This one's for Tony!
By libet
So, Tiny’s lovely dad, Tony (230338) had mentioned to me that I hadn’t said much about my garden lately. Well, as I said to him, I had worked about three quarters of the way through a blog a couple of days ago, but the internet cable fell out…so I lost the whole lot! Flippin’ typical isn’t it! Ecky thump! eh, Tony! The weather over here hasn’t been that great, although it’s lovely today, the nights have been really quite cold, so I’ve only got the plants I was raising in the greenhouse out this week.
These are the Cosmos ‘Sonata Dwarf Mixed’, they’re great for near the front of a bed, because they are only 1ft tall. The Marguerites were overwintered, and just about survived, but they’re grand now!
Osteospermum ‘Pixie White’.
This is Penstemon ‘Huskers Red’, at least, I hope it is, it looks really like beetroot to me!
This bed has Acanthus mollis in it, and I remember somebody saying it was a thug…I can see what they mean now, although it did just sit for about 3yrs doing nothing…lulling me into a false sense of security! There is also a Sambucus ‘Black Beauty’ which I will cut back after the flowers fade, and take cuttings of, naturally ;0) and Dahlia ‘Black Narcissus’, not long hardened off from the greenhouse, so it’s a bit stretched, but it’ll soon bush up.
This is a really shaded bed, but the heuchera and ferns love it, so it’s where I put a lot of the split heucheras, so it doesn’t look so bare. There’s an Acer ‘Red Flash’, also Heucherella ‘Tapestry’ which I had split into three plants earlier in the year, remember Whist?
So, Alchemilla mollis, being grown through by Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’, with ‘Yellow Gallery’ Lupins, and black Heuchera, ‘Obsidian’, just about to flower.
Some Aquilegia ‘Nora Barlow’ which have self seeded, so they aren’t true to her but have the same weird piled up double flowers, Lychnis coronaria ‘Atrosanguinea’, and a dose of wee purple violas, just because! Behind is a giant Monkshood. All these plants, except the violas, survived being frozen solid over the winter, remarkable!
Just thought I’d show you the daisies, I have to rip them out before they set seed! The Miscanthus ‘Zebrinus’ hasn’t got it’s lovely yellow horizontal stripes yet, it’s still too early, but the Hakonechloa ‘Aureola’ is going great guns, its getting so big, they grow up so quick, sniff, then they leave home… ;0)
This is the rose arch into the garden, it’s got Rose ‘Super Excelsa’ growing up the left side, and golden hop, Humulus Lupulus ‘Aureus’ growing up the right side, and when they meet in the middle, I have a feeling the rose is going to win!
Just another view of the Lychnis and Aquilegia.
Can anyone identify this lovely purple flower? It’s growing through feverfew to give you some sense of scale, and the leaf is down at the bottom left corner.
This is just before you walk round to the left, towards the rose arch, the Sumach is making a lovely tree, even if I do have to follow it around the garden pulling up suckers!
Hosta ‘Francee’, and Geranium ‘Plenum Caeruleum’.
And this is Geranium ‘Plenum Caeruleum’! It’s about 4ft tall now, so I can really see into the flowers, isn’t she sweet?
This bit is for Tony, this is one of the roses I propagated from Mum’s rose at home. As you know, this is very precious, and it was the one I was doing the rose dance with when I was trying to wrestle it into the greenhouse during a bad gale, remember? I had to struggle up to the back door to get Keith to unfankle me!! Well, both them and myself survived…with me coming off worst, and I said I would put it on for you, so here she is…lovely isn’t it, the parent plant is about 180 years old…no, I can’t believe it either, but I have been told about it. Its perfume is incredible, you can smell it yards away!
It gets paler as it ages, but the perfume is still going strong, I’m trying to propagate some more this year, so we’ll see how it goes!
Look Tony…Just for you…I have petunias in my window box!! I said I liked them! They are still really yucky to deadhead though, lol!
Thanks to everybody for perservering this far, I’m just a wee bit wordy today! ;0)x
And to all the Dads out there I hope you all had a Happy Father’s Day!
19 Jun, 2011
More blog posts by libet
Previous post: Just to share a little of what I've been doing!
Next post: Snappin' between the showers!
Thank you very much Cinderella!
19 Jun, 2011
Success got your blog all uploaded and it was worth the effort and the wait. Your garden is looking great despite your reports of inclement weather recently.
There is a lot of vigorous growth on your arch...wonder if your rose will win out? And you successfully divided your heuchera and now have them filling out your border...that worked well then :)
I am a fan of cosmos too...only have a white one at the moment but next year I will add some more...good filler and so nice and airy looking. The planter is looking very smart too...nice wide windowsill to accommodate it.
Thanks for sharing your lovely garden with us once again.
19 Jun, 2011
lovely garden Libet and great variety of plants :o))
19 Jun, 2011
Thank you Whist! The rose will definitely win...I'll make sure of it! You should try some cosmos from seed, it's much cheaper and a whole lot more fun!
19 Jun, 2011
Thanks Helen! Very kind!:0)
19 Jun, 2011
You have one of the most delightful gardens in the world! Just love it! Blog gone to faves!
Love that Daliah and that really pretty geranuim,......4'!! As for 180 year old rose, just fab history there.
19 Jun, 2011
Great blog Libet! I love that arch into the rose garden, it's amazing, really well 'clothed'. I can't wait to see less of my arches! Thanks for the photos! :))
19 Jun, 2011
Wonderful blog, your garden is beautiful. I need to get some osteospermums in my garden :D
19 Jun, 2011
What a lovely selection of photos of your garden, Libet - such a lot of gorgeous plants. You certainly have a brilliant selection of shapes and colours.
19 Jun, 2011
What a wonderful achievement in propergating and keeping that beautiful rose going. Must say your photography is great and really shows your lovely garden to full advantage. The geranium `Plenum Caeruleum` has gone on my wish list its a beauty.
19 Jun, 2011
Wow, what a superb garden so much going on it looks absolutely stunning:)
19 Jun, 2011
Thanks Libet for this fabulous blog. Love all your "close planting" - some great combinations there - and I hope someone CAN ID that pretty purple flower!
P.S. I can't believe the rose will win . . . our Humulus overtakes EVERYTHING. :)
19 Jun, 2011
Och Lulu, you're too kind! Thank you very much! And thanks for putting it on your faves...I'm blushing now!
Thanks Karen! I've never heard it put that someone wanted to see less of their arches, but you're quite right! Lol! May they disappear very soon!
Hello Craftyemma! Thank you for your lovely comments, run out right now and get some osteospermums, they're great little 'doers'!
Hi again Mariek! Thank you kindly! I've been trying to vary shapes more this year, but it's hard to keep away from the old favourites!
Thank you Stroller! It's quite a responsibility to keep that rose going, there are three sisters, and I need to get a couple more propagated and under my belt, just in case something happens to the others! The roses I mean, not the sisters! Lol! That geranium is a real sweetie!
19 Jun, 2011
Thanks Nana d! Thanks that's a lovely comment!
Lol Sheilabub! I know it can do! But I'll have it's tendrils chopped off (ouch!) before it knows it's grown them! The close planting really keeps the weeds down, and if something gets a bit overwhelmed, I just move it! Keeps me on my toes...
19 Jun, 2011
Gorgeous garden indeed Libet - and yours plants are so pretty - Alchemilla mollis and crocosmia - beauties - love them. Heucheras we have a fair few too. Love the acer bloodgood I think as we also have one in front of the pond :):):) I do not actually have the zebrinus grass but you can guess I'd love some - bought one in March and nothing came of it - DOH!!!
Your planter is beautiful as are your roses - well it all is - I love seeing the planting - your Humulus Lupulus ‘Aureus’ is gorgeous - ours did nothing :(
beautiful garden libet :):):):)
19 Jun, 2011
Thank you Paul! Those are lovely comments! What happened to your grass? Did it disappear, or not colour up? Try the Golden hop again Paul, you must have been sold a dud! They love a good deep hole and lots of well drained compost, oh, and lots of food, they're very greedy! Thanks again Paul! You're very kind!
19 Jun, 2011
you're very welcome Libet - you put lovely things to my garden too. The grass I put on the front and it didn't even start ): - thanks for advice on hop - what light does it prefer ?
Thanks Libet :):):)
19 Jun, 2011
It can stick a lot of light, and if you keep it well watered it'll not scorch too much, but it does fine in the shade too, it's in the pic of the Acer, on the trellis behind! Your gardens looking great at the moment, you can't seem to do anything wrong to it!
19 Jun, 2011
thanks Libet will buy some more :):) and thanks for the nice comment about garden :):):)
19 Jun, 2011
What a wonderful selection of plants, Libet, and so beautifully put together. I love your garden! : o )
19 Jun, 2011
Och Shirley! You'll have me blushing again! That's lovely that you like the garden, you've made my day! Thank you!
19 Jun, 2011
WoW Libet! What a beautiful garden! Can I come and stay? lol it looks so sunny too!
Absolute paradise!
20 Jun, 2011
I hope Tony doesn't mind if I peep at this blog, it was so well worth waiting for! Libet, your garden is utterly beautiful, I've put it straight into my favourites so I can keep looking and be inspired, thank you for persevering with the blog and making such a gorgeous garden.
20 Jun, 2011
Beautiful garden and lovely photos Libet
20 Jun, 2011
wow where do i start ! you sure do have a lovely selection of plants and youv put them togeather so nicely,im loving your your Plenum Caeruleum your right she sure is a sweety, think i might have to look out for this for my garden is sooooo gorgous ! loving your window box to overflowing with lovelyness,i could go on and on and about everything in your garden its all just so gorgous im add your blog as a fav and nominating your geranium for the goypedia geraniums,thanks for sharing all these gorgous pics with us so enjoyed looking through it all :)
20 Jun, 2011
Beautiful garden, Libet.
It is good to see a Sumach welcome in a garden too, maybe they are prone to suckering but they are sooo attractive.
20 Jun, 2011
i have bought one this year, just because i love it, i know about the suckers but i have wanted one for years, there was one in the garden of the house where i was born.
20 Jun, 2011
Love that Doggie Xela, kinda wolfhoundish?
Lol Sticki!
20 Jun, 2011
Hi Pixi! Lol! Some of those photos were taken at the speed of light when the sun came out, which hasn't been often lately! Thanks for the lovely comments!
20 Jun, 2011
You can absolutely look Sticki Pet! Thank you for putting it on your favourites, I'm really flattered! Your comments are very kind! :0)
Sumachs are lovely, they only start to sucker if they get damaged, mine only started when a wee branch got broken off in a gale!
20 Jun, 2011
Libet, I'm wondering if your Purple plant without a name could be Stachys macrantha 'Superba' at all? Ringing any bells for you ... lol!
20 Jun, 2011
Thank you Annella! :0)
20 Jun, 2011
Hello W! You're far too kind! I'm going all pink! Gosh! A favourite and a nomination? Wow! Thank you, that's just lovely!
20 Jun, 2011
Hi, Zela! I think the Sumachs are worth all the trouble too, they look so mature at such a young age, and don't get too tall either! Thanks for commenting!
20 Jun, 2011
your welcome Libet,you deserve it ! :)
20 Jun, 2011
Ohhh! Shirley! You're right! I recognised the name when I read it and I've just looked it up...and you're absolutely right!! Thank you so much, now I can get some more, they seem to like that wee spot they're in...well done you! Lol! ;0)
20 Jun, 2011
Thank you, W! You're such a sweetie! :0)
20 Jun, 2011
Well, I'm pleased I've done something right today! You know how some days just all go pear-shaped? Today is one of those . . . .
20 Jun, 2011
Oh dear! At least you have the satisfaction of at least sorting me out, if not yourself! I hope it gets sorted out...
20 Jun, 2011
Lets's just say lawn mower gave up the ghost, printer needed more ink cartridges, Megan brought a live Mouse into the kitchen etc. etc. . . . . these things are sent to try us I guess! : o ))
20 Jun, 2011
Blimey Elizabeth you have hit the jackpot this time. Wonderful blog, Wonderful text and Beautiful plants. Thank You for the mention that was very nice. Tiny is over the moon now he was not sure if i was his real dad or a cannibal since he watched me eat my soft boiled egg at breakfast (LoL). Really nice blog Elizabeth you have gone beyond perfection, the response to it is proof of that. The beep, beep, Rose is very Beautyful indeed. Take care Tony
20 Jun, 2011
Eeeeeek!! A MOUSE!! Oh no!! Megan must love you very much to bring you such a lovely present... What I say is... GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!! Hope you ate it, she'll be very offended if you didn't, and she won't bring you any more, with any luck! Bad luck runs in threes' so maybe that's this run over, heck of a day though! Lol!x
20 Jun, 2011
Ah har!! Tony, me hearty! I was beginning to think you'd never find this! Poor Tiny must be in need of therapy after all those years of watching you eat soft boiled eggs every morning! Although, following that train of thought, does your good wife think you're a cannibal for eating your egg with soldiers?! Lol! ;0)
Your comments are very much appreciated, you're too kind! At least I managed to post the blog at last! You do know that forever that poor rose is going to be called the 'beep, beep' rose! It's a lovely name! Thank you Tony, for all your lovely comments, you're very thoughtful!x
20 Jun, 2011
Awesome garden libet and a great blog..well done Tony for prompting you..
It really looks an amazing space and you have obviously worked tirelessly. There are some superb plants in there with a great mix and loads of colour, really beautiful and very impressive.
Not sure what 'unfrankle' is..but to have a plant 180 years old is just totally cool..
excellent blog
21 Jun, 2011
hi Elizabeth i don,t think you realize how brill your blog is. So many members liked it . Think my best was 8 likes and Tiny and i were 2 of them. Keep it up Elizabeth and you will inherit your own web site. Take care princess ,enjoy Tony
21 Jun, 2011
Hello again Skip! Lol! I know! I depend on Tony to keep me right! He sits on my right shoulder and tells me the good things to do, and Tiny sits on my left and contradicts's a hoot!! Bless!
Skip, thank you for your comments, you're so generous, I'm really touched! Lol! That word 'unfankle' is my version of untangle! I think in the circumstances it was more descriptive, I use it all the time, and hadn't realised I'd written it until I posted the blog, but I just kept it in... 'cause that's just me! I don't have the actual original rose Skip, that's up at my old home, but the roses I have here, are ones I propagated from it. Hard to believe the age isn't it!? As you say...'Cool!'
21 Jun, 2011
Hello Tony!! You know, I'm so thrilled with the comments and just awesome reception that my wee blog has had, I could just hug everybody! In this day and age when it seems everyone's just out for themselves, for me to come on here and just share my garden with you all, and then to get the fantastic response I've got...well, gosh, it makes me fill up! Gulp! Where's the tissues! Oh dear...I'll just use my sleeve then! Thanks again Tony! Don't forget to give Tiny a little push on his swing for me, if he's not on his naughty perch of course!! Lol!
21 Jun, 2011
I know what you mean libet. To share our gardens and our love of the outdoors is just amazing. And any response is so very welcome. x
21 Jun, 2011
Ohh gosh Lulu.. ((hug!)).. did you feel that! Lol! You know exactly what I mean! It really doesn't take much to make someone's day...that's lovely!x
21 Jun, 2011
It certainly cheers me up....ta for the hug! Sluggy wants one now! In fact they want a wee walk and a big feed!!
Am going to blog my garden today, it's all looking lush and a bit on the wild side! I also took some birds in the sky pics last evening which I might post.
But really I should be weeding and citting back some clems so they will reflower by the time my Mum & Dad come to stay!!
Do you ever visit England?
22 Jun, 2011
You have a lovely garden Libet, and such a wonderful selection of plants, I have really enjoyed wandering through it. I absolutely adore your 180 yr old rose, what an absolute gem it is......Brilliant. :>))))
22 Jun, 2011
Oh lovely!...Group hug!! {(((HUG!)))}
Well, flip me! you learn something new everyday, I didn't know clematis re-flowered like that! I'll have to go and see if you were able to put your blog on...they take a bit of work don't they! Sounds like your Mum & Dad live a long way from you, it'll be lovely to have them to visit, as long as Sluggypup doesn't flatten them with glee when he sees them!! Lol!
We got over to Chelsea to see the show, flew out in the morning and back at night, but we don't get over as much as we'd like, being self employed has it's perks and it's downfalls...nobody to look after jobs when we are away being a major downfall!
23 Jun, 2011
Thanks for that Linsuffolk! I just wish I could send you the perfume from that rose too, it's really lovely! Glad you enjoyed the wander! :0)
23 Jun, 2011
You lucky gal, Chelsea! Did you get to The Physic gardens too?
Up early today, wanted to check out the foxes who live in the western belt of trees here but no show! So I thought I'd take the time to blog the garden!
Yes, Dad and Mum live up north in north Yorkshire, about 5 hours on the motorway! I am sure Sluggy will give them a rapturous woofing. They run out like a pack of demented monkeys, the postman ran away last week!!
I am hoping Sluggy will like Dad as she can be a bit nervous of some men, they haven't seen her since she was 6 weeks old and now she is huge!
Well off to blog, catch you later Lovely x
23 Jun, 2011
Lilbet your garden is amazing so beautiful .
Can smell your rose the perfume is lovley.
What is th every small blue flower at the start of your blog.
Stunning shade of groundcover blue.
24 Jun, 2011
Oops! Missed this Lulu! Keith arranged the visit to Chelsea as a surprise to cheer me up after the shoulder op! He's a absolute pet!! We didn't get to the Physic Gardens this time, but seeing the blogs from people who have been this year, it is definitely one for the wishlist!
Ooooh! your poor postman! Mind you, demented monkeys is probably the right description! My Aunt used to keep German Pointers, and they were just big lollopy darlings! They would just run and run until they ran out of batteries and just fall asleep where they could trip over them anywhere in the house, just big mobile speed bumps! I'm sure, if you load your dad down with yummy stuff, for bribery, he'll be able to ingratiate himself into her affections! I'm sure your parents will be shocked to see the size of Sluggy, she's so lovely! Your blog was lovely!
24 Jun, 2011
Thanks for that Scotkat! Very kind! The blue flower is actually a blue Million Bells petunia, they're great for rambling through other plants but don't get out of hand. I use them for ground cover every year, just match or contrast the colour of the petunia to whatever it's next to!
24 Jun, 2011
Lovely garden libet, great blog, like the million bells idea, i usually put these in my basket! :^)
25 Jun, 2011
Thank you so much Daylily! I know! I had some extra petunias one year and I just stuck them in the border, and they were brill! Some of them even rooted along their stems, and they kept flowering their wee hearts out all summer, as long as they were deadheaded. Occasionally I would just nip the growing points out to keep them bushy. Other than that they look after themselves! :0)
25 Jun, 2011
Do you know what i'm actually speechless which is a first for me! Words can't say how wonderful your garden is. You seem to like the same flowers as i do. The only plant which does not do very well is the acanthus . I have had it years, have split it numerous times and put it in every position in ythe garden but still i have not seen a single flower on it so now i just use it as a cover for the bare stems of the shrub roses.Your sweet little geranium is also on my shopping list. Happy gardening and looking forward to seeing more of it.
27 Jun, 2011
Och Rose, those are such lovely comments! Thank you! My acanthus was the same it didn't flower for three years, but it had the luxury of just sitting where it was, because it wasn't really in the way. But this year it shot up! It'll probably take over the place now, but there's room yet for it! The flowers are colouring up now, and if I've gauged it right they should have the same colour in them as the 'Black Narcissus' dahlias! You're right too about it being good for covering bare legs! Have a lovely day tomorrow, I think the weather is to be good, so, out for a pootle in the garden, between work of course!
27 Jun, 2011
Thanks Libet for those kind words.We had lovely weather at the weekend and actually sat out in the garden with hubby just enjoying looking at the garden and enjoying the sun but it was very short lived and now is a westerly wind making it feel a bit cooler and very unsettled. I don't think there's much hope for the acanthus as it must be well over 5years since i bought it and the only time it flowered was when i moved the whole plant into the woodland garden as it was then in the way and low and behold it flowered! But not since then. Sometimes when you move a plant it thinks it's going to die and so gives a performance,( at least that's what i read somewhere)Perhaps i should keep on digging it up to shock it. It keeps popping up all over the garden now and is getting to be a nuisance but haven't the heart to throw it away.
30 Jun, 2011
Just been back for another look at your garden. I bet it's looking lovelier than ever now.Hopefully will see more of your garden this year. By the way who's Tony?
26 Jul, 2011
Oh libet, what fantastic garden, the way you have grouped plants together and the colours, leaf shape etc, you could design gardens for a living. One of the best gardens ive seen, i have really enjoyed this blog and dont know how i missed it..
Hope your weather has changed for the better :) its really cold up here today :( im in 2 minds to put the heating on.. Flippin English weather!
26 Jul, 2011
Hello again Rose! By gum! You're a glutton for punishment! Chuckle! Only joking! I have more photos to put on, and I'll write another blog when I wrestle the dongle off Keith! I need it to reduce the size of the pics, they won't load otherwise! The Tony I'm talking to is lovely Goy member 230338, go and have a wee look at his blogs, they'll do your heart good!
27 Jul, 2011
Och Ydaisyd! That's sooo kind! I'm very flattered, not least because I think your garden is really lovely! I love the way you put plants together too! Don't worry about missing the blog, I can hardly keep up with them myself, and I've had interwebby problems, so I can only bounce on now and again! Never mind missing the photos! I'll catch up sometime but at this rate, it'll be Christmas! Weather here at the minute is absolutely GORGEOUS! For once! 3days in a row! It must be summer!! ;0) It's to rain tomorrow, so I knew it wouldn't last! Lol! Thanks again Ydd, you're very encouraging!!
27 Jul, 2011
I know I'll be visiting here quite often when winter sets in :)
27 Jul, 2011
Thank you Lilcrawford! Feel free to visit anytime, I'll look forward to seeing you!;0)
27 Jul, 2011
stunning pics Libet, sorry late ;o)
31 Jul, 2011
That's lovely Sanbaz! I can be months out! Lol! Thanks for looking!
1 Aug, 2011
Recent posts by libet
- A very 'Goy-ful' Christmas to my 'Goy-us' friends!
24 Dec, 2011
- Snappin' between the showers!
31 Jul, 2011
- Just to share a little of what I've been doing!
11 May, 2011
- At last! Out and about in the garden!
14 Apr, 2011
- The Changing Garden
17 Mar, 2011
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30 Dec, 2011
You have a lovely garden Libet, plenty of interest. Great blog, and I love the Heucherella Tapestry
19 Jun, 2011