Well Its Gone Now , I have a New Border.....
By lincslass
Continuation of work down what for years has been the dogrun, I just couldn’t leave it, I love my garden but don’t like doing jobs of that sort when its cold and miserable unless I really have to, so I took the bull by the horns and removed the fencing behind the g’house.
Now no way was that fence coming away whilst covered by the Passion Flower, I showed you the pic in my previous blog, looking at it was getting me nowhere fast and it was really annoying me, as already said it was trying to take over both the path and in the g’house, I fetched my trusty loppers and set to cutting the main stems, then I wiggled the support posts, I already knew the one near the g’house was not very far down in the ground so that bit was easy enough, to my surprise it only took determination and I s’pose pigheadedness on my part and the pieces of fencing were laying across the bottom lawn in just a few minutes, took me a long while to strip the vine away from the pieces of trellis though.
That vine took me by surprise as well, I just put my fork under the root and it came out as easily as digging up spuds, I nearly upended myself expecting it to be a tough job, good job I didn’t as I’d have landed in my bins full of water, lol, its now planted against the fence on the other side of the path..
The trellis I think I’ll attach to the main fence as that will be support for the Passion Flower, thats hoping that it does survive of course, no reason why it shouldn’t…As you can see I have added to the planting, Sedum and Hellebores, I also moved a rose bush that was up near the yard, poor thing was barely surviving where it had been shoved a couple of years ago and then had to wait for its new home, Aquilegia’s to plant up tomorrow and then I’ll add more bulbs, Susie has a new border, Yay!!!.. should be interesting next springtime, as for years I’ve been throwing seedheads over that piece of ground and just letting them do their own thing….
Elsewhere in the garden things are looking up after what seemed to be a long time without many flowers.
The roses are blooming again as well, always a joy to see…
Sunflower still going strong and even the Gazanias have decided its time to flower, they have been in for weeks and decide to wait until now…
I have moved some of my succulents back into the bottom greenhouse.
Like other things they took a lot longer to develop this year and then decided to go a bit mad and take over, they spread all over the bottom house whilst I was away on holiday, had to do a lot of jiggory pokery with some wire for support…
Tomato’s doing ok..G’Delight, Alicante and Monarda….
All in all although my square bed was a complete failiure this year and has been removed, ( Hubby said I should make things easier for myself so I compromised and allowed him to remove it and put that space back to grass ) LOL, I haven’t done too bad, still picking my beans and already have lots in the freezer, guess its back to growing carrots and lettuce in pots and troughs again next year…
Hope you are all enjoying the gardens as well whilst the weather is good to us, now which pond do I sit near to have my well earned cuppa…..
1 Sep, 2016
Previous post: A change is good for me and the garden...
Next post: Lyme House....Gardens and Park to follow...
that is a job well done. I'm always surprised when a plant lifts easier then expected then curse when something should be easy but has put roots down to Australia :o)
pulled up a dead foxglove and a teuchrium came with it grr.
you have some lovely plants in there Lincs.
2 Sep, 2016
I was going to say that's a job well done, but Seaburngirl has already said it. Can I say it as well ? lol
I love your succulents.
Congratulations on your cucumber and tomatoes. My tomatoes are the size of pin heads lol
What's your seacret for growing a Passionflower ? Every time I've tried they die :(
2 Sep, 2016
Your garden is lovely, it seems full of secret surprises and the roses are perfection. Gazanias have always been very low on my wish list as the colours can be so strident but those lemon ones are great.
2 Sep, 2016
That heron works Amsterdam we never see a heron flying over since he was put in place, do keep it netted though because Toffee cat would have a field day..
Seaburn the hellebores took some getting out where they were originally planted, needed my bigger fork for them, I am a at dab hand at cursing, I swear it gives me that extra humph, thats my excuse anyway..
2 Sep, 2016
Hywel I was right to do the work yesterday, it rained all night and has turned very chilly today, as you know the succulents fair better if kept on the dry side and some were looking a tad yellowish from the storm last weekend so I thought it was time to pop them back indoors, still have two pans on the patio though, those and my alpines give me something to do in the winter months even if its only to go and chat to them for a few minutes, lol, the secret to the success of the Passion Flower is all down to Brynner and Morgan, they tried destroying it in its early stages and snapped it right down to the ground, boy I was angry at the time but it recovered well and never looked back, poor thing has always been treated cruelly, I guess you could say it fights back..
2 Sep, 2016
Hiya Stera, I agree with you about the Gazanias, don't think I'll bother with them again as they only open when the sun shines, the lemon ones are Osteopermums,( Cape Daisies) now they have been flowering constantly so well worth their space..
2 Sep, 2016
Love your Osteopermums really nice colour and height can you grow them from seed what is the variety?
2 Sep, 2016
I'll have to try being rough with the next one lol :D
2 Sep, 2016
I like that yellow Crocosmia...I must get one as I've been meaning to for many years.Had one at the old house but it didn't do too well...maybe I'll find one that will here. And the pond is looking lovely and peaceful.
3 Sep, 2016
Peterathome you can get seeds its called Lemon Symphony but I bought them as plants, they have done really well and been flowering nonstop since June..
3 Sep, 2016
Hywel my vine already has three new leaves that have sprouted since I moved it so guess it didn't mind me moving it...
3 Sep, 2016
Yes its a lovely colour Paul and the flowers are lasting longer than the common orange one, now thats a thug and I remove loads every year, I have Lucifer as well but it seems to be a slow one doesn't want to spread...
3 Sep, 2016
Great Scott Lincs' you have been busy! I'll say one thing for you girl, when you get the bit between your teeth, there's no holding you is there? I'm in the middle of a revamp myself and I've had to dig up some well rooted Hostas, they do take some cursing and humping don't they lol?! I'm only concerned now I've split them that they will recover and 'take' in their new spots. Your Tomatoes are looking really delicious, mine have been pathetic this year...what's your secret?
3 Sep, 2016
ps I've also got a Passion flower which is going a bit 'mad' too. Dare I cut it back and if I can when would I be best doing it?...wouldn't want to lose it altogether.
3 Sep, 2016
LOL, I am terrible once I get started Waddy and don't want to stop, I even forget one is s'posed to eat as well, my Passion Vine already has three new leaves sprouted and two stems still growing in the g'house, can't get at them until the toms finish so I do have backup plants just in case, hadn't a clue about when its best to move one, I just did it but then I often move things like that, figure they have two chances.
I made a new bed under the Willow last week, I've always kept my Hostas in pots because I lose them in my garden, however they needed splitting so I have planted some along with a couple of ferns in the hopes that they survive, its very shady in that spot and gets waterlogged during the winter, fingers xx it works, I also added old pieces of wood pruned from the trees a few years ago, creating my own sculpture garden hopefully, lol....Actually if I'm truthful Waddy the toms are a bit of a disappointment this year, took ages to start the ripening proccess, my cucumbers have been very slow to start as well, think everything got put on hold when summer didn't arrive as it should have done, I now have a glut of very tiny ones that possibly won't have a chance to fill out let alone ripen..
3 Sep, 2016
I've been forced to 'rest' today as it's pouring with rain and it's driving me mad because I'm itching to get back out there and crack on.
Looks like you have pretty much the same attitude to moving plants etc as I have, if they survive they survive and if they don't, well...although that's not to say I go digging them up willy nilly.
I've tried growing several varieties of tomatoes this year, some thanks to Bathgate, but apart from the faithful Moneymaker the rest have either dropped off the plant before they have ripened or they have gone soft. Not quite sure why. I think I'll stick to just half a dozen old of the old faithfuls next year...
3 Sep, 2016
Exactly and the reason why I'm on here, home alone and not in the mood for housework, lol.....
3 Sep, 2016
Don't mention the housework, I'm trying desperately to ignore it lol!
3 Sep, 2016
My Lucifer spread freely at my last garden Sue so I brought a few with me. I didn't bring any of the orange ones though.
3 Sep, 2016
Thank you for the information about the Osteopermums sorry for the late reply.
9 Sep, 2016
You are very welcome Peter...
9 Sep, 2016
Thanks for the correction re the Osteospermums Sue - I don't remember having seen yellow ones before.
Paul I have a few yelow crocosmias that didn't get planted out with the rest - they are small and stunted through being in a pot and not cared for but if you would like them I'll send them. they should recover when planted out properly. Also have some Severn Sunrise going begging - a bit lighter than the "montbretias" and I think very attractive.
28 Sep, 2016
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Love your roses and your pond with the heron guarding over it...
2 Sep, 2016