Who Did That ??????????
By lincslass
Relaxation is the order of the day as its a cold,grey day, hubby has to work this weekend so we are staying home, it doesn`t matter my daughter and I are going to Wales next Thurs.for 3days so we are both saving our pennies for that….
The plants still need watering in the greenhouses so I ventured outside for a while, brrrrr it was cold but still looks nice……
My Bleeding Heart looks lovely…..
Not sure whether this little one will survive this time as I`ve never tried Hellebores up this part of the garden but so far so good, fingers xx..
Into the greenhouse and still feeling good…..
Loads more coming along nicely including my 2nd lot of Cucumbers ( 1st ones were duff seed)
Then spotted this on the floor !!!!!!!!!
Now I do not like broken glass in my greenhouse and at first couldn`t see where it was from, as you have probably realised the air was turning blue and I was wondering who to yell at !!!!!!!!!!.
Looking upwards and here we have it…..
Now how in tarnation could that happen ?? My first thought was my grandson and a dogs toy might be responsible but on reflection he`s very straightforward and would have told me along with a darned good excuse…lol……Perhaps it`s a Spritz style jumbo pigeon crash landing…..
Nope. Methinks it might have something to do with this.!!!!!!!!!
It belongs to my 50+ yrs next door neighbour and NO I`m not giving that one back………. Trying very hard to hang onto my good mood now.Grrrrrrrrrr.
2 May, 2010
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Next post: My Own Triffid...
Oh dear that is not on is it ? I would have been very cross......all looks very promising otherwise......lots of goodies to eat.
2 May, 2010
Tell him it's a hole-in-one in your greenhouse glass and ask him to pay for a new pane ! They're a real pain (sorry about the pun) to fix back in. Grrr . . .
2 May, 2010
Albatross, Eagle or Birdie..... ???
I don't think so...... !!!
Your plants are looking lovely.
Enjoy your visit to Wales :o)
2 May, 2010
all growing well...... are you going to get next door to pay for the damage to your green house... arnt neighbours a nuisance with there balls.....
2 May, 2010
...he must have heard the glass break.... plants looking good though Lincs. Lovely to see new growth isn't it?
2 May, 2010
I think he must have heard it and completely ignored it,I often find the plastic ones and always put them back over the fence before my dogs get them, I`m waiting to see if him or his wife mention it.
Things are growing well and I was going to pot up some more seedlings but that glass changed that for today.
Thanks Terra we are going to Conwy,I love that area and daughter has a new camera so photography is top of the agenda, I`ve been promised a visit to Bodnant as well........
2 May, 2010
Other than the golf ball and broken pane, it is looking wonderful in there LL!
I wouldn't be too chuffed if it happened to me and he can't say he didn't hear it either. I'd go and mention it to him in a cool and calm manner to see wat he says.
Anyway, you are bound to have a great trip to Wales because......well, it's Wales!!
Croeso i Gymru:0))
2 May, 2010
lovely plant selection there...a shame about your greenhouse
2 May, 2010
all your plants look great sue sorry about your greenhouse, i would be round for money to replace glass, its against the law to use hard golf balls in gardens, does he not know you can get flyballs, plastic,, , how old is he again,,,
hope he coughs up sue and enjoy your trip
2 May, 2010
You will enjoy your trip Lincs, as OB said...it's Wales!!! LOL.....
2 May, 2010
Oh Lincslass...do hope your neighbour owns up...he must have heard the crash ! Enjoy your trip and will look forward to your photos !
2 May, 2010
Sue its not very funny at all the way your 50+ neighbor caused the dameage to your greenhouse and not have the audacity to tell you or even make any attempt at this SHAME on them both. I do hope that you and your daughter have a great time in Conway and not let this get in the way. It has been cold of late lets just hope that this is only temp :-)
2 May, 2010
So sorry about the damage to your Greenhouse,Lincslass,what a childish,thoughtless man.! glad he isn't next door to me,it must be hard to keep your cool..Don't think I could...Have a great time in Wales with your daughter.Conway is a favourite place of ours too...when you see that beautiful
castle,and the estuary as you approach it,its one of the loveliest views to me....
2 May, 2010
fancy a grown man playing golf so near a g/house, i would take the ball back with the glass !!! hope you enjoy your trip to Wales and your plants are looking good too..:o)
2 May, 2010
ah Linda, you would have thought your neighbour would own up, if a child did it fair enough but an adult , oh id be fuming .
3 May, 2010
Thanks all, I`ve calmed down now, hubby has a few days holiday to have and has promised to fix it whilst we are away. My neighbours are really lovely and he usually does use his practise balls, I haven`t seen them as they went away for bank holiday so I don`t know if he even knows where his ball crash landed...
4 May, 2010
Errrr - I'd be furious - couldn't you just throw it back to them over the wall but aim at THEIR greenhouse ... !!
5 May, 2010
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Oh dear, count to 10 lincslass, and then let him have it! At least all your plants look nice and healthy.....:o)
2 May, 2010