A change is good for me and the garden...
By lincslass
The dogrun had served its purpose and was badly in need of a facelift, one of the posts had rotted away so decision time had arrived…
Brynner doesn’t race around as our other dogs used to and as you know we only have him now so I’ve been pondering for a few weeks now on whether to remove the fencing or replace it, the rotting post made the decision for me, it had to go..
I’ve dug down the edge of the path and raided around the garden to get some stones for the edging, had to do that as the earth is a fair bit high and I think it would probably have washed down onto the path, also it would look odd as I have stones over the other side anyway..
The pavers need sorting and as you can see the grass near there is in a sorry state, poor Morgan decided that was a far as he could make it towards the end but its nothing that can’t be fixed, thats a job for another day though…..
Planted a few bits and bobs along the edge hoping of course that they take but if not its an excuse to pop up our local nursery isn’t it ..
That looks so much better and has opened up the garden again, its also going to be easier for me to work around, now I have to decide whether to remove the fencing from behind the greenhouse as well……
The Passion Flower is going mad down here but is full of flower and fruit at the moment, seems a shame to destroy it but needs must as its throwing up shoots in my g’house, I have started another one over near the boundary fence but I guess I’ll wait for now..
29 Aug, 2016
Previous post: A Funny Ole Year in My Garden but I am Getting There !!! ..
Next post: Well Its Gone Now , I have a New Border.....
I had forgotten how much wider it looks without that fencing Hywel, its going to be a lot more colourful down there next springtime........
29 Aug, 2016
Brynner will enjoy the space too..
29 Aug, 2016
Looks much wider now & opens up your garden & as you say it will be much easier to tend to. I like the stone edging, I did the same along mine & planted some sedum, saxifrage, silene, mazus & semps in amongst them, it has worked out really well.
30 Aug, 2016
It's like having a new garden.
30 Aug, 2016
looking good Ll how much bigger does it all look now, shame the Passion flower has to go eventually but eh ho what fun to choose more plants. New looking garden good to have a different perspective on things. Lifts our spirits. :O)
30 Aug, 2016
Revamp looks good, looks more open.
30 Aug, 2016
Definitely the right thing to do Lincs ... it just makes that part of the garden look bigger. My Passion Flower has also grown huge this year ... but at least you don't have shoots of a neighbours Kerria popping up through the gravel in the Greenhouse :o((
30 Aug, 2016
What happened about Paul's dog ?
I have just discovered 'Medical Detection Dogs' its fascinating how their sense of smell can detect cancers before the technology.
Seems a very worth while Charity to support.
I will give it a go.
30 Aug, 2016
Funnily enough I was told only last week by a gardening panel at the Southport Flower Show,that a garden revamp of any kind is always a good idea for anyone to try now and again, and you've just proved them right. Your garden looks so much bigger and different.
30 Aug, 2016
Your garden looks beautiful, Lincslass. A change is always inspirational, too.
Did you enjoy Southport, Waddy? I haven't been for a couple of years.
31 Aug, 2016
I did thank you Ohmelchisede we try to go most years. ..always on the last day when they sell off!
31 Aug, 2016
Thankyou all, I am on a roll now, lol, you are right itfeels good to have a change around....
1 Sep, 2016
Beautiful Garden Lin. You have a good eye for design.
2 Sep, 2016
Thankyou Paul, I just do what pleases me at the time, having such sites as GOY has helped enormously and given me the courage to add such a lot that wouldn't have occurred to me in the past....
3 Sep, 2016
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It's the end of an era Sue, but sometimes we have to move on. It looks very different without the fence doesn't it but as you say, it has opened the garden out :)
29 Aug, 2016