Growing nicely...
By lincslass
After a frosty start we have had a really warm day so being such a good housewife I ran around with the hoover, ignored the dust and went into the garden lol.
The leaves and rubbish I removed from the pond a couple of weeks ago I`d placed on the garden just in case anything living had got mixed up in it, now its all cleared away into the compost and I`ve given that piece of ground a good turn over and hoed amongst my strawberry patch, I`ve a couple of baskets with strawberry plants in them so I think I`ll add them to my patch this year, thats a job for tomorrow.
Things are coming along nicely in the greenhouse..
Asters, Love Lies Bleeding, Cosmos, Marigold, Antirrhynum, Lobelia.
Shoots showing on a gorgeous bronze Chrysanth, a gift last year from my youngest daughter..
Daylilies sprouting, sent to me by a very kind Goy member last year
There were lots of ladybirds out and about in the garden today..
Brynner decided enough was enough and it was time to play, lol..
However Morgan`s idea was a spot of sunbathing..
15 Mar, 2012
Previous post: Rutland Water.
Next post: Last day of winter.
Some of mine are taking their time Pixi, I think its all the dull days we keep getting, I`m not using the electric proporgators this year, saving us some money, lol...
15 Mar, 2012
Brynner and Morgon look so happy in the sunshine,Lovely :)
15 Mar, 2012
Yeah mine are jsut near or on the windowsill :)
15 Mar, 2012
I have been working very hard too Lincslass. I scarified the lawns filling 10 black bin bags and three brown bins. THEN I watered in the moss killer. I have spent weeks tidying and sewing seeds AND NOW I WANT SOME SCONES TOO. :O)
15 Mar, 2012
loving your sunshine Lincs..we have had coastal mist for days. my seeds could do with the the pic of the ladybirds and delosperma..:-)
15 Mar, 2012
Sounds like a good day all round Linslass.
Your doggies look lovely, so happy to be outside with you. One of mine has taken to lying in a raised bed that has no planting at the moment, it gets a lot of sun there so the soil is warm, little b_____er!
I love Flat coats, such a smart looking dog & lovely nature. They are on my "like to have one" list along with about 3 other breeds.
15 Mar, 2012
Isnt it just heartwarming seeing all the new growth and seeds germinating a lovely time of year with lots of promises to come. Nice to see your doggies enjoying the garden too! Happy Gardening in the days to come;0))
15 Mar, 2012
They are my shadows Sue, very often trip me up.
Sandra you are a gem, I never knew its name so thankyou for that.
They are very loving Willinilli and also very sensitive to their owners moods, Brynner is also very boisterous, ruins my lawns at the speed he runs and insists on helping with the pruning, not always at the correct time though...
15 Mar, 2012
Youre seeds are doing so well, my flower seeds are only just poking their heads up, but I shouldnt rush them , only planted them last week and theyre only on the windowsill in my shedhouse.
Isnt it lovely to have helpers when youre out in the garden :)
15 Mar, 2012
I wish I had a greenhouse, my trays are all spread round the house. I got some funny looks when someone came round the other day.
Those seelings will fill a lot of space when they are potted on, won't they?
15 Mar, 2012
WN, you and I have similar problems, but with cats instead of dogs. All the cats seem to think that freshly weeded, warm, dry soil has been put there specifically for them to bask and roll on. There is no way I can plant anything yet. I sowed lettuce at the top of the vegetable garden steps last year, and not a single seedling survived, but those behind the blackcurrant bushes were big and healthy (cats can't be bothered to push past) My big border looks like a lunar landscape with craters and dustbowls.
16 Mar, 2012
Such a pleasure and joy to see everything start to show signs of growth.
A busy day you had
And scones mmmmmmmm no cream for me dont like cream and jam together or cream
But jam on a scone on its own mmmmmmm.
16 Mar, 2012
I just love to see baby plants growing happily.....Like the scones idea...:>)
16 Mar, 2012
lots growing there, you have been busy... :))
16 Mar, 2012
I haven,t started the seeds yet this year...bit concerned about easter,...and we,ve had 'sea mist'.......ok we,re in the east midlands about as far as you can get from the sea......but whenever the forecast sayscoming inland from the east coast.......we get it!
So this week has been cold an foggy at times, with rain for the weekend......brrrrrrr
16 Mar, 2012
What a lovely lot of seedlings, Lin . . . it's fantastic to see all that growth (I've got a lot of catching up to do!). I do have Hollyhock seedlings in my cold frame, but the mice are enjoying nibbling them. :((
You definitely deserved the scone/jam/cream treat!
16 Mar, 2012
I`m glad I went out yesterday because its turned around again, grey and very cold, would need coats and gloves...
16 Mar, 2012
I know!! I'm wearing fingerless mitts as I type - it's ridiculous - yesterday I sat in lovely warm sunshine in the garden for about 2 hours (after doing some potting-on in the greenhouse, obviously :)))
16 Mar, 2012
Nice to see your seeds and other plants sprouting Sue, and I'm glad you had some nice weather. We've had a sunny day or two aswell. Doesn't it make you feel good ? :o)
I like Morgan's idea of how to spend the time lol. I think my busy days are over. I just plod along now ;o)
I trust you enjoyed your scones :o)
16 Mar, 2012
Looking at your seedling you are going to have some lovely colour in the garden come the summer.
17 Mar, 2012
My word you have been busy, all looks well, lots of new plants to look forward to, weather changes from day to day here, quite cold now, I think I might take up your idea and make some scones to warm me up lol
17 Mar, 2012
Everything is looking good and healthy in your greenhouse, Lincs ... and I remember that gorgeous gifted Chrysanth ... lovely to see it coming back for another season ... my Sweet Peas are just poking through so they're way behind yours! .....
20 Mar, 2012
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Aw that's great Lincs..The dogs look so happy out in the sunshine. I've got my seedings in the studio lol..not all aare growing tho :((
15 Mar, 2012