Banned from Gardening...
By lincslass
Its true folks, I’ve had one of the cataracts removed today, all went well and at the moment I am disguised as a pirate, mustn’t remove the dressing until tomorrow when I start with the drops, lots of don’ts on the list of aftercare for a couple of weeks, no surprise there, does not bother me that I mustn’t hoover or dust or even change the bedding, as you know I don’t like shopping so steering clear of crowds is a bonus, not bending down for a few days could be interesting as I still cannot bend my knee, I guess the answer is don’t drop anything and if I need something out of the cupboards then ring for my grandchildren, I know George will help as he is still saving hard, lol…………………………………………….. Swimming, golf, outdoor pursuits of any sort all banned for SIX WEEKS and that includes GARDENING…..OH HECK !!!!!!!!!……………………………………… Still lots flowering for me though that will stop if I cannot deadhead daily….
Well I might get to catch up with all your pics as well as the blogs and hoping soon to be able to do that without all the headaches and blurred content……
24 Oct, 2013
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Pleased it has been done at last and that you can now start on your recovery. Try not to overdo anything, just listen to what the dr's have told you and you should be back up and running soon. Just think of what you will be able to see in your garden soon, hopefully still some sunshine to come before we get any really bad weather. All the best for a speedy recovery. x
24 Oct, 2013
I remember when my grandad had his done, he was delighted with the result but was such a bad patient!
Take it easy and be pampered.... That's an order!!
I wish you a speedy recovery too x
24 Oct, 2013
So pleased you have got another problem over and done with,Sue..that's great..I didn't know you had to be so restricted as to what you can and can't do though..No one in the Family has had Cataracts,so I am quite ignorant of the facts..It will be so good to be able to see better again..and as for the can look,but don't touch ! :o)
24 Oct, 2013
All good advice has been said but I hope you progress well and the garden will be fine for the time being :o)
24 Oct, 2013
Get well soon...if you can just manage to follow Dr.'s orders you'll be out and about doing your gardening soon and those bugs that have been bothering your plants will be done-for:)
25 Oct, 2013
My husband had his done last year, and is very pleased he did. Its a bit of a nuisance having to keep putting the drops in (I had to do this!) but well worth it for the result. Best wishes Lincslass.
25 Oct, 2013
Hi Sue .
I hope you'll soon be feeling fit ... and so can
enjoy Christmas and then lots of gardening in 2014 :o) x
25 Oct, 2013
Hi Lincslass. Isn't it wonderful that the op is possible? When I was little cataracts meant blindness, no options! I've just been told I have them starting - its all a bit scary but so encouraging to hear about all the successful ops, and good to know that yours is going to be one of them.
Make the most of having good reasons for getting other people to do things for you, rest and enjoy - the garden will take care of itself at this time of year and the spring flowers will be great - clear, bright and in focus! No housework - sounds good to me.
25 Oct, 2013
I can't wait to get cataracts! I'm so short sighted the op will cure two problems at once. And don't anyone suggest laser treatment - I'd stick hot pins in my eyes before I let anyone point a laser at them!
Good luck, Lincslass. Put your feet up and sit back and enjoy the next few weeks - it will pass so quickly and you'll be fighting fit in time for spring.
25 Oct, 2013
You picked the best time of year Lincslass everything should be going to sleep soon, spring time they'd have to tie you down lol, relax and get well soon in time for next year x
25 Oct, 2013
I didn't know whether to click the 'like' button or not for this blog Sue ... but I did, because I'm glad you've had some of the treatment, and that means you are on the way to recovery :o)
The time will go quickly, but there will be very little to do in the garden soon anyway, ... so by the spring, when there's lots to do, you will be well enough to DO it ! :o) Isn't that good ? !
Good luck ! and I hope it all goes well for you with the next one, and your knee ...
25 Oct, 2013
Thankyou all, I took that patch off before seven this morning and was amazed, I was able to see faces on the telly from over 15ft away, from the windows I can see petals and leaves instead of smudges of colour and I have been reading all your comments with my laptop on my lap and didn't have to zoom in to do it, just feels as though I've poked myself in the eye and a little bit bloodshot but thats already clearing, so anyone waiting to have it done don't worry, the only thing I didn't like was being able to hear the doc telling the younger one how to do it, far too explicit for my tender ears, they have told me that it won't be long before I can have the other one done as well..
There is one downside I can now see the dust, isn't it a shame I'm not allowed to do it yet, lol.....
25 Oct, 2013
that is brilliant, will open up a whole new world for you..I think to be able to see your garden clearly,will be a great joy..and it will be better still,when you get the other one done..your family will now have to watch out,as you won't miss a trick..and about the dust....what dust? just play dumb,and walk past it :o)
25 Oct, 2013
You can see the dust !! LOL :D
25 Oct, 2013
Gave my mother a whole new lease on life after wearing specs for 80 years. She didn't need them again after getting her cataracts sorted.
26 Oct, 2013
So glad everything went well, Lincslass. I've never had a problem with ignoring the house work and if it bothers those who visit...well they don't have to come again and the family all know where the dusters are kept. Enjoy the pampering and the rest. Play some soothing music and sit back, the garden will still be there when you're back to normality :))
26 Oct, 2013
Couldn't put it better, and how lucky that it's rotten weather so you won't want to venture out gardening anyway:-))
26 Oct, 2013
Get well soon.... not a nice time to be in the garden now is will be fit and well for the spring...
27 Oct, 2013
Glad that you are recovering and taking it easy. The next 6 weeks will quickly go by as you watch everyone else doing all those jobs that you are not allowed to do yourself and then you will be very rested in time for Christmas!
Don't be tempted to break the rules!!!
27 Oct, 2013
Well, its the best time of year to be out the garden ! I'm sure you'll get lots of help, but it must be frustrating not to be able to do it yourself ! But don't be tempted ! Mind you, I think hubby would have to tie me down to stop me gardening ! At least you can still come on here and chat !
I hope your recovery is quick, Sue. Best wishes x
27 Oct, 2013
It must be a joy for you to have better vision now Sue ... thank goodness for technology eh? :o)
28 Oct, 2013
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You will be seeing things clearly soon. Your garden will look twice as good.
24 Oct, 2013