By lincslass
With gardening and decorating going on at the moment I `m quite busy so my boys are feeling a wee bit neglected. Whilst having a teabreak from painting I let them have a play in the main garden…….
Well!!!!!!!! where is Morgan then ?
As you can see Morgan does get the toys sometimes….
Had enough now, can I have a drink please ?
27 Apr, 2010
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Both very soppy dates Ob, Brynner is 8mths old now and as you can see he`s a big lad and they are very good pals, if I didn`t have the dogrun they`d wreck the garden between them, lol.....
27 Apr, 2010
They look like they're enjoying themselves. They're very playful and happy :o))
You seem very busy. Don't overdoo it lol. It's wise to take plenty of breaks so that you can sit back and admire what you've done :o)
28 Apr, 2010
very true Hywel, isn't the important thing in the garden a seat?
Is the black dog Morgan? a flat coated retriever Lincs
they look such good friends. lovely to see :o)
28 Apr, 2010
great pics of your boys they must give u lots of love and smiles :-)
28 Apr, 2010
Lovely pics!
28 Apr, 2010
Wonderful photos of the boys, they really enjoy their garden. Remember to take some 'me' time, and enjoy it too.
28 Apr, 2010
nice to see your doggies having fun together..... and your garden looks lovely to...
28 Apr, 2010
Hywel I`ve been tiling around the handbasin in the downstairs little boys room so I can admire my work and sit at the same time,LOL.
Seriously tho I do agree about seating in the garden and I can assure you I have plenty and can collapse anywhere without having far to walk and if my little legs are tired in the greenhouse then an upside down bucket often gets used...
My ME time is when I`m in my garden, no matter what I`m doing and I supervise playtime as Brynner likes to hang on poor Morgans ears and around his neck, plus they would get a bit too boisterous at times.
Pam Brynner is the black and yes he is a flatcoat .As to the loving both of them have perfected the art of getting around all of us with a lick and a snuggle and think they can still sit on our laps, now that is funny to see as you can imagine......
28 Apr, 2010
So good to see your 'boys' enjoying themselves at play,L/lass, they look like they are having a great time between them :~))
29 Apr, 2010
lovely pics of the boys sue having fun, how brynner has grown ;o))
29 Apr, 2010
Lovely pics Lincslass! What handsome boys they are. Hope my Dylan and Alfie will one day play like that, at the moment Dylan is trying his best not to stand on him.....:o)
2 May, 2010
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They really are lovely, friendly-looking dogs Lincs and pets/family that you can be proud of. Such friendly, loving faces.
Bet they loved a good run around in the main garden bless em:0))
Great pics too.
27 Apr, 2010