By lincslass
Having fun today, I keep getting kicked off each time I try to comment, then I`m told I`m already logged on, now my comment on Spritz blog has come up as another member ( Iciar) and won`t let me delete it, even though the likes went in as me, anyone else got gremlins today, good job my comment wasn`t bad….
17 Nov, 2011
1 like
Previous post: November grey days..
Next post: Update on my query from yesterday...
Thats part of the problem Terra, some of my likes and comments are not showing up at all, I `ve just checked your blog and cannot find myself, I know there should be one, pleased you have answered me on here as I wasn`t sure whether anything was getting through ...
17 Nov, 2011
Hi Lincs..
Sorry for delay in replying...
I've been training my dogs ..
Yes, I know you usually like my blogs, so I wondered if the gremlins had made your like into someone else's ... Lol.
It is a worry that a member might be able to make comments using someone else's avatar pic...!
17 Nov, 2011
I asked on the questions page as well Terra,Meanie has answered me, apparently had the same thing happen, also went on as the same member as my comment had, I`ll keep an eye on it do you think I should report it?
17 Nov, 2011
not noticed any probs with mine Lincs,sounds a bit odd coming up with someone else's name..:o)
17 Nov, 2011
I saw your new Question.
I think you should definitely report this problem.
..because comments by one person appearing as specifically written as if by another member is very worrying ....
17 Nov, 2011
Thats what I thought Terra, I`ll report it now..
17 Nov, 2011
how wierd sue, iv only just come online but all seems ok here, sometimes its a bug or something but the lads will sort it out im sure,
17 Nov, 2011
Contacted Peter and Ajay Terra, as I said I wasn`t sure at first whether I was getting through at all, probably explains why I was having trouble with my comments and also why I was getting chucked off the pages..
17 Nov, 2011
mine seems ok how very odd.....
17 Nov, 2011
Is a comment sent through the contact us page s`posed to register in my sent pm`s because it isn`t there so don`t know whether that has got through...
17 Nov, 2011
Hi Lincs...
No, you won't see your contact us message on your home page messages.
Would you like me to flag the question or this blog ... or both ?
17 Nov, 2011
Yes Please Terra, I `m not sure my end what is getting through so would be a help, I don`t mind if you flag them both..
17 Nov, 2011
I've flagged this one... going over to flag your question for you.....:o)
17 Nov, 2011
Thankyou Terra, I `ve had to login again to add this comment, I don`t mind that as long as the other gets sorted out, I`d like to stay as myself, lol....
17 Nov, 2011
It's a pity you had to log in again Lincs ..
I'm guessing that really is you writing ...
... not an imposter .. LOL ...
17 Nov, 2011
Lincslass that member 'Iciar' is the same one that appears sometimes when meanie makes a comment [i think its that one ~ it has a chuckling baby on the avatar]. he says it has happens loads of times.
17 Nov, 2011
Yes Sticki thats the one, meanie told me on my question, its a lovely pic, lol, I`m staying off the other blogs as I don`t want it happening again. Hoping the boys can sort it...
17 Nov, 2011
Yes... that must be sorted ... important...
17 Nov, 2011
Iciar...Is Meanies Bete noir.
17 Nov, 2011
Weren't you getting these problems a few months ago at the same time as me Sue? It used to drive me up the wall having to keep logging on and comments missing too. Peter said the "cookies" on my computer weren't set up right for GoY and told me how to reset them. I also found accessing via Internet Explorer got round these problems without having to fiddle with my "cookies", whatever they are!
17 Nov, 2011
I do flit over to explorer Lily and yes i`ve had probs in the past and we got those sorted, I`m not really bothered about having to keep logging in again, its my comment appearing under another name that bothered me, especially as some comments just disappear, I`d hate to have a comment land in the wrong blog completely.
17 Nov, 2011
when you hear back from 'the boys' Lincs could you let us know what they say-- it does seem odd
18 Nov, 2011
Lincslass if you remember I was having the same problems and more a few weeks back, Im with AOL and now log on through Internet Explorer and no problems now ;0)
18 Nov, 2011
I've read all of this Lincs and I agree it is worrying. I don't understand everything about goy or computers as it is my first year on both. Hope you get it sorted.
19 Nov, 2011
I got up to one of those horrible PM's-- that wants to be 'the love of my life' I really dislike them!!, done all the right things-- deleted & reported but I do worry a bit if we're secure enough on here...
21 Nov, 2011
I got the same PM Pamg...I just deleted it. As long as you do not reply to them with your email address as they direct you to do, you are safe.
21 Nov, 2011
I think you`ll find that most of us have received at least one of them Pam, not happened here for a long time thank goodness, Pimpernel is right, flag then delete is the answer...
21 Nov, 2011
Hi Pam ..
Don't worry about those spam messages ..
just remember ... NEVER reply to them ...
Sending you a private message does NOT give the new writer any access to your personal information.....
Peter and Ajay will delete the person from GoY.
Good morning. Lincslass and Pimpernel ;o)
21 Nov, 2011
Good morning Terra, I never heard back from the boys, started commenting again and pleased to say I have so far only been myself, lol...
21 Nov, 2011
Hi Lincs ...
... if you become me, please let me know ;o)
21 Nov, 2011
Morning Tt and Lincs...Beautiful morning it is too.
21 Nov, 2011
21 Nov, 2011
Terra I never had an iffy pm, goes to show it pays to have an alias.
Pimpernel its very foggy here still, must be bad outside the town...
21 Nov, 2011
Lol. Lincs..
but has someone taken over YOUR avatar ? ;o)
Are you really Lincslass ? Lol...
21 Nov, 2011
could be she's lost in the fog.....I think the fog has slipped down a bit , we're much clearer & warmer today, still a bit misty but 8c is much better than 3c!
pleased you're commenting is sorted out... grrrremlins!
21 Nov, 2011
I could get lost soon Pam, I`ve gotta pick up grandson from school, hubby won`t be home in time so its Shanks Pony, we live one side of town and his school is the other, takes me 45 mins to get their and I`m not a slow walker, I`ll be cream crackered by the time I get back again, lol.
21 Nov, 2011
phew!-- take a torch.....x
21 Nov, 2011
LOL, Terra don`t say that, I don`t have any gremlins at the moment, touch wood, my comments aren`t disappearing either today...
21 Nov, 2011
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27 Oct, 2009
Did your "like" come up as someone else on my latest blog ?
How odd ...
I wonder who you'll be tomorrow ;o)
17 Nov, 2011