What's Going On Out There Today ? !
By louise1
You’ll know by now that when the sun shines i take the camera outside with me and when i was pottering about out there this morning i discovered some wonderful new buds and growth emerging :-)))
Three of these pictures are repeated from the last blog, so sorry to be a bore!
Anemone Blanda – i just love these !
These buds belong to the gorgeous Clematis ‘Bijou’ that’s grown as ground cover.
And again
These buds belong to Dianthus ‘Rose Joy’. This plant does so well here.
Crocus ‘Ruby Giant’ and Anemone ‘Harmony’.
Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’
Primula vulgaris ‘Sibthopii’ is a lovely pink.
This is an example of how well the Alstroemerias establish, this clump is just 1 plant.
Maddie bumbling through the borders, grrr !!!
6 Mar, 2010
Previous post: Spring's Coming !
Next post: Last Nights Gardeners World !
Anemones already . . . mine have low foliage so far . . . I did same as you earlier . . walked round the garden armed with camera . . . it's so good to see Spring is waking up at last.
6 Mar, 2010
Lovely pics. Louise :o)
6 Mar, 2010
I'm envious. We are still covered up with a foot or more of snow. You are giving me hope that it really will end any day now
6 Mar, 2010
So many plants in bud and flower, must be early risers in your garden, hope Maddy isnt going to dig a few more out of bed!
6 Mar, 2010
lots going on in your garden.... nice pics
6 Mar, 2010
I'd love to walk past your garden every day!
6 Mar, 2010
Wow, what a lovely thing to say Wagger. Thank you :-)))))))
Thanks everyone else, for your kind comments :-)
Megan, i love the springtime Anemones and i fancy planting some more for next year !
Pansy, Maddie 'did' dig a little hole, but no damage was done ;-)
6 Mar, 2010
Louise you've taken some great pics there, I envy you your A. Blanda. I'd love to grow some but my soil is too Alkaline. In a nearby village there's a front garden absolutely full of them like a blue carpet. Because they flower so early they thrive under trees. There is a variety of Alstroemeria that can take over your whole garden and leave little bits of swollen root behind when you try to get rid. Most however are well behaved and last well when cut. Dare I ask the variety? ;-) Doesn't it give you a boost to see the burgeoning buds.
6 Mar, 2010
i'll come with u wagger it looks lovely....its so nice to see flowers popping up again.
6 Mar, 2010
Thanks Heron - the soil is actually very alkaline where this Anemone is !
I have these all over the front garden and the soil ranges from 'very alkaline' to 'alkaline' (!) so i'm surprised that you've not been able to grow them there.
I've just checked my 'Expert' series and it doesn't say they need an alkaline soil ..... :-/
The Alstroemerias i have here are a mixed collection of A. aurantiaca ... these are taller growing plants (3' plus) and A. Ligtu Hybrids ..... these are shorter plants (dwarfs - 2.5'), all Alstros multiply rapidly but i don't mind that.
They love thin easily drained soil and where they get that they spread their wings !!!!!
6 Mar, 2010
Thanks Sandra :-)))
You're so right about seeing them, it has an instantly uplifting effect - especially if the sun's out too.
6 Mar, 2010
nice pics louise and its not boring at all, nice to see new growth coming and flowers, maddie flower is lovely to :o))
6 Mar, 2010
LOL, thanks San :-)))
Has Casper seen 'your' flower beds yet ? ;-)
6 Mar, 2010
he has but nothing in there yet, so yet to see how he will react lol, think i will be doing alot of chasing and saying alot of no`s lol
6 Mar, 2010
Lovely to see more pics of your garden Louise....and Maddie mooching about.....I bought an A. blanda today when I went for some potting compost.....and some iris , but don't tell Spritz....lol.....:o)
6 Mar, 2010
Louise it looks like you'll not be short of cut flowers this summer. As for A. Blanda, well 'I'll go to the top of our street' I don't know where I got my info from but I'll be off the the GC as soon as pos. Thanks for checking for me.
6 Mar, 2010
Looking good - and I'm still green with envy about your Alstroemerias! :-))
6 Mar, 2010
Lovely to see your spring pictures, made me laugh to see the cat, our two year old grand daughter walked all over the newly planted flower borders, she had not been out in the garden for ages,and had not noticed we had dug up some of the lawn to make more new borders.....how she missed the plants was a miracle, thank goodness for small feet!!!
6 Mar, 2010
Anemone Blanda, lovely.
'Rose Joy' - stunning picture, with the background subtle and intriguing with muted colours to set off the brilliant focus.
Crocus : amazing tones (lights).
Hi, Maddie !
7 Mar, 2010
Thanks everyone :-)
Maddie says miaow, Gurthbruins !
7 Mar, 2010
Bought two pots of Anemone Blanda today :-)
7 Mar, 2010
Great :-)))))
Have you thought where they'll go yet ?
8 Mar, 2010
I put some anemone (not sure which ones) in a pot, so far nothing. perhaps it's been too cold here or they got too wet:-( Lovely to see your garden is coming alive:-)
8 Mar, 2010
Thank you Ba :-)
I wouldn't discount them just yet, i think everything's going to be behind this year :-/
I've only got 2 of mine up as yet, lots more to go :-/
8 Mar, 2010
I've put the pot in the porch now in the hope of drying it out and stopping it freezing again. I keep looking for just one green shoot:-)
9 Mar, 2010
Mine aren't very leafy at all, that's odd isn't it ? !
9 Mar, 2010
I looked today ...three dull looking shoots, yay!
9 Mar, 2010
Oh that's good :-)))
I'll be looking for your photos in a few days then !
9 Mar, 2010
OH! how lovely, another person(s) who love anemones. I had been given some of these plants in the past, but unfortunately, the winters are too harsh on them and so they don't make it beyound a year or two. So I compensate, by buying the flowers instead. Although I have to drive half an hour to West-downtown Toronto. Every year I get myself a new bunch and know that spring is either almost here or here. Depending on my luck.
I see that your little pussycat is white with black spots. That was our Patchou! Ours also had a heartshape blackspot on the right hand side of her side. People used to comment on it. As nobody had ever seen a cat, with a true heartshaped blackspot. Could you tell me? Are these what are called: Callico cats?
10 Mar, 2010
I don't think those 'are' Calico, i think Calicos are the 'multicoloured' ones !!!!
Have a look at GoY member Hywels photos .... his pretty little cat Blodyn is what i understand to be a Calico.
11 Mar, 2010
Lovely blog Louise! Maddie is pretty! :)
11 Mar, 2010
lovely to see the garden waking up... spring is on its way.. Maddie looks cute too!
12 Mar, 2010
Your garden is doing more than our entire nursery lol
We are looking the same every day!!!
I am in a panic Cardif is 4 weeks away and my heucheras are cut off and waiting but not doing anything worth while!!!!
Help I need day light hours of warm Spring sunlight NOW!!! lol
I will try to take some picture and put them up if I get time of how they look lol
Not Gold medal winning at the moment only a letter from the judges I think at the moment !! :(
I am bringing my Heucheras over to you to grow them for Cardiff lol
At least with you they stand a chance.
15 Mar, 2010
Thanks Uma and Em :-)
Vicky, go on then .... bring 'em over ;-))
They're very welcome to my garden, they can be 'nursed along' until Cardiff !!!
15 Mar, 2010
Oh thank you
I wish I could I have been and taken some terrible pictures of them so maybe later they might be on :-)
15 Mar, 2010
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Hello Maddie.
6 Mar, 2010