The Dangers of Gardening.
By linda235
I thought I should share the frightening story of my friend Barbara and the bamboo cane. She had noticed her Hydrangea was moving a bit too much in the wind and decided to support it with a bamboo cane. As she pushed it in the cane broke and the ragged end of the cane went into her neck as she fell forward. She pulled it out and went to the doctor and had seven stitches put in. The next day her neck was very swollen and so she went back to the doctor who sent her immediately to the hospital… of three she visited that day. Finally she was kept in and put on an antibiotic drip. Next day they scanned it to find a two and a half inch piece of cane still in her neck. This has now been removed and we hope she will get out of hospital later today. No more gardening this year for Barbara I think.
Take care everyone.
7 Nov, 2014
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Linda, just re-reading this story again I got a really strong déjà vu!? I'm wondering if something very similar has been posted somewhere on this site in the past...but I'm astonished that the first doctor failed to retrieve the whole bit of cane from Barbara's neck. I hope she will be back to gardening again soon....perhaps avoiding the bamboo though!
7 Nov, 2014
Hi, sorry to hear this Linda, I find the best way to push a bamboo cane into the ground, is to have 1 foot forward of the other, and use your arms to push down, that way, if the cane breaks, your weight goes onto the forward foot, and you stay upright, I know it's not a lot of use to your friend now, and I hope she gets better quickly, Derek.
7 Nov, 2014
Some thin upright supports do catch on a stone and bend.
I have some little plastic protective caps that I try to keep on the end of canes in the greenhouse, as these can be dangerous.
Are there any metal plant supports available ?
7 Nov, 2014
so sorry to hear about your friend,Linda,but glad she is on the mend..I think most of us have had garden related accidents at one time or another...I hope she recovers well..
7 Nov, 2014
What a horrible thing to happen, she must have been terrified. Fancy having to go to three hospitals in one day - poor soul. Good to hear she is getting over it anyway.
7 Nov, 2014
Barbara got home is her birthday!
She has the little plastic tops on her canes but that wasn't the part she fell onto Diane.
Her neck was swollen but I must admit I didn't expect them to find some cane still in there Karen. She had pulled the cane out of her neck herself. Awful! I don't remember a similar case.
I have fallen when pushing a cane into the ground but I just flattened the plant I was trying to support.
I will be more careful in future. I think you are right foot ahead of the other. Thank you for the kind thought on Barbara's behalf.
7 Nov, 2014
Glad Barbara's home and hope she can try and have a nice birthday :-(
I had a similar thing a couple of years ago , mine didn't have such a nasty outcome though, with a brand new wooden handled garden spade I was on the allotment no one else about and I shudder to think what could have happened,just digging away,the soil wasn't that hard and the shaft of the spade snapped lengthways, luckily I fell sideways as the sharp point it left , would have impaled me had I fell forward .
8 Nov, 2014
glad to hear your friend is on the mend, thank you for the warning, this snapping cane has happened to me on several occasions, thankfully without the nasty outcome your friend had. Good advice to have weight balanced on the ground. Will remember this story when I am out and about in the garden with my canes. Get well soon Barbara and have a good birthday. :O)
8 Nov, 2014
Thank you all from Barbara. I will certainly remember this story when I am putting in canes next year. Barbara has a fantastic garden so I hope this doesn't put her off.
8 Nov, 2014
That's frightening. I don't think many people realise the dangers that lie in a garden.
I hope your friend Barbara will be all right now ......
8 Nov, 2014
What a horrible thing to happen to your friend. I wish her well. I use some long metal stakes with a ring at the top to encircle a stem and bang em in with a rubber mallet. I do not always use the support ring. I always use the mallet to knock in a bamboo cane. Quite easy to hurt oneself while gardening, thorns, pinches from pruners, scratches, backaches. Things going in or hitting the eyes etc.
9 Nov, 2014
I'm so relieved it didn't lead to blood poisoning which could have killed her.
9 Nov, 2014
I had a similar accident 2 years ago when a cane supporting a foxglove snapped as I was pushing it into the ground. It jarred my shoulder and upper arm which have never been quite right ever since, so take care everybody!
25 Nov, 2014
I am quite worried about moving canes at this time of year as I get rid of all the dead leaves etc. Also we have steps that get slippy too. I hope to stay accident free by Christmas.
26 Nov, 2014
Linda, sorry to hear about Barbara. Glad she was out for her Birthday. Hope she is fully recovered now and was able to enjoy Christmas. ?
28 Dec, 2014
She is fine Alan. Just glad it is all behind her.
29 Dec, 2014
bamboo canes are the devil for splinters, but this was rather mre than that! would have thoguht that the original doctor would have checked for fragments before stitching it up.
4 Mar, 2015
The problem was there was so much swelling at the time Fran. When she went into hospital the doctor tried to feel for any pieces but couldn't feel anything. It was after the Xray it was seen.
4 Mar, 2015
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Oh my goodness Linda how awful!!!hope Barbara feels better soon.
7 Nov, 2014