Bit of a tidy up....
By lincslass
Plus I felt like doing it, I had Delphiniums, Poppies and Hellebores all looking very tatty, in danger of shedding their seedheads everywhere and hiding the Chrysanths and Gladioli that are in the bed in front of the g’house, some of which are really struggling through lack of rain and the fact that the ground was solid..
As you know I had not been able to do any digging since May as I’d fractured my ankle as well as my other problems, I’d already dug over the raised bed at the bottom last Friday and it was hard enough, OH BOY!!, it took some getting the fork in up here
but it wasn’t getting the better of me, now as you can see that is now lacking in colour with plenty of gaps, as I’ve said in the past I do not do gaps, yesterday at the nursery there were lots of Dahlia’s all looking for new homes but I wasn’t ready for them, hubby doesn’t know it yet but tomorrow he is taking me up to Wothorpe.
See what I mean, it cannot stay like that can it??
My Lewisia bought yesterday all planted in their own little space…
The geraniums were a bargain at seven for a quid.
They’ll also soon fill out and have provided a bit of colour in my troughs, another job I’d not got around to doing..
The Fuschia I could not resist, sadly no label but someone will name it for me I’m sure…
Plenty of colour elsewhere in the garden..
Now just look at the major job that needs doing yet again..
Those Iris’s are definitely coming out this year and not going back into the pond, a job I cannot tackle on my own irrespective of how strong I am, at the moment I am only letting out hints, soon I will be stating very strongly that I want them out, watch this space!!!
5 Jul, 2015
Previous post: Blimey O'Reilly....
Next post: Home and sorted ..
Don't overdo it Sue,keep bellowing.I think we all know what independence can do,so please take care.x
5 Jul, 2015
Everything is looking great Sue ! What a bargain you got with your geraniums and I love the planters they are in.
I agree with you...don't try and move those Irises on your own !
5 Jul, 2015
Things are looking great but please don't over do things and throw yourself back the garden will always be there.
5 Jul, 2015
Ah bless you all and thankyou, don't worry I was careful and the jobs did take a long time with lots of breaks for a drink and a rest, was ok once I worked out the easy way so not to put undo pressure on my foot, I am actually in fine fettle at the mo, you honestly wouldn't know there was anything wrong at all if you saw me, even my nails are good, now that for a gardener is saying something, lol.
5 Jul, 2015
That's the spirit Lincs- you remind me of my mother-indomitable!
6 Jul, 2015
It's great that you are still able to enjoy your garden,and keep it tidy,Sue..gaps or no gaps..they will soon be filled..:o) the best therapy there is,for keeping mind and body active..good for you,but as said above,don't overdo it..get that loudhailer going when you need to :o) xxx
6 Jul, 2015
Gardening is so therapeutic - good for the body and the soul - your garden is my type of garden something new around every corner and I like rescuing plants and bringing them back to life - have a good day - jane
6 Jul, 2015
I have my Dahlia's and have puddled them in, its a very dull day here and keeps trying to rain without success, I bet its waiting for the schools to end for the summer, then all the kids will be stuck indoors again driving the mums wild...Guess I better do some housework now (sigh)
6 Jul, 2015
looking good, glad you bought the dahlias, they will look good in your borders. Must get out into my garden tomorrow morning, have been looking after my baby granddaughter all day but have a free morning tomorrow she is at the child minders for half a day. Will try and get some housework done though too. yuk!! I hate housework much rather be outside in the garden.
6 Jul, 2015
I'm glad you're still doing bits in the garden Sue. I'm sure it helps really, as long as you go gently :)
Would the Fuchsia be Rose of Denmark ? It does look similar, but there are so many similar ones that it is difficult to name them.
7 Jul, 2015
Thanks Davros, now I like that description it sounds so much better than stubborn..
Olive enjoy your time with your new grandaughter, would you believe my baby grandaughter is nearly 18yrs old now, she officially left school last week and is off to uni in October, I saw her in her prom dress last week, her dad put her photograph on facebook and it reduced me to tears, happy ones but it completely flipped me for a few minutes...
8 Jul, 2015
Hello Hywel, you're right it does help me, I can usually sort myself as long as I can be out there, even when I was only up to a bit of one handed deadheading it did me a power of good..
I've been looking at pics of Fuschia's, yes its a bit like all the roses theres loads that look similar, I get really confused with them all, thanks I'll look that one up and compare, you're probably right..
Hope alls well with you and that Beryl is also keeping ok..
8 Jul, 2015
Yes we are all right thank you Sue :) but I do feel rather tired these days, between everything, and get well behind with GoY lol
Take care x
8 Jul, 2015
You've done very looks great.
I love the bright colour of that orange Rose.
12 Jul, 2015
Thanks Paul, all the roses are loving it this year and putting on a grand show, I'm back to just looking again as of tomorrow...
12 Jul, 2015
Oh dear
14 Jul, 2015
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The garden is looking good and I think we all know about gaps!! but please take it easy and just keep on giving orders for the time being lol
5 Jul, 2015