A Look at the Garden and New Helper Harriet...
By lincslass
Honestly !!! What happened to that heatwave some bright spark predicted, I do not class one week at the beginning of July and a few hot days spread out over the whole of spring and summer a heatwave …
I have been doing well in my garden this year, the tomato’s and cucumbers are doing really well, were ready for picking a lot earlier compared to the last few years, been using them for a few weeks now and no signs of them stopping yet which is good, its only in the last week that I’ve been stripping a few of the leaves off, admittedly I had to use the old banana skin trick to start the ripening of the toms ..
Cucumbers doing their own thing and taking over the back of the bottom g’house…Between the bench and the cuc’s are a few tom’s that were going spare and I hadn’t the heart to chuck them out….Plus as you can see a few plants dotted about over the other side, it needs a darn good sort out but never seem to have the time, lol..
Some of the toms in number one g’house have laid themselves across the framework of my staging, completely my own fault for not using the strong wire this year, I tried garden twine instead and won’t be doing that again, although they look untidy it does not seem to have stopped the fruiting, I’m never pristine so why change old habits, lol………..
Don’t really grow many veg now, I don’t get enough return from my efforts but always like to grow my green beans, they are at the back of the g’house with the. Sweetpeas close by to encourage the bees, this year I had the dwarf variety for a change, have done quite well with them, plenty in the freezer, although no more flowers forming so probably one more picking and blanching stint and they’ll be finished, I will save a few beans to store for next years sowing.
The Feverfew was allowed to grow along the path to discourage Harriet away from the beans, actually it did work in that area but as you will see not in others…The annual sweetpeas have been a big disappointmen, took a long time to produce any flowers and what I did have were few and far between, however my Everlasting ones have put on a very good show…
Naughty Harriet, she thinks she’s helping with the hard work, digging in completely the wrong place, then moving on to inspect the fish, looking as though butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth when I tell her to get off the pond..
Instead it has been halved by hubby and his magic saw, now needs me with my sheep shearers to remove the remaining brown bits, we are giving it another chance for now, you cannot see it but along the back I am growing a dogwood screen, when its more filled out and all the way across I’ll then decide on whether to get rid of the conifer completely, mind you it has let a lot more light in so the Heucheras and rest of the plants growing there have doubled in size….
Madam Harriet is also a beggar down the bottom of the garden and I ended up with a broken Hebe and bare patch in one corner of the raised bed..
I’ve moved one of my big Blue Globe Thistles and placed it at the back of the Hebe, going to move a clump of the strongest and relatively indestructable hardy geraniums to fill in the front and hope that by next springtime, when the bulbs are growing I will have persuaded her not to go up there…Don’t fancy my chances with that one, do you? lol..
As you can see its only the corner near the shed thank goodness, reason being the local scout hut is behind there, often people around to entice a Nosey Westie….
The bottom pond has also taken some stick so is now once again covered with wire, as many of you know its only for the wildlife, however Harriet took a liking to the plants and was eating them, not only that I was not best pleased to find some of the plants spread around the garden, was also the worry I might not have noticed before she took some indoors or even worse actually landed in the pond.
Did you also spot the bare bits both sides where we no longer have any grass, Madam likes to scrabble about underneath the shrubs, because of the conifers its very dry and dusty, just right for a pup to dig and roll around in, I’m just not meant to have a lovely lawn down there, its a good job I love our pets, as you can see in the next pic, more bare patches down to you know who, sigh….
As you can see Harriet does have some peaceful relaxing moments, bless her…
Now I cannot miss Brynner out can I, he still sits and watches when I’m gardening, waiting patiently for a little playtime…
Although when I took the latest photo I swear the grumpy look was getting worse, in fact he actually has curled his lip…..
Still my Handsome Boy ………..
13 Aug, 2017
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Fantastic blogging, I wanted to like it at least twice! :D
Harriet looks like a little garden ornament when she is sitting :)
I think we all tend to notice our own imperfections, and others notice the beauty much more and hardly see the imperfections until they are pointed out.
I think your garden is wonderful! :)
And the Elvis look on Brynner, just priceless :D
14 Aug, 2017
You've a lovely garden, Sue, that's obviously well loved. Madam Harriet is a real cutie although you might call her something else when she digs your plants up. Brynner is gorgeous, I've a soft spot for flatcoats.
Isn't it funny how small dogs are so bossy & big ones usually good natured.
I've always has springer spaniels & one would always 'tell' if one of the others was doing something it shouldn't, lol.
Now I only have one small bossy Madam - never thought I'd take to a small dog but we both love her to bits (OH is the worst for spoiling her).
14 Aug, 2017
Your roses are beautiful Sue, and I always enjoy seeing your pond :) I'm glad you had some sweet peas, I have had none. Next yr I'll try them in a different place.
I'm pleased to know you had beans. Your tomatoes are doing well !
Sorry to hear about your Ceanothus. Are you going to get another one ? I keep meaning to get one but never seem to see any.
As for the weather, it's been awful. A few days when it was too hot to go outside the door, and the rest rain ... and cold rain at that. In summer the rain usually gets warmer lol but not this year.
Your dogs are lovely. Harriet sounds a handfull but a happy handfull :)
14 Aug, 2017
Hi Sue .. your garden and your dogs all looking super.
14 Aug, 2017
L'strife never fear Brynner makes sure he still gets his share of attention, I did pass on the pats even gave his ears an extra rub on your behalf, lol, he loves that. I think Harriet is into cutting corners in the garden as she tends to take the shortest route...
14 Aug, 2017
Pam thank you, its my little piece of heaven on earth, I guess you are right, I'm probably the only one that does notice where madam has created the spaces, as to the ornament she is more like a clockwork toy that hasn't ran down, wouldn't want her any other way really....
14 Aug, 2017
G'finger Harriet is spoiled by all of us but yes its my hubby who is definitely the biggest pushover of all, she just wriggles her fluffy little body, makes a little cooing noise in her throat and he gives into her every whim, Brynner is not daft, he makes me smile actually as he just sits behind her waiting patiently, knowing full well that he'll get a treat as well, our lad might be big but as with most F'coats he has a very gentle nature, even now whilst still only a babe Harriet shows the signs of being the boss, if ever push came to shove I think she would be the aggressor, saying that when out and about she runs away from other dogs...
14 Aug, 2017
Thanks Hywel, I already have another Ceanothus on the opposite side of the garden so I won't get another one yet, saying that I think I'd like to try one as a standard, think that would be really something..
So many people have complained about the sweetpeas, guess its the same wherever you live, don't think it will be worth trying to keep some pods either, start fresh next year.
Autumn has arrived early Hywel, we have had a few sunny days back again but with a chill, more like a nice October than August and the nights are drawing in rapidly, I definitely don't like that.
They are a pair of happy dogs, even when they are driving me to distraction, lol...
15 Aug, 2017
Yes I agree with you about autumn Sue. I like the autumn, but in it's proper months lol ...
I had a pink Ceanothus once, years ago when I lived in the old cottage. I'm looking for it again. It was lovely and had frothy looking pink flowers. My wish list is very long :D
15 Aug, 2017
Such a beautiful space! I especially love the area near your greenhouse with the cute little bike and the shady area under the willow.
The pond is gorgeous, too. We're having a shed removed in the next few weeks to make way for a wildlife pond. I'm beyond excited!
15 Aug, 2017
Your garden looks really lovely. Reading this did make me smile. This year I have found that I have more plants in this garden then I realised as last year, Shadow just smashed them all in running everywhere. Thankfully though he has never been a digger. Both your dogs are totally lovely and I'm sure they bring so much joy. :-).
15 Aug, 2017
Hywel I have never seen a pink one will have to do a spot of research..
15 Aug, 2017
Gaia its funny you should mention removal of a shed,we are doing the same here, my lovely nephew spent last Sunday putting a new roof on our big shed and felted it for us, now thats done we are clearing an old rickety one out, hubby and son had it for their fishing tackle, I have my garden shredder in it which will be transferred to the big one and too many spare plantpots, its being dismantled and the space is going to be my ornamental grass garden....
15 Aug, 2017
It's called Marie Simon.
15 Aug, 2017
Oh thanks Hywel, will look that up and see if I can find one...
15 Aug, 2017
Oh your garden really looks welcoming and colourful. No wonder Harriet is going around claiming all the territory for herself. Brynner looks resigned and I love his Elvis look Uhu!
I could practically smell those tomato plants. Always loved that scent in the greenhouses. I used to help tie up tomato plants with green twine. That reminder brought back some memories.
I think we have fared better weather-wise. That swelteringly hot spell was followed by "sensibly" warm days. Must say August hasn't been so good but this week we have had sunny days, warm enough to eat outside in the gazebo, (posh word for tent). Cosy in there.
16 Aug, 2017
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Great garden Lincs, with your live wire Harriet to compliment it after she makes a few adjustments to make it just to her liking. Brynner is beside himself right now with Harriet stealing the show. Please give him a few pats on the head for me:)
14 Aug, 2017