High Winds in Scotland
By linda235
Hi there everyone….Happy New Year.
The winds in Glasgow were 91mph. It was truly frightening….especially lying in bed listening to it. I didn’t go out next day, but I could see from my window there was a space at the top of our path. When I moved to the right I could see our beautiful fir tree at a strange angle!!!!
We have a bit of damage to the roof but I am sure it was a lot worse for many people. Today the winds have subsided …….until the next time!!!!
4 Jan, 2012
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Yes Pixi, its roots are up too....it is resting on a poor Rhododendron. It was so top heavy it acted like a sail. Our garden will not be the same without it. :o((
4 Jan, 2012
Oh what a shame! Must have been there for years?
So sad :((((
4 Jan, 2012
Oh no - so sorry to see this :(((
4 Jan, 2012
Hi Linda .. keep safe and warm..
I hope you don't find any more damage to your garden.
4 Jan, 2012
Sorry to see this Linda ... Nature can be so unkind sometimes ... :o(((
4 Jan, 2012
your poor tree linda, i saw the news on damage in scotland, thought it was bad here, it woke me the other night , thought the house was going to take off, hope you dont get anymore damage linda, take care x
4 Jan, 2012
Sorry to see your tree Linda..i hope it calms down & you dont get any more damage..:o(
4 Jan, 2012
That tree looks dangerous now. Will you have to chop it down ? I hope it's been better for you today
4 Jan, 2012
We have a professional tree surgeon coming to deal with it. It is a really big tree and we could never deal with it. The top is still very high in the air. I'm really glad it didn't take the wall with it!!!! Thanks everyone for your concern.
4 Jan, 2012
Oh dear!! Here's me moaning about my fences and shed....and really grumpy about my rambling rose!
Good thing though no one was hurt.
The weather this last couple of days has probably just given Tree surgeons and the like a license to print money no doubt!! Has it damaged the Rhoddie too?
4 Jan, 2012
So sorry to read of the damage, poor Scotland it has been in the wars, let us hope things will settle down now, ....such a pity about your lovely tree.
5 Jan, 2012
Oh no, that's heartbreaking, your poor tree.
5 Jan, 2012
Such a wonderful speciemen of a tree to loose to the weather, hope this little story cheers you up. Happy New Year to you too Linda :o))
A man had his car damaged by a tree falling on it, he then phoned his insurance company for them to pay out for the damage, insurance company said sorry sir, we don't pay out for Gods work, so he went down to his local church and demand from the priest to pay up for the damage to his car as it was Gods work that done it . I laughed my head off when I read this. :o))
5 Jan, 2012
Did the priest pay up????
My tree is also resting on the phone line so the worst is still to hit the Rhoddie. It was very windy again last night so I didn't get a lot of sleep. Today is much better tho'. Thanks for your concern everyone. I was out tidying the lawns of branches and twigs yet again today!!!!!
5 Jan, 2012
No he did nt pay Linda when have you known a priest to pay up lol
Hope your Rhoddie gets missed.
5 Jan, 2012
Just seen this blog Linda. Too busy struggling with my broken ankle than and doing carer bit at same time. I was really frightened too when we had our big blow down in the south east in 1987.....so I know what you felt like listening to the storm. Wondering if the roof or chimneys OK. There has been some awful weather in Scotland last 2-3 years. Poor tree. I suppose it had to come down. Your christmas flowers were lovely too.
17 Mar, 2012
We had the roof fixed but the tree guy hasn't cut up the tree yet........I will have to phone him tomorrow Dorjac. It is just too big and at a difficult angle.
18 Mar, 2012
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Deary me! Will it have to be chopped down? So much damage all over the place..I was lucky not too much here.
I have someone's reef felt off a shed in my garden..dunno where it came from!
4 Jan, 2012