New camera, lots of rain and no Internet
By lily2
It seems to have been raining ever since I got my new camera so I decided I had to brave the rain if I wanted to practice. Here are some of my first shots.
First of all, a couple of Impatiens, one single and one double
and some dahlias who invited me to get up close and personal
Pennisetum Rubrum still defying the wind and rain and waving away at me
Cyclamen and pansies looking very pretty wearing their rain ‘diamonds’
Hydrangea heads, flowering over, but still with a different sort of beauty I’ve never really appreciated before
A promise of things to come next spring from Camellia ‘Debbie’
Oenothera still producing lots of buds and this one opened at just the right time for me to take it’s picture
Marguerites still as prolific as they have been all summer
and last of all, Daisy my fair weather friend who preferred to watch through the window rather than get her feet wet
Sorry this blog is slightly out of date as it was almost complete a week ago when I started having Internet connection problems and I’ve only just managed to get it published using a borrowed computer. Most of the flowers were still there (except the Dahlias) until this weekend’s heavy rain.
22 Nov, 2009
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If these are your first shots I look forward to future attempts-brilliant ;))
22 Nov, 2009
You have certainly learnt what all the buttons are on the new camera,there are some very good close up photos,I think the rain drops add something to the lovely colours.Well Done
22 Nov, 2009
Lovely pics there lily, thanks for sharing. and still it 's raining.:(((
22 Nov, 2009
Brilliant pics Lily, your new camera must be a good one!
22 Nov, 2009
Enjoyed the show Lily.....everything looks lovely and fresh:))
22 Nov, 2009
You've got some good photo's there Lily, you'll enjoy that new camera! Hope you get your internet connection sorted out soon.... :o))
22 Nov, 2009
some good photography there lilly, glad your not scared of a bit of the wet stuff
22 Nov, 2009
Blimey Lily have you bought a Hasleblad ?
22 Nov, 2009
Lovely pics. Lily...
I know you've been struggling all week with that awful disease...
Without Internet..... Need...GoY..
Hoping you'll soon find a cure...
Daisy is a very pretty pussy cat :o)
22 Nov, 2009
Nice pics, Lily. What is the camera? It obviously has a good macro facility.
22 Nov, 2009
I'm also interested in what camera you have there Lily ?....bye the way. don't forget to take that Pennisetum Rubrum in before you get a frost :o)
22 Nov, 2009
1. Wow !!! Fantastic shots
2. We miss you Lily !! Hope you get back up and running soon ! :~))))) x
22 Nov, 2009
Lovely photos! More please. :-))
I tried to save my Pennisetum last year with no success. I hope you save yours!
22 Nov, 2009
great pics lily well done with new camera, i love them rubrum so much and especially like the last daisy she is so pretty, better kept indoors in bad weather :o))
22 Nov, 2009
Beautiful pictures love your white Dahlia.
22 Nov, 2009
Lovely the water adds to them great cat
22 Nov, 2009
Thamk you all for your lovely comments, I agree the rain does add to the pics.
Hasleblad Heron - what's that? No, it's a compact digital Panasonic Lumix TZ6. I was considering a cheaper model in this range but saw another member's pics taken with one of these so decided to up the budget!
No Woodenut, so far I only know what 4 buttons do, ON, shutter, automatic and macro! I've enrolled on a 5 week photography course to learn more so hopefully will get even better pics. There's lots more buttons to get to grips with yet!!
Bluespruce, I have 2 Pennisetum brought under cover already but have yet to sneak them indoors! I've failed to overwinter them the last 2 years, fingers crossed for this year :o))
Yes Tt, WING is a very dire affliction with serious withdrawal symptoms - hopefully the problem will be sorted VERY soon :o))
No problem keeping Daisy indoors this weather Sandra!
22 Nov, 2009
Top blogger!
Well done Lily! Loving the pics and like the droplets as i have done many em:0))))
22 Nov, 2009
Lovely blog Lily and your camera skills are great. ;~))
23 Nov, 2009
Lily, Hasselblad are an old established Swedish company that make "the finest cameras known to man" !
When i was a teenager they were what i longed for !!!!
23 Nov, 2009
When I was a teenager it wasn't the Sweedish cameras I longed
23 Nov, 2009
23 Nov, 2009
Lily there'll be no stopping you now, the TZ6 is a monster, You'll need a steady hand with a zoom like that one. Well done on enrolling on a course. I went on one but it was more about the computer than the camera. 'Camera' courses are expensive though. I have two now, a big one and a little one, the latter takes better pics but I'm reliably informed that it's because I don't know how to use the big one yet.
23 Nov, 2009
Lovely, lovely pics and lovely, lovely Daisy. What more could we ask?
23 Nov, 2009
Oh My Goodness! who is this? It's not Lily surely? :o)))))))))))
What a transformation a new camera can make, these are 100% upon the others from your old camera, and they were good. Well done, what can I say, your shots are just stunning.
23 Nov, 2009
Brill photos pleased you are enjoying your new camera.
23 Nov, 2009
Lilly, absolutely brilliant. Hang your head in shame David Baillie.
Its obviously an excellent camera, but you have definitely got the right touch and talent. You still have so many beautiful flowers Lily, you are lucky Our's have all gone over now, but they were exceptionally early this year.
Great Blog, Lovely photos. Congrats.
23 Nov, 2009
Thanks to all for more great comments, I feel spurred on to take more pics but I think it's raining just a bit TOO much now!
I take it you approve then Bob? :o)))
Heron, I presume you mean the lens is a monster as the camera itself only measures 4" x 2.5" which is a bit bigger than most of the new digital compacts. I was pleased to find one with such excellent reviews that wasn't tiny, the large lens was a bonus! I haven't done any distance shots yet. The course details focus on the camera operation itself but a bit of the computer techie stuff wouldn't go amiss. I got a 40% reduction on the fee as I'm of bus pass age - bargain! :o)) Sounds like you need to get practising with the big one.
23 Nov, 2009
Thanks Mad, our comments crossed. Sadly not many flowers left now after the last few days of wind and rain. :o(((
23 Nov, 2009
Wow!! Great pics Lily :)) Can't pretend I understand all the "camera talk"...but those pics are stunning! Really love the detail on the closeups...
23 Nov, 2009
Approve Lily? yes you could say that they are amazing.
23 Nov, 2009
Superb pictures; looking forward to more!
24 Nov, 2009
You're doing well with your new camera. I like the effect of the dew/rain on the petals.
Isn't daisy beautiful ? :o)
24 Nov, 2009
That's a good camera Lily, mine is a Panasonic but an old one so not compact like they make them now! I looked at updating to this one for the convenience of a compact size but could not justify the cost just on that reason! I was tempted to it as other members had it as well! Good choice, well done....have fun! :o)))
24 Nov, 2009
Fantastic pics Lily. Keep up the good work !
24 Nov, 2009
Thanks Di, Bob (again), Rbt and Val, I'm itching to get out and take some more but it's far too wet and windy. Nothing much left to take pics of now either!
Yes Hywel, Daisy was posing prettily and I took the pic through the window so I got all sorts of reflections in the background, including myself and the house over the road. That's why I did a bit of tinkering and made it blurry, but you can still see my outline. LOL
PG, my daughter has a cheaper model, takes excellent pics too as all the Panasonics have a good lens but most of their latest models are so tiny. It was a originally to be a joint birthday present from my children so when I went upmarket a bit it became my Christmas present as well! Try putting it on your Christmas list - you never know! :o)))
24 Nov, 2009
Now there's a good idea Lily, with my birthday being in February I could go for the joint option too!
Anything Panasonic seems to be good.. :o)
24 Nov, 2009
Brilliant blog, beautiful pics!
Litchfield eat your heart out!!
24 Nov, 2009
These pictures are great and your so clever at capturing the lovliness of the flowers. I especially like the one of the Pennisetum Rubrum.
I still don`t know what half of the buttons are for on my camera.
27 Nov, 2009
Brilliant pictures looking forward to the spring for more good shots !! Beautiful cat by the way, well done :-))
27 Nov, 2009
I love the photos Lily, they are so sharp and clear. Beautiful flowers and a very handsome cat too. :o)
Sandra x
27 Nov, 2009
Hi Lily, are you back yet? We are missing you, you know!
28 Nov, 2009
Yes where are you Lily ???
28 Nov, 2009
I loved this blog Lily2....The pics are great..lots of my favs, especially the beautiful Dahlia with the lilac stripes....Pennisetums, i adore them..the pansies, lovely and the nicest flower of all..Miss Daisy...:>)
28 Nov, 2009
Yes I'm back Ian and Val, nice to know I've been missed! ....... Got LOTS of catching up to do now though :o))))
Thanks Marie, Swanky and Sandra, still lots of experimenting to do but Christmas preparations are getting in the way :o(((
Thank you also Stroller and Motinot, Pennisetum are a BIG favourite of mine too. The Dahlia with the lilac stripes produces flowers ranging from white to deep pink - very strange especially considering it was sold as 'yellow'!
Miss Daisy graciously accepts all your compliments too! lol
29 Nov, 2009
Welcome back, Lily! :~))))
29 Nov, 2009
Well done Lily.... back on GoY ;o)
29 Nov, 2009
Yay hay Lily, glad you back !! Every body get your carving knives out --------------he he !!
29 Nov, 2009
Did you plan to put a yellow Dahlia in a special place? I bet it was a shock when that one opened - a nice one, I suspect!
I really MUST brave the weather and try to over-winter my Pennisetum!
29 Nov, 2009
It's great to be back, I've really missed GoY but I put the time to good use, sharpening my breadknife! lol
Spritz I put the 'yellow' dahlia in the red and yellow border 2 years ago, it's still there messing up my colour scheme - hey ho that's gardening! :o)). I have one Pennisetum in the shed, one in the porch and 2 still outside. None will survive where they are, like you I MUST get out and do something with them.......soon.
29 Nov, 2009
Hi Lily nice to 'see' you!
29 Nov, 2009
Yaaaaaaaaay, Lily I'm soooooo pleased your back! Can your techi person do anything about my keyboard stickinggggggggggggggg?
29 Nov, 2009
Thanks Skillen and Ian. Well here I am with computer problems finally sorted and unlimited access to GoY and what do I get?.........A husband on the first day of his new life as a retired person, upsetting my routine, generally getting in the way and KEEPING ME FROM GOY!!! :o(( LOL
Sticky keys eh Ian?? ........ Maybe you should put your teeth in and stop dribbling on the keyboard........ :o)))
30 Nov, 2009
Hee hee!
You'll have to find Mr Lily a hobby that keeps him out from under your feet!
30 Nov, 2009
Oh no Lily! You'll need to get him another job! MP get yer books out!!!!! he he
30 Nov, 2009
I'm having a break! But I will get back to them soon, Sheila! I spent the afternoon having a political debate! Riveting! NOT!
30 Nov, 2009
Well in that case you deserve a break! :~))
30 Nov, 2009
Ta! Need to go out for milk! :~(( Forgot to get it!!
Back later!
30 Nov, 2009
Sorry Lily, I keep thinking about my new bikeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee slurp dribble
30 Nov, 2009
Well get a bib then!!
30 Nov, 2009
Lol :~))
30 Nov, 2009
Preferably a pelican one!!
30 Nov, 2009
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I like what you're doing with your new camera Lily :-))))))
You've got some great shots, beautiful plants too !
22 Nov, 2009