Gremlins are back...
By lincslass
There are some fabulous blogs around at the moment but it seems my comments are disappearing into the void never to be seen again, a couple of weeks back the same thing was happening and when I eventually succeeded I had appeared as Iciar, I have reported it and did receive a reply very quickly, it seems they are trying to solve this problem, so folks if I seem to be ignoring you all please forgive me, it took me 3hrs to answer a pm earlier and it seems I can add a like, I am able to read the blogs just not sure where my comments are going, all the gardens are really coming on in leaps and bounds, we’ve had another glorious day, sunshine blue sky and really warm,so lawns all cut and strimmed, bottom raised bed all dug over and surprisingly even though its a shady area it has dried out quite a lot, not going to even attempt to post pics as I think it would take all night lol, all in all one could say lincs is having a whale of a time both on and off Goy….
6 Mar, 2013
Previous post: In the Wars Yet Again..
Next post: Progressing even in the cold...
Hope you get your problems sorted soon, must be very frustrating!
6 Mar, 2013
They say gremlins are ancient beings, you catch a glimpse of them sometimes out of the corner of your eye........
They cause untold when the car won't start so you call a man......and of course it starts first time.........
6 Mar, 2013
Your comments arrived on my blog ok Lincslass.
6 Mar, 2013
I did notice a couple of GoY'ers pictures had not been posted when it stated that they had updated new photos, I looked for them but they had not appeared on their pages. Maybe that is the Gremlins too. :O(((
6 Mar, 2013
It must be very frustrating for you Sue :o( I hope it gets put right soon. A few other members appear as Iciar too. I started to think one of them was Iciar in disguise ... until it was explained to me what was happening.
I hope Brynner is better now. Blodyn hasn't been well either but on the mend now ... I hope ...
6 Mar, 2013
How frustrating for you Sue . . . it's the "powers that be" encouraging you to be in your garden instead of on the computer! Yes - it's been great to get outside: our lawn and edges also nice and tidy, masses of buds on the shrubs and trees, a few Hellebores in flower, and the daffs on their way: lovely time of year (at last) :))
6 Mar, 2013
Hi Sue ..
Fingers crossed for Brynner ..
message to me any time. x
6 Mar, 2013
Hi Sue, I have also 'lost' the odd comment etc...maddening isn't it?
You seem to be having better weather then we are's been foggy and really cold here the last couple of spring hasn't arrived here just yet.
Hope Brynner is getting better xx
6 Mar, 2013
I am sorry you have had a bit of bother. I hope that it is sorted out now and I shall keep a look out for you :-)
6 Mar, 2013
your blog still here sue lol hope you get everything back to normal soon, your comments must be stuck in cyber space lol :o))
6 Mar, 2013
Good to hear the garden is making progress and we will look forward to seeing the results soon.
7 Mar, 2013
I can't find my TAGS I'm sure I use to click on my photos and then they were listed underneath , I can't find them ... Help anyone please !
7 Mar, 2013
I have just clicked on a photo Amy and mine are directly underneath where it says next photo..
7 Mar, 2013
They are there on my page Amy I have just checked your pics and the tags are there..sorry if you get two answers mine is beggaring about again.
7 Mar, 2013
I still can't find them ! I've never had any problems before ... I've clicked on my photos but there isn't a list of my tags underneath , thats odd , Sue can you explain step by step how you brought mine up , I must be going potty !!! they always use to be there ........ Thanks .
8 Mar, 2013
I just clicked onto your pics Amy, it has the larger one, then the smaller ones at the side with your name and the amount of pics you have posted, underneath it says "What Else" states its in your garden and then the tags below that, see who else is growing it,where to look and so forth....
8 Mar, 2013
Thanks Sue , It still isn't how it use to be , for example if you go to my last pic the Hellebore and then look at the tag area on the right hand side where it says 'what else ' click where it says . Hellebore it has a cross at the side of it , it takes you to TAGS but it takes you to everybodies pics of Hellibores and not to just my own collection like it use to ...when I use to click on tags under the photos heading at the top of the page where it says messages profile photos etc.. it use to have all my tags listed underneath there ,then if I wanted to bring up my rose collection or penstemons etc I would click on the tag to see my own photos of the kind I wanted to see all on the one page .. it's difficult for me to explain , do you have anything like that ,or did you ?
8 Mar, 2013
Oh I see what you mean Amy,thats how my page is working now as well but I don't remember it working any other way as regards the tags, that doesn't mean it never has though, years back I used to forget to tag mine, have you asked on the questions page as some of the members have been on from the start, Spritz for instance and Bulba, I bet they have always tagged theirs.....
8 Mar, 2013
I've been in contact with TT Sue , she knows about these things , it seems the tag method I tried to explain to you about has been taken off . at least I know I'm not going Potty because I couldn't find it anymore LOL ... it was useful because as I said you could bring a whole page up of your own particular collection to check them out , never mind ... Thanks for your help in trying to find it :o)) have a nice weekend ... x
9 Mar, 2013
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Yippee my blog worked, eventually,LOL...
6 Mar, 2013