Busy few days..
By lincslass
Making the most of this gorgeous weather, gardening has definitely had to come first… Last Friday I spent hours digging down to get at the roots on my Weeping Willow, it was getting too near my bottom pond so I decided to root prune again, not an easy job I can assure you, luckily the bottom half of my garden is quite shady from midday, two rather large pieces removed, I then had to backfill and level out the ground, lugging my garden roller around for a few mins made me realise I `m beginning to feel my age, lol, anyway I have reseeded between the pond and the tree, so all should be good again in a few weeks if I can keep the dogs off.. Yesterday and today I`ve been busy emptying one of my compost bins, it was my large tardis type so I didn`t have to tip it over, thank goodness, lovely black gold has now been spread around my garden and had a light dig over, I say light because the plants are loving our weather at the moment as you all know and are still flowering well, so spreading the compost did take a lot longer than usual, I don`t believe in taking plants out until they really have given up the ghost, finished planting my bulbs (until I buy some more ) planted out some wallflowers and done a lot of deadheading and collecting seeds.. All this work was achieved dressed in shorts and suntop, October 1st and 2nd in GOOD OLE BLIGHTY 2012..now thats a personal record, I don`t think I`ve had shorts on in autumn since I left school and that was a very long time ago..
I took these pics whilst sitting on my patio enjoying a nice cold lager, I figured I earned it, still warm enough to enjoy being outside even though its dark, not sat outside so late much at all this year..
As you can see I had my own Pixi`s for company..
2 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Thankyou gift..
Next post: Another Good Day.
A good job well done!!!.....you deseved that larger :-)
3 Oct, 2011
I agree ,you definitely deserved that lager, isn't it satisfying to sit down and looking at a job well done.
3 Oct, 2011
I agree ,you definitely deserved that lager, isn't it satisfying to sit down and looking at a job well done.
3 Oct, 2011
well done sue, you do better than me i tell you, i have to get baz to dig as i just dont have the strength in my wrists anymore, i use to love digging and getting that buzz when i had achieved something big, so the lager was well deserved, cheers :o))
3 Oct, 2011
It's glorious weather isn't it, and I'm glad you've been able to make the most of it. Lovely photos of the night garden :o)
3 Oct, 2011
Well done you! Cheers!
Love the 'Pixies" :)))))))
3 Oct, 2011
Well done Lincslass another job well done. Glad you enjoyed your efforts good work done well. The lager was well deserved too.
3 Oct, 2011
ha ha ha lol I am still giggling Bilbo a girl after my own heart, thank goodness we have no neighbours but I would never dare wear shorts now, 50 years ago maybe but never show my ankles now. lol. (I blame having four kids, it serves me right for being greedy) lol :o)
3 Oct, 2011
yum yum!
3 Oct, 2011
Such a lovely feeling, that tiredness after a job well done, now of course you can plan buying more bulbs lol! Having plants for sale here means autumn tidy up is a big job, washing hundreds of dirty pots (OH does that bless him), potting on rhodos into larger pots ready for spring (shouldve done sooner), clearing out piles of leaves where they gather into corners and yes, planting bulbs for spring..lovely job. Just had 40 iris plants delivered for planting. The last job is cleaning out the greenhouse!
So altho I dont have a lager, I raise my glass of wine to you Lincslass. Well done!
3 Oct, 2011
Had some brill weather up here till Saturday, but Sunday was back to normal, it rained all day.
3 Oct, 2011
Hot day here but oh what a change tonight..got dark 3/4 hour earlier than normal with dark grey clouds and the wind is really starting to blow. Feels a lot cooler than 17 deg!
3 Oct, 2011
Very windy here all day, trouble is its been very hot with it, very uncomfortable as even in the shade the hot air was getting at me, I retreated indoors, not like me at all, its still very warm now 7.30pm, my poor bottom lawn is brown, its so dry, I nearly got my hosepipe out but as you can imagine its also covered with leaves...
3 Oct, 2011
So satisfying to get those jobs done, Lincs ... and I agree with the weather being so hot for this time of year ... our new 'Dalek' composters arrived today ... the ones costing £3 and second one just £1 ... so I emptied my existing one as that will be going to the allotment ... like yourself it's a job I don't mind doing ... :o)))
3 Oct, 2011
All I can say Lincslass is that Im glad I dont have grass, we have two sycamores across the road (all down the road actually) and we have an open drive...guess who gets all the leaves??
3 Oct, 2011
My you have worked hard, love your garden patio what a nice spot to sit on a lovely Autumn evening , and very satisfying knowing you have achieved so much Cheers!
5 Oct, 2011
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My admiration Lincslass. All this a woman's work! And the Lager of course. You make two of our kind Lincslass.
3 Oct, 2011