Scarborough Gardens and Park. Part 2
By lincslass
As always when out and about I always find time for a wander amongst the flowers and trees, in Scarborough the parks and gardens are always a treat to explore, these beautiful flower beds were just over the road from our apartment, which was on the South Beach side, high above the Spa,its a mega walk down through the gardens to the beach but well worth the walk..
I was quite taken with the ornamental veg plot and thought how attractive it looked..
As you can see these rose beds have a lack of blooms, they are usually full of colour and scent in Aug, the italianate style garden however is lovely and more than made up for the disappointment of the latter…
We did have company whilst we were taking our walk, this cheeky chap kept appearing..
Another great favourite with both the locals and the visitors is Peasholm Park which is over on the North Beach side and well worth visiting…
There are some weird and wonderful inhabitants living in the park..
Also plenty of the not so weird..
As you can see the squirrels like the visitors especially if they come bearing food..
You can take a ride on the water as well..
I hope you enjoyed my wanderings through these lovely gardens….
21 Aug, 2012
Previous post: A busy few days in Yorkshire..Part one..
Next post: Gardening with the camera...
Some great planting - can't help loving the dark Cannas! :o)
22 Aug, 2012
I,ve been looking forwards to this... I,ll be back in a bit......
22 Aug, 2012
I love those floral displays. What a lovely place to visit. I would dafinately have gone on one of those boats :o) It looks as if there are nice views from there too ...
22 Aug, 2012
Added to favourites. Some good ideas to think about in the winter here, when planning for Spring 2013.
22 Aug, 2012
Just as lovely as part 1,Sue..which I have just read :o)
So glad you went to Peasholme looks as good as I remember it..and in all the times we visited Scarborough..we never went to the other one ...somewhere to visit next time we go.... a lovely blog and pics,and thanks for the memories :o)
22 Aug, 2012
I was going to name Peasholme park too B. we always go and stroll there and also watch the entertainment that is provided there with the battleships etc. on the lake , such fun. Lovely blog Linc. everywhere looks so neat and tidy. Thanks for the memories.
22 Aug, 2012
Lovely blog Lincs, I really enjoyed it. Have never been to Scarborough, it looks quite interesting. One day perhaps I might get there. Gorgeous gardens there and I love the little squirrel too.
22 Aug, 2012
gorgeous, thanks for sharing!
22 Aug, 2012
another brilliant blog
22 Aug, 2012
Thanks Lincs well worth waiting for........ :0))
22 Aug, 2012
Hi Sue, looks a nice place to visit. Love the colourful planting and ornamental veg plot :-)
22 Aug, 2012
Lovely gardens and pictures, will have to remember to visit these if we get over that way again, thanks for showing us Lincs;0))
22 Aug, 2012
Thanks all, it is a lovely place, G`mage we had missed the battle proms by a day, my brother goes into Scarborough especially to watch them, he always enjoys them, the only complaint I have was the amount of rubbish left on the beach by folk, it was disgusting, there are hundreds of bins every few yards along the proms but people were packing up there gear and just walking away from their rubbish, sheer laziness..
22 Aug, 2012
to some people, "keep britain tidy" only applies to other people!
there was a report of a mass meeting of "green activists" somewhere, they left more than two skips' worth of rubbish that had to be cleared up after them ...
22 Aug, 2012
What a lovely visit. I've never been to Scarborough but am tempted now. Great photos. Missed Part one - going to look now!
22 Aug, 2012
Nice pics, love those Canna in that arrangment.
Must try and get down there one day before the"summers" over.
23 Aug, 2012
A great blog Lincs, I haven`t been to Scarborough for years and this reminded me of what a great place it is.
26 Aug, 2012
28 Aug, 2012
Snoop we don`t get them in our gardens now so I am always thrilled to see them, I`m like a big kid, lol..
Thankyou Junna..
29 Aug, 2012
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Thanks as good as the first one. looks a great park.
21 Aug, 2012