we put ours together with fence posts, trellis, tongue and groove boards for walls and believe it or not, skirting boards for the eaves! If you go to a wood yard, you can find some wood with lovely mouldings on them! Just make sure it's well painted with gloss or satin or stained with preservative. Just maintain it like an outside window!
Oh, and we went to a reclaimation yard and got old terracotta ridge tiles to put on the roof. It was great fun, the hardest thing to do was choosing the colour! Have fun making your arch, I'll look forward to the pics!
23 Mar, 2011
we dont have many reclame yards here where i am, infact lucky if there are any, baz is a joiner so he knows whats what and can normally get good deals or find wood somewhere lol, great idea with the tiles, added effect, i will post a blog when it finally gets made but dont hold your breath libet hahaha
23 Mar, 2011
Wow, absolutely gorgeous garden and transformation!
23 Mar, 2011
A truly stunning garden, I just love it! What a transformation!
Welcome to GoY by the way, it's a plantaholics dream site!!
24 Mar, 2011
Thanks for your lovely comment Daylily! very kind of you! :0)
25 Mar, 2011
Oh Lulu33! I love that you love it! You've really made my day! And thank you for your warm welcome from one plantaholic to another!
25 Mar, 2011
Its raining here in Scotland today so I can spend some time looking around. I fell in love with your area when we visited my son and his wife who lived there for a few years. Your garden makeover is wonderful. It sets off and compliments your home beautifully. I too have a handy hubby and I love him to bits. He is so good at interpreting what I want in the form of hard landscaping. It is great to see the before and after photos.
30 Mar, 2011
Hello Scotsgran! I think you've got the rain we had on Tuesday night! It was lovely today, and although I should have been clearing more leaves out of the borders...
(I think I'll clear the leaves this autumn and not leave them on the beds as protection for the plants, for starters the blackbirds chuck them all over the place looking for goodies, and I don't think they massively helped to shelter the plants over the winter, I don't think I lost any less than usual, just made more work for myself at this time of the year!), the seedlings in the greenhouse were calling out to be pricked on! There's Tagetes 'Starfire', Zinnia 'Jazz', Larkspur-think it's Little Rocket, dwarf Cosmos, and tomato 'Gardener's Delight'.
It's very nice of you to say you like over here, undoubtedly it has it's faults, but it's home to me and lovely hubby!! The wee soul only got let loose with a power tool when he married me! He didn't have the opportunity at home with his parents, but I knew he was perfectly capable, and he has proved me right on numerous occasions! I'm glad your hubby is handy too, it makes life so much easier doesn't it!
I'd better stop now... I'll be boring you to death! Thanks again for the lovely comments! Take care!
30 Mar, 2011
31 Mar, 2011
My hubby's only handy with the drumsticks! although he will bring me compost by the tractor load when I need it!!
31 Mar, 2011
My OH is known as 'Barney Bodger' ... need I say more? ............
31 Mar, 2011
Lol! Lulu, at least he can 'serenade' you whilst you dig all that lovely compost in!
31 Mar, 2011
Oh no! He doesn't snuffle up big holes in your lawn does he?! ;0)
31 Mar, 2011
Oh flip! Sorry Shirley! I really must find my glasses, I thought that word was badger, poor OH, bad enough being called a bodger, without me calling him a badger! Lol!! :0))
31 Mar, 2011
Ha ha, that explains your comment! I did wonder about it .......
1 Apr, 2011
At least as a badger he is one of a protected species. Look after him well. Good muck is invaluable.
1 Apr, 2011
lol@Libet.....I was checking out your comment, Libet to see if it was an April Fool's joke but see it was posted on 31st March. lol Gave me a chuckle :)
1 Apr, 2011
Oh for dear's sake Jacquie... I know! What am I like!! Glad I made you chuckle, you've made my day!!
1 Apr, 2011
I love your garden Libet and I'm not at all jealous of your 'handy' husband....well maybe a little bit :-))
2 Apr, 2011
Happy to oblige, Got to laugh at medicine going :)
2 Apr, 2011
What a wonderful garden you have, and how lovely to have had a blank canvas to begin with. Look forward to seeing more.
8 Apr, 2011
Thank you very much Cinderella! I'll be puttng more pics on soon, and thank you so much for your lovely pm!
8 Apr, 2011
Yes, another fan on the way - love the garden too and the great planting. Gardens evolve and are never quite the same two years running, sooo dynamic. Yours is certainly ready for a quiet meander with a glass of something yummy to drink..... cheers! :))) hic
11 Apr, 2011
Thank you very much Minihoney! Gosh I don't know what to say! You're very kind! That's great that you like the garden, as you say it's always changing, and it has certainly got a bit of a rev-up this weekend, what with the heat and now the rain, it is growing like Topsy! Soon be time for that little glass of something lovely!...;0)))
11 Apr, 2011
Hello Bornagain! I'm sorry, I've only just spotted your lovely comments, thank you very much! Keith says to tell you it's nice somebody appreciates him!! Now I'm a little bit jealous!! ;0))) Lol!
11 Apr, 2011
Hi Libet, I think your garden is sensational, you should go into garden design! You have worked so hard, I have been looking at your photos. This is a lovely blog.
13 Apr, 2011
Thank you so much, Grandmage! Gosh... sensational?! That's so flattering! Gosh! Well, we have put a lot of work into it, but it was a pleasure rather than hard work, because we can reap the benefits now as it's much easier to maintain, and it leaves me time to have fun and play around with or move the existing plants and sow new varieties of annuals and perennials, and... dear me, I've tired myself out thinking of all that needs done... what was that I said about low maintenance?? ;0) Thanks again! (blush!)
13 Apr, 2011
I meant every word :~)
14 Apr, 2011
Where are you hiding your halo! I must say, you and all the lovely people on this site have gone a long way towards restoring my faith in human nature!
14 Apr, 2011
Libet believe me my Halo is tarnished.(thats even if I have got one in the first place) Lol !!!! he he.
14 Apr, 2011
Lol!! Ok then! Will you agree to be a diamond in the rough?! ;0))
14 Apr, 2011
Yes Ok., I will !!! Lol. x
14 Apr, 2011
I agree with G.mage, your garden IS sensational!
18 Apr, 2011
Just seen what you have done with your garden Libet. Being at the start of our project i know the hard work that you have put in to get it to that condition .... keep up the good work.
6 May, 2011
Oh Lulu33, I've only just seen your kind're going to make me blush like Grandmage! Thank you!
8 May, 2011
Thank you Tony 1247, it was hard work, but it was fun too, plus it gets easier as it gets more established, so you at least you do have that to look forward to! Keep going, it'll be really interesting to see the developments!
8 May, 2011
This is my first comment checking out your postings so please don't feel you have to reply to all as I'm sure there will be many.
AMAZING!! What a gorgeous transformation. I am in awe and not ashamed to say slightly envious :)
27 Jul, 2011
Thank you Lilcrawford for your lovely comment...and it's one I could bounce right back to you, the transformation in your garden has been absolutely fabulous! You've done so well to get it so established looking, in so few years! It's yummy! :0)
27 Jul, 2011
Recent posts by libet
- A very 'Goy-ful' Christmas to my 'Goy-us' friends!
24 Dec, 2011
- Snappin' between the showers!
31 Jul, 2011
- This one's for Tony!
19 Jun, 2011
- Just to share a little of what I've been doing!
11 May, 2011
- At last! Out and about in the garden!
14 Apr, 2011
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Lovely garden :o)
17 Mar, 2011