Progressing even in the cold...
By lincslass
The white blanket is receding and the flowers are perking up even on such a cold day…
I do have some crocus after all, they haven’t completely disappeared…
No signs of this little beauty before the snow, lol and really pleased to see this little bud as its one of my new Hellebores bought and planted a few weeks back..
Luckily the frogs hadn’t moved back into the bottom pond as its completely frozen, doesn’t seemed to have affected my Iris’s they are tough cookies..
I was instructed by the eldest one to make sure they all went into the bowl so for the time being thats what I have done, lol…
12 Mar, 2013
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Yes I agree Hywel, I think its partly due to the lack of sunshine last year, we didn't get our boost to help us through the winter so seems to have been a long one..
I got really down at one point, if anyone had crossed me I would have been up before the beak for causing bodily harm...
12 Mar, 2013
lol ! :D
12 Mar, 2013
Hi Sue...
your borders and pot are looking pretty !
12 Mar, 2013
What a lovely Mother's Day present , Sue. Its nice to get something that will grow and be there all the time, unlike a box of chocolates! lol
You have a bit of spring there in your garden. Its really cheery to see. I'm still waiting for our garden to wake up! We have got a few primroses though!
12 Mar, 2013
We had a good few inches yesterday and luckily by tonight it's almost all gone!
It's great to see plants when they come through the snow isn't it.
I like the shape of that little trough Linclass - pleased to see you've done as you were told!
12 Mar, 2013
Hi Terra, hope you are ok now and keeping warm..
Hello Rose I did get chocs and sweets as well, course you do have to share them, lol.
Snow nearly all gone Scottish , trying to rain now, I had to obey, lol, otherwise I might not get anymore....
12 Mar, 2013
lovely pot of plants Lincs i'm sure you will pass the test and impress your eldest. even we are getting frosts here on the coast in Pembrokeshire. hopefully is will warm up soon.....
12 Mar, 2013
Lovely to see everything showing again ,Sue now the snow has melted...same here your pot as well,such a pretty shape :o) I know what you mean about feeling down this long horrible winter..I could fight with myself lately ! Lol...hang on in there,it will end sometime !
I'm just going to console myself with some Chocolate Brazils :o))
12 Mar, 2013
Now Bloomer don`t keep them all to yourself, pass em along - haven`t had one of those for what seems like years !!.
Lincs isn`t it amazing how these little gems keep pushing up thru frozen soil with their brightness all aglow while us big uns do nothing but moan about the cold and gloomy But I`m one of those that find this time of year very hard to cope with.
12 Mar, 2013
I have to Sandra as she is the one who lives here with us so its in my own interests, she is not really into gardening except visiting them with me and taking photo,s, I do the gardens she does the statues, she has begun to take notice of a few of the changes I have made since I retired though....
Hi Bloomer so pleased to see you, I kid you not its been a long winter, when my goy account went " tits up" a couple of weeks back coincided with Brynner being hurt, it was the last straw and a wonder I didn't launch my laptop, luckily we had those few good days and I was able to work my mood off....
Stroller you can have them I don't eat the nutty ones, yes it was great to see the bright colours emerging as the snow was melting, I bet they suffer soon as the birds will eat my crocus and primroses....
12 Mar, 2013
Lovely patches of colour you've got there, and your alpine pot looks very promising. This long winter following the dismal summer (and other things) are really getting me down too. Didn't make it to the end of the working day today, it all got too much for me, hopefully tomorrow will be better...
12 Mar, 2013
I feel like launching this newish laptop through the window ,Sue..still can't do pics..a different system altogether from my old trusty troubleshooter will be here tomorrow night..I think he will be heartily sick of me..but he will smile sweetly if he wants to be fed ! Lol.I hope Brynner is feeling much better now,bless him..give him a cuddle from me....and Stroller..sorry luv,finished the Brazils off ..but did share with OH..wasn't that kind? :o)
12 Mar, 2013
Brynner is okay now thanks Sandra, a bit of a panic at first as Malik's trouble started with a limp and no obvious injury so it was upsetting at first....
13 Mar, 2013
Glad to hear it sky,sunshine and no biting wind this morning ..yippee ! still cold,but it lifts the spirits..for now anyway..:o)
13 Mar, 2013
Isn't it lovely to see the daffodils out. Mine are still in bud and haven't opened yet. I had a lovely bunch of crocuses out for 2 days, then the snow came out and they've all flopped. The snow disappeared 3 days ago, but the crocuses don't seem to have recovered they are lying flat on the ground. It's so disheartening, but even though I've got a couple of bunches of daffodils buds lying on the ground as well (although I suspect cats may be the culprits here!) everything else seems fine, so can't grumble too much. Glad your garden is doing well and love the alpine pot, what a lovely present.
13 Mar, 2013
Thankyou Louisa and Lijemc, proper March day, snow showers and hailstones falling one minute and lovely sunshine and blue sky the next, OH BOY!! its cold though so checked the g'house and scuttled back indoors....
13 Mar, 2013
A day (just gone midnight...make that 2 days!) late, Lincslass.
ISP problems, so I can empathise, only I'd have cheerfully have thrown my so-called 'provider' out the window, but far enough not to harm what plants remain alive, after the recent onslaught of weather.
My poor wee primroses, gone, so seeing your crocuses goes a long way to cheering me up.
Hang on in there!
14 Mar, 2013
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I bet you're relieved to see your garden emerging into view again Sue. Your spring flowering bulbs are lovely, and I hope the ice on your pond thaws soon.
Your alpines will look pretty in that pot when they flower :o)
It's been very cold here but it feels a bit milder this afternoon. I hope the real spring will be here soon. This winter seems to be going on for ever lol :o)
12 Mar, 2013