My Garden has decided its Autumn ...
By lincslass
We have had another lovely day but Autumn has reared its head in my garden, in fact its looking quite tatty in places.
The Nicotiana have nearly finished and I `m gradually replacing them with the Wallflowers and bulbs, I have pruned my Berberis down, still hoping it will survive, its always been a favourite of mine and as you can see has left a huge gap, I`m hoping it will recover…
The trees are now looking quite bare..
I moved one of the birdfeeding stations yesterday and was thrilled to see this morning that my friends had already discovered its new position..
Hostas about finished so will soon be moved into the greenhouse for winter.
Still a bit of colour in the dogs run as well, the Valerian has flowered constantly since April…
This overhanging Hawthorn is at the bottom of my garden and is covered in Ivy, I was going to have it taken down a bit and straightened up as it does create a lot of shade, however its home to lots of birds, Goldfinches galore, as well as Blackbirds,Sparrows and I`ve also discovered that its where the Doves are nesting, call me soft if you like but I haven`t got it in me to destroy there homes, especially as we are expecting another harsh winter, or so they say….
23 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Another Good Day.
Next post: All sorted out, just in time..
Still plenty going on there Lincs and still lots of colour
23 Oct, 2011
It's nice to see an autumn garden. It's winding down ready for a rest. Nothing can keep going all the time. It would get worne out wouldn't it lol
The dogs are enjoying a wander about, and the birds enjoying their food :o) Pitty about the hawthorne.
23 Oct, 2011
Hi Lincslass .. lovely photos ..
I can see why you say your garden has decided it is autumn... but some flowers are still blooming well...
... What is the pretty blue flower in the dog run, please ?
The wild birds obviously love your garden :o)
23 Oct, 2011
I have feeders all over the garden Bilbo, I refill them at different times so that the birds know where to find food at all times.
Paul we can only hope, one consolation is the fact that we keep getting good days at the moment, long may it continue..
You are so right Hywel, not only the plants, myself as well, Morgan and Brynner always keep me company in the garden, not always helpful though, especially Brynner, although he hasstopped pruning my bushes,lol...
The blue one is a Hebe Terra, good tough one, it needs to be to withhold its own against my boys, lol..
23 Oct, 2011
I predict a windy but mild winter in all - with a rainy windy xmas day - there everyone all blame me now lol
23 Oct, 2011
Garden still looking good tho' lincslass....isn't it amazing how the birds know when fresh food has been put out :) wish!!!!
23 Oct, 2011
On your head be it Paul, lol, be good though...
Thankyou Scottish, the birds have come in droves this past week, I`m hoping they don`t know something that we don`t, its as though they are fattening themselves up..
23 Oct, 2011
okay some snow first week in Dec then ALL mild - lol ;)))))) :))))))))))))))))))
23 Oct, 2011
Still looking so lovely Lincs now Summer has bowed out to make way for Autumn's slumber period. Ivy! I know..but well done for leaving it for your feathered friends to make use of. The Red Admiral(a late flier) may also delight you by feeding from the ivy flowers,a favourite of theirs. My garden boundaries are all hawthorn. A farmer is supposed to cut one hedge he is responsible for,but never does,which is great as it is loaded with berries. Nice to have something to offer for the pleasure the birds give.
23 Oct, 2011
Still looks the birds feedng too :)
23 Oct, 2011
well think is so nice to look after the birds too they bring us so much pleasure with there singing when we are in our gardens and your tree is a save place for them :)
23 Oct, 2011
NO SNOW 1st weeks of Dec please......or exhibition will be cancelled!
Have moved my birdfeeders Lincslass, and they still haven't sussed it!
24 Oct, 2011
Oh I hope you're wrong about the hard winter.You're garden still looks good and I wouldn't worry about your berberis, they are quite tough. I love your greenhouse.
25 Oct, 2011
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Lovely Lincslass - your garden is still looking lush - I also have hawthorn at the back and I also keep trees that help birds out - I make insect homes the lot :)))) Love your bird feeders and glad they found new posistion too :)))))))) The winter hopefully won't be harsh this year -dreading it
23 Oct, 2011