Home and sorted ..
By lincslass
Number two operation done and dusted folks, first on the list today so back home by lunchtime, its official no ironing for at least a month, lol, back to sitting in my chair and watching the birds, also browsing Goy, by the time I’ve finished with this lot I might even have caught up on all the photo’s pages….
14 Jul, 2015
Previous post: Bit of a tidy up....
Next post: Enough Now!!!
Thankyou Pam, I will be relying on all of you to keep me entertained, lol...
14 Jul, 2015
Good to hear you are back home & hope you are done with the hospital & those rogue cells. My sis had to have a bunch of those removed as well so try to take it easy & heal quickly. It'll be a good time to dream about those dahlias. Take care.
14 Jul, 2015
Pleased to hear you have got the hospital over with, hope you have a speedy recovery and enjoy your rest ;0)
14 Jul, 2015
We'll do our best love ?
14 Jul, 2015
Just been joking with Scotkat.......she's going to Scone then.....just hope its not a Dropped Scone ?
14 Jul, 2015
Pleased to hear you are back home lincs ,get well soon ,sit back and watch the grass grow :o)
14 Jul, 2015
Good to hear you were back home so soon Lincs ... enjoy watching the birds and take care :o)
14 Jul, 2015
Hi Sue, glad to hear that you're over that particular obstacle, lets hope there are no more, in the meantime, enjoy doing what every gardener should do, and enjoy just looking at the garden, take notice of the doctors orders, relax and get well soon, Derek.
14 Jul, 2015
So pleased that hurdle is over and you're back home, Lincslass. Catch up on some reading, do a bit of planning and we'll all try to put on lots of blogs and photos to keep you amused and out of mischief :)
14 Jul, 2015
Hello again Sue so pleased you are now back home .
And now time for you to have me time relaxing enjoying your garden .
Yes Pam was joking about Scone so this is where we are going Sue.
14 Jul, 2015
Great news you are all 'done and dusted' Sue.and back home..enjoy your enforced rest,and do as you are told :o)
I wish you sunny days,to be able to sit and enjoy your garden,and to plan all those things you will want to do in the future,when you are able..take care,love,Sandra xx
14 Jul, 2015
glad you are 'done and dusted' but don't get the garden/house 'done and dusted' until you are fully healed. enjoy catching up on here. I hope you have some one to rely on for 'waiting on hand & foot duty' :o)
15 Jul, 2015
I'm pleased everything went well Sue ! Enjoy your garden...from a chair ! lol
I've just spotted the little bike. My friend bought me the same one for my birthday last year. The view of your garden is lovely ! Take care xx
15 Jul, 2015
Thankyou all, I am instructed to not do anything for a few days and then only light duties, so my family are taking care of things for me, my grandaughter is popping round to check on me when Derek is not here, the college finishes tomorrow so that means her mum will be home, they only live around the corner, I've been threatened by both my girls if I don't do as they tell me they'll be trouble. lol....
15 Jul, 2015
Great news.....enjoy the rest and being fussed over!
15 Jul, 2015
Excellent news Sue and may today be the start of better times ahead.
15 Jul, 2015
Wishing you a speedy recovery Lincslass.
15 Jul, 2015
That was quick Sue. I didn't think we'd see you for a few days at least.
Good news that it's done though, and I hope it's a success, and that you won't need any more ops !
15 Jul, 2015
Pleased to hear you are back home, enjoy your forced relaxation time - the birds and GOYers will keep you amused I'm sure, you don't want to upset your girls by disobeying orders now do you?! :o)
15 Jul, 2015
Oh Sue however will you cope being away from the ironing ;)
All joking aside I'm so glad it all went well for you. Here's hoping you won't need any more ops. Take it easy, enjoy the view of that lovely garden of yours and the pampering.
15 Jul, 2015
Thanking you all, I'm a bit uncomfortable as can be expected but nothing I can't handle, hubby has cut the lawns for me and pleased to say they are nice and green after our nights of good rain, had to laugh though and actually feeling very smug about it, he only went and ran over the hosepipe which was laying down the path in the dogrun with his fancy new mower, if that had been me the air would have been blue and I would have had to suffer the lecture on being careful, I now have two hoses joined together, I know its mean to take the mickey but the look on his face was priceless and he did laugh himself as well....
16 Jul, 2015
You see they think its so easy!.....at least he had the grace to laugh too ?
two separate hoses could come in useful you never know!
pleased you are progressing and not in too much pain xxx
16 Jul, 2015
Keep well, and enjoy looking at your lovely garden?
16 Jul, 2015
How unusual that is Lincs... For us blokes to make a mistake ?
17 Jul, 2015
LOL, it was so funny Paul and will take a long time for him to live that one down, Derek had treated me to a new lightweight one a few weeks ago so that at least I could water my pots myself and therefore feel as though I was able to do something myself, that one lasted less than two weeks because Brynner picked it up deciding he was going to help, teeth straight through, it was one of the blue ones that concertina back when you turn the tap off, Brynner is a Flatcoat Retriever and is s'posed to pick things up without harming them but we think he has a certain something missing in his makeup.. I just know that something else will happen as regards those hoses...
17 Jul, 2015
Aww Brynner was only trying to help........?
you could use it as 'leaky pipe ' ........
17 Jul, 2015
Had to laugh re the hoses!! pleased to read you are back home, hope all goes well for you, take care, and take it easy, you know it makes sense!!
18 Jul, 2015
Derek was very slow then.........surely he should blamed the damaged hose on the dog!
19 Jul, 2015
This was so funny Sue and made you laugh to at Dereks expense ,great idea from Pam though leaky pipe
20 Jul, 2015
Well Sue enjoy living life in the creased look ( no ironing lol ) but what better way to recover than to sit looking at your lovely garden and sharing jokes on Goyer just take good care of yourself xx
20 Jul, 2015
Thankyou Dotty and K'gran..
20 Jul, 2015
Lovely photo of your garden Sue!
21 Jul, 2015
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Very please all went well for you and enjoy being on
'light duties' ?
14 Jul, 2015