Roses and new addition to house and garden..
By lincslass
My wallflowers and tulips are in and a few pansies have been added, I really must get out this week to buy some more, I also like Bellis Daises for this time of the year but haven’t found any yet, the roses are doing really well and some of the other flowers are still rewarding me with blooms..
They took about 4yrs for my first clump to flower and now I have them in various spots in my garden..
Its been really mild for the past week and definitely helping me to keep plenty of colour ..
My Amarylis was a freebie last year from Spalding Plant/Bulb Co. I have now taken it indoors..
Not sure what the bulb below is, I think it was a freebie amongst my succulents…
I have to decide whether to transplant the lettuce into the beds or grow them in the bowls as cut/grow, I actually have two bowls so could try both ways..
Food for the birds over the winter..
Below is a trough full of primula’s, I scattered lots of seedheads on the top, got two of these just hope they don’t all turn out to be the same colour..
Now I’d like to introduce our new addition, hoping to overwinter indoors and gradually introduce into the garden next springtime…
Toffee Vodka……………………………………………….
12wks old male, Sherryls early birthday gift from us, she has named him after her favourite tipple..LOL..
Spoilt rotten, very mischievious and luckily already making friends with the others…
2 Nov, 2014
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Lots of colour still - don't you just love nerines? I have some that have been in the same pot for about 10 years, increasing every year - 15 blooms this season.
Little Toffee Vodka is gorgeous - sure to be an added attraction outside next summer!
2 Nov, 2014
Your garden looks almost like mid summer Sue !
I saw a Handel Rose with you. Mine never flowered this year. I don't even know if it's still alive.
It's one of my favourite roses :)
I sewed some Bellis seeds this year. They're easy to grow from seeds.
Your new friend is pretty, and looks full of mischief ! lol It's good that he's making friends with his new house mates :)
I love your collection of succulents ! :D
2 Nov, 2014
The Gardens are amazing for this time of year Sue,and yours is looking good too..I was gifted two Nerine bulbs (thanks Shirley) One made a valiant attempt to flower last year,but nothing from the other one yet..but had a peek this week,and the bulbs are fine,and are much bigger now..I live in hope !
Love the kitten..a lovely addition to your family :o)All my plants are safely gathered in too..I keep forgetting about Bellis,but I will have a look round ,next time I'm out and about..:o)
3 Nov, 2014
good plan getting all your tender babies inside before the frosts come. exciting waiting for the auricular to the new kitten..:-)
3 Nov, 2014
The flowers still blooming your garden are amazing! I can hardly believe you're in the same country. I managed to find Bellis at our local GC, but they were not all that wonderful, I just hope they improve.
Toffee Vodka is so sweet, but I bet he's full of mischief lol!
3 Nov, 2014
Your garden isn't half looking great Lincs. You would never guess it's November.
What a wee cutie TV is, I'll bet he's into everything.
3 Nov, 2014
Amazing amount of colour in your garden. My Nerines didn't flower this year. I do like your new addition to the family......very cute.
3 Nov, 2014
There is an Auricula Society Sue, may be of interest.
4 Nov, 2014
I had a look to see if the Auricula Society still exists.
There is a branch nearer you. Meetings look good.
4 Nov, 2014
I think we are being spoilt this year, weatherwise, its great to see so much colour still in your garden. Toffee Vodka looks a bundle of fun, such a gorgious colour.
4 Nov, 2014
Thanks all, somebody has snitched and told mother nature its really winter, we had our first frost this morning, case of scraping the windscreens, not down far enough to cause the heater to work in g'house though, I sorted it out yesterday afternoon, I reckon I'm turning into a boy scout in my old age, its either that or I'm trying to meet myself going backwards as I've even started my xmas shopping, lol...
Toffee is a cross between a ragdoll and something but I'm blowed if I can remember what, its going to be interesting seeing what he looks like in about a years time, some days he's a ball of fluff and others his fur seems quite smooth, his eyes keep changing as well, he has me on my toes all the time as he's trying to escape all the time, flipping good job I need the doors closed or he'd have to be on a lead like Caspar was..
4 Nov, 2014
Hywel my Handel rose didn't flower for a couple of years and I thought I'd lost it but then it made a comeback and as you can see its thriving........
Snoop the blackbirds here are partial to the apples as well...
Sandra I checked out your blogs for tips for overwintering my succulents as I simply haven't got the room to move them indoors..
Diane thankyou for that info I will look into it..
4 Nov, 2014
Frost ? :(
Christmas shopping ? :(
4 Nov, 2014
Hi Sue ..
love the colour of the rose in that first photo.
I hope Toffee is continuing to settle in well.
Looks very cute ! :o)
6 Nov, 2014
Wonderful to see so many roses in flower in your garden, Lincs! Strange start to autumn this year! No frost here as yet though we've been within a "whisker" as the temps have fallen to just a couple of degrees above freezing on two nights this week!
TV looks great & I look forward to seeing him in more of your blogs. :-))
7 Nov, 2014
Hi Terra, Toffee has taken over the house,lol, thankfully he has been accepted and now we do not have to separate them all as he's more than capable of sticking up for himself, very comical as he talks when he's playing...
8 Nov, 2014
Balcony its great isn't it, I think my garden is trying to have something flowering that represents all the seasons all in November....
8 Nov, 2014
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Lots of colour in your garden Lincs. What a handsome boy Toffee Vodka is (tv for short) Is he a 'breed' he doesn't look like a common (or garden) moggy:-)
2 Nov, 2014