Blimey O'Reilly....
By lincslass
Well its not my year folks, I’ve been hospital today, its a bit of a two-headed sword, on the plus side I still have most of my bits-n-pieces and could still wear my bikini if I wanted to, the op was successful and I’ve healed well, on the downside I need another op as some of the invasive cells have shown up in my lymph nodes, ( the little beggars, how dare they) so of course they have to go, doctor has once again warned me that when the results come back there is the possibility I might need yet a third op, I guess they like my company over there, I am now booked in again for op on July 14th, was going to be the 10th but I am seeing Neil Diamond on the 11th come hell or high water, they were able to change it for me as my consultant had pencilled me in for either day.
So once again Susie is playing the waiting and behaving herself game….
2 Jul, 2015
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Oh dear......but, just think of your night watching Neil'll have a great night....good times never seem so good so good!have fun.
2 Jul, 2015
Oh crikey Sue, thats not what you wanted to hear. is progress, and you are doing so well and being so positive. Enjoy every day as much as you can, and fill your soul with colour and fragrance and music! Will be thinking of you xx
2 Jul, 2015
So sad to hear this news Sue. I think you are amazing to sound so positive and its definitely the most helpful attitude - I believe research has shown that it can make a real difference. You know we'll all be thinking about you and cheering you on.
2 Jul, 2015
I agree with Sgram Sue,keep thinking postive, and enjoy each day with all the things you are able to do.My love and best wishes to you and enjoy Neil Diamond(he's one of my favs.)Keep your chin up!x
3 Jul, 2015
Sorry to hear this Sue,and glad you are handling it in a positive way ,the only way..I'm glad you were able to have your appointment changed,so you can enjoy Neil will have a great night out..take care,and we are,and will be, all thinking of you
3 Jul, 2015
I'm sorry too Sue, what a nuisance for you xxx
positive thinking is the key and you have that in spades xxx
is it far to the hospital, here its in the centre of the city and nightmare roads to get there. ....especially with the 'elected (not) mayor' turning a 3 lane road into bus and cycle lanes and one narrow mingy road for everything else....he thinks it wonderful grrrr
thinking positive healing thoughts ?
3 Jul, 2015
Just sending best wishes keep positive ,keep happy ,and enjoy Neil Diamond one of my favorites too .xx
3 Jul, 2015
Thoughts and best wises to you.
3 Jul, 2015
Thankyou to everyone, I know I cannot ignore it but I refuse to let it take over all of my life and also that of my family, sadly they are taking it worse than me so I'm the one trying to jolly them along at the moment, mind you I am a terrible person when it comes to patience with illness, I have none whatsoever so I guess there is time enough yet for me to become a nightmare, LOL...
Pam the hospital is at Peterborough, its a posh new one built on the outskirts and really easy to get to ( not a lot goes on at our one in Stamford and its a no-go after 5pm and weekends /holidays, ) its 13miles away but the roads are very staightforward, as is usual the parking is terrible though, there is never enough parking at any of these places, going to be a bit of a bind when I reach the therapy stage and have to travel daily for 3wks, when I went with dad I swear I was nearly as tired as he was with all the coming and going...
3 Jul, 2015
Hi Sue, so sorry to hear that you didn't exactly get the outcome you, and all of us wanted for you, you go and enjoy Neil Diamond, and before you know it, you'll be well on the way to a full recovery, wishing you the very best, Derek.
3 Jul, 2015
Oh My Dear Sue as I said in an email my heart goes out to you.
You have all your garden friends supporting you.
We are all here for you night and day.
You go and enjoy Neil Diamond I love him wish was going with you.
3 Jul, 2015
Thankyou Derek...
3 Jul, 2015
Not the news you were hoping for but I'm really pleased your staying so positive. Also glad they moved the op for you, hope you have a great time seeing Neil diamond.
With a bit of luck all will go well and the third op they mentioned won't be needed. Stay strong.
Best wishes. Sam
3 Jul, 2015
Peterboroughs a very good hospital as you say, its where my Wansford friends go......
nearer than ours.....
know what you mean about the driver as shattered as the patient after taking my friend for 5 weeks some years ago....
big hugs ?
4 Jul, 2015
Your positive attitude will aid you through this ordeal and hopefully the 3rd op will not be needed. Best wishes to you xx
4 Jul, 2015
Thankyou Kath, Sam and Denise..Been up the local nursery today, they do a pound polytunnel all year round so we like to have a browse and also bargains on their plug plants at this time of the year, had a whale of a time so I've been filling in some gaps in the garden, I had to stop growing my own this year as couldn't care for them at the crucial time but it gave me the opportunity to spoil myself, well thats my story and I'm sticking to it...
4 Jul, 2015
Sounds good to me - wish we had one of those!
4 Jul, 2015
Best wishes Lincslass.
5 Jul, 2015
I stopped growing my cordon toms from seed, buying them from a local nursery gave me the chance to have different varieties, they were £1.25 each by the time you've bought the seed/compot/pots etc it doesn't seem expensive.....and its fun choosing
helps kee the nursery viable too.....
Your pound poly tunnel sounds tempting.......and no calories ?
5 Jul, 2015
So sorry you have to go through another op and good for you not missing out on the concert. Enjoy every moment of it. Will be thinking of you on the 14th. I think I'm losing the plot - I thought you'd bought a poly tunnel for a £1.
5 Jul, 2015
Thankyou Klahanie...
Thanks Gee, I was determined not to miss this one and I know I would still have gone even if they hadn't changed the date I reckon anyone trying to stop me would have had to tie me down, lol, you made me laugh, I had to go back and check how I'd written the bit about the tunnel....
5 Jul, 2015
I'll be thinking of you Sue and don't will be fine! I had breast cancer in 1999 and we had just moved in to Willow Cottage , which at the time made me very positive. Then after the first op, I had to go back for more to be removed a few weeks later and they also removed all my lymph nodes, so have to be careful , especially in the garden in case of bites or being attacked by my roses ! All these years on and ( fingers crossed ) I am still ok ! You will be too ! I actually delayed my second op too, as it was my 50th and we were having a huge party with all my cousins ( lots of them), family and friends and were travelling from all over the country !
Enjoy Neil Diamond ! xx
5 Jul, 2015
Rose it had never occurred to me before about the lymph nodes and how much it could affect a persons immunity system, something that I'd never really took on board before, one sort of knows the basics but not all of it until confronted with it, the doctor and my assigned nurse were explaining all about it the other day, warning me how to be extra careful in the future with cuts and scratches, insect bites, preparing veggies for dinner and suchlike, they know I'm a gardening person because of the questionaire I filled in, the nurse gave me a proper pep talk, lots of advice, I know in the future I'll have to get used to gardening all covered up so to speak, I reckon my mums idea of smothering herself in vinegar whilst outside in amongst the plants might a good idea after all, she swore by her method, said it was to keep the nasties away, lol...
5 Jul, 2015
Not heard of vinager as a repellent, you see these little books for sale.......101 uses for vinager maybe should look at it, all I really know is vinager for wasp and ant stings, and bicarb for bees......
good to know you are doing well Rose x
6 Jul, 2015
I have always used Skin So Soft, Sue and it does seem to work. I mostly use it abroad , but this time of year , every morning. but my doctor gave me an antihistamene tablet which I take immediately if I get bitten or scratched and after half an hour the problem magically disappears ! I can let you know the name of it and you could ask your doctor about it as its prescription only. I don't think I'd like to smell of vinegar though ! lol
6 Jul, 2015
I forgot to say Sue, the Skin So Soft is from Avon and although it doesn't mention its an insect repellent , it does work ! My doctors receptionist swears by it and she is prone to bites !
7 Jul, 2015
So sorry to hear your news Sue, I admire your positive outlook and fingers crossed that the next op sees off all the rogue cells, take care love Carole xx
14 Jul, 2015
Your positivity will be a big factor in your recovery, Sue, I''m sure. Really sorry to hear that you're going through this. I loved Neil Diamond I my teenage years- especially 'Cracklin' Rosie' and 'I am, I said'. Sure it will be a night to remember. XX
17 Jul, 2015
Was sad to read your news, but I can see you are being very positive, so I wish you good luck and keep smiling, I am sure you will sail through the stormy waters with ease.....
18 Jul, 2015
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1 Oct, 2013
Oh Sue, I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck with your treatment, and try to stay positive. I'm pleased to hear that your previous op was successful. Keep it up ! :o) xxx
2 Jul, 2015