Fun and Games Over!!!
By lincslass
Hiya all, I’ve been having a right ole time and very frustrating it was too, I haven’t been a happy goyer, my comments were disappearing into the wide blue yonder and I was getting really cross with the whole thing, its a wonder the laptop didn’t get launched, just when goy started working again for me my laptop decided enough was enough and decided to give up the ghost for a while, don’t know why but its working again now, typical as I’d bit the bullet and bought a new one,(getting into a right pickle learning my way around it) heigh-ho its nearly xmas,lol. I will catch up with everyones news eventually….
I’ve had my eyes checked out and the eye has healed well although it has left me short-sighted in that eye so now need new specs, the eye specialist has told me that because my left eye is scarred and partially blind they don’t want to operate on that one, they think removing the cataract would not work so its pointless trying unless it becomes a problem in the future, I’ve lived with one good eye for over twenty years and at least my right eye is ok now and apparently with the new lense there won’t be a problem with a cataract re-occurence so I’m ok with that.
Not a lot of colour left in my garden now unless you count the lovely leaves that I keep collecting in bags for leafmould, the frost has finished off my Dahlia’s and Begonia’s but I spotted lots of buds appearing on my Hellebores which is good as they took years to get themselves established, I’ve sorted my g’houses and they are now gradually filling up with pots of plants that need a bit of protection through the winter, so its back to armchair gardening folks……….
1 Dec, 2013
Previous post: Banned from Gardening...
Hi Steve, it was really getting me down, both hubby and my daughter had been telling me to get a new one for weeks but I kept persevering with it, it then played up on the day that coincided with them telling me they couldn't fix my left eye so on the spur of the moment I went shopping before I talked myself out of it.
I know its late in the year but at least I'm now able to tidy up for winter and it feels so good to get back out there, I'm a moody beggar when not able to get down and dirty in my garden....
1 Dec, 2013
Hello Hywel, thankyou, I'm pleased to say that my knee is improving, hardly ever aches now, I even went to a party last week and was able to dance the night away, I'm ok when up and moving about, its the kneeling down and getting up again bit that still causes me a few problems, just proves that one mustn't sit about else we'll seize up, lol....
1 Dec, 2013
Linc's, join the club I have one good eye also, when I am tired it shuts, quite weird!!
Nice to have a new toy to play with, give you something to do in the winter!!
Keep plodding on, take care..x???
2 Dec, 2013
Glad your eye is now sure you'll get used to ur new laptop.... winters a time to sit and think what to do in the garden next year isnt it.....just seen my Helebore buds as well... :))
2 Dec, 2013
Glad you can see again. Don't strain your good eye with too much googling. Enjoy the rest during the winter.
2 Dec, 2013
Oh Lincs....., pleased things are improving and you have a new to to play with.....I,m hoping Santa read my recent email.........
2 Dec, 2013
Great news about the eye, and good you were able to take the verdict on the other one so philosophically. I think lots of us have the kneeling down and getting up problem - but hey, think of all the wisdom we've gained while growing old enough for our knees to wear out...
2 Dec, 2013
Thankyou Dotty and Holly, the new laptop is behaving nicely now I have found my way around and also added my camera, to be honest if I can access Goy I'll be a happy bunny again, I'll learn the rest gradually..
2 Dec, 2013
And yet another one with one good eye ! Me ! Hahaa! I had an argument last year with a blackthorn bush, and the blackthorn won ! I have a scar right across the centre of my eye and have a good pair of reading glasses now. The optician had to send away for the lens, but I only need glasses for reading, so am lucky !
Its seems strange whats been happening to your comments, doesn't it ! Pleased to see you back on here again. I shall have to have a look at my solitary Hellibore to see if I have any buds coming.
Take care Sue x
2 Dec, 2013
Great news about your eye Lincs. At least the docs are being honest with you and not giving you a sense of false hope.
Glad to see you are back in GOY land - it's confusing getting a new laptop - took me weeks to get used to doing the basics!
2 Dec, 2013
Hi , Lincs , all good wishes to you .
Glad you are getting on well with your new machine .
2 Dec, 2013
Hi Lincs, I'm so glad you've got your eyes sorted out, even if it isn't all good news, at least you know where you are now.
While you can't spend much time in the garden, spend the winter inside getting to know your new computer, and keeping up with your friends on GoY :)
2 Dec, 2013
Glad to hear things are on the up at last LL! This is a good time of year for a little armchair gardening, or you could treat yourself to some lovely indoor flowering plants. I'm not much good with them, but lots of people on here have great success with Christmas cacti and orchids etc.
2 Dec, 2013
Hello Rose, I had ulcers on the cornea apparently caused by shingles in the eye about 20yrs ago, didn't even know at the time that you could get shingles in the eyes until then, I always warn people now if they get an attack to go and check it out immediately as it was the most painful experience of my life, it can flare up at any time but I recognize the symptons and get treatment immediately and have been very lucky in recent years actually since retirement not any flare ups at all, a very good reason to not interfere with that eye in my opinion....I have to wear reactor lenses as my eyes cannot stand the sunlight now, I'm cheating and waiting until after xmas to replace my specs.....
As regards my missing comments it always seems to occur when that Iciar has made an appearance somewhere and doesn't seem to matter if its not my own blogs, I can go for months without a problem, definitely beyond my comprehension....
3 Dec, 2013
Thankyou Scottish, Waddy and Driad, it makes you thankful for what you've got, I'm so relieved to get my good eye back and have to say I cried when able to see the leaves at the bottom of my garden instead of blurred smudges and even though I still dislike shopping it was a treat to enter a supermarket and be able to read the signs and recognize people down the aisles.
I'm doing ok with my laptop and fingers xx Goy as well, so yes I can now catchup with everyone, can't imagine life during the winter without my goy friends now xx....
3 Dec, 2013
Hello again Karen, I'm looking forward to catching up with all your news and garden as it progresses, I've had a quick glance and it does look grand, I now have xmas cacti in flower, I've been keeping them for years but never had flowers so its all down to the advice I gained on GOY but ALAS cannot get new flowers on my orchids even though all three are very healthy, I shall persevere, I have lovely Hellebores now and that is down to advice received from Spritz a few years ago, you are right I do like my armchair gardening, lol....
3 Dec, 2013
I didn't know either , Sue that you can get shingles in the eye ! What are the symptoms ?That must have been awful for you ! I don't know what Iciar is either as I've never seen it ! I'm pleased you are ok now.
4 Dec, 2013
I had Shingles which started under my hair and on the right side of my brow. I was sent to the eye hospital, as soon as I had symptoms in my eye. I had to have a special prescription sent up from Moorfields. It was very painful. The consultant said I will go blind in that eye eventually. At the moment it is as if there is a rubber band stretched across it. It is not painful just uncomfortable. In spite of being put on the antidote for shingles which is supposed to make the outbreak much less virulent I am left with an unbearable itch on my scalp. My family give me a pinch to alert me to the fact that I'm scratching. The shingles look like chicken pox. If you have had chicken pox it was believed you would be immune to shingles but since I proved that to be untrue I have met quite a few fellow sufferers. I'm on strict instructions to go straight back to the hospital if my eyesight becomes cloudy. The optitian was unable to prescribe anything for the eye to help it. It does not really affect me much. He reckons I have cataracts on both eyes now but not bad enough to warrant any treatment yet. Old age can be a nuisance. We are lucky to have the NHS when we are in trouble.
4 Dec, 2013
I never had Shingles anywhere else at all Rose, didn't know thats what the problem was, it started with a very itchy eye that quickly became very painful, as soon as I went to my doctors he rang the eye specialist and got me an emergency appointment over at Peterboro, imagine the grumbles and scowls I received when I was seen as soon as I arrived, there is no cure and they can flare up at any time but once you've had one its easy to recognize the symptoms then its off to the doc for the steroid drops as I certainly don't want that pain ever again.....
I'm hardly aware of it S'gran, I've got used to my blind spot and now I'm clear in my right eye I'm well chuffed, couldn't fault the NHS, they soon got me sorted...
4 Dec, 2013
Thanks for that, Sue. At least you have been well looked after !
4 Dec, 2013
I think your positive attitude helps a lot to overcome lifes problems and having a garden to worry about banishes all other little niggles.
6 Dec, 2013
Well Lincs ... I have read all the comments and learned so much about Shingles and eye problems ... what a fascinating site GoY is! Great news that you are back out in the garden ... you sound like me when I can't 'grub around' outdoors ... get a bit grumpy! Keep smiling ... :o)
14 Dec, 2013
I know Shirley, I really wind myself up, daft isn't it, lol, took the mower out for a walk around today collecting leaves, it took longer than actually cutting the lawns but at least I now have a green lawn instead of yellow/gold/brown colour.....
14 Dec, 2013
15 Dec, 2013
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Sorry to hear you've had a rough time, but it's nice to know your sight is all right, even though it is only with one eye.
Glad to know you've got your green houses sorted. Those plants will be happy in there now :o)
I hope your knee is healing too ...
1 Dec, 2013