Grand designs
By lulu33
Yesterday, I found a novel way to amuse myself! Took the dogs for a walk through the woods and went to visit one of my favourite buildings. Now I like to watch Grand Designs, always facinating to see what can be done to old buildings with a little or alot of dosh!
So here goes…a little flight of fancy and much wishful thinking!!
Now IF this was for sale (please mr Duke Sir!) and if I ever bought a lottery ticket and won a few million….and if there was ever decent planning (this building is grade 2 listed! After giving some money away to those who need a helping hand, I would just love to make this building into a property!
It’s difficult to photograph as a whole.
This is the front of Apsimore Barn. Grand isn’t it!
And this is the back, there could be a drive with ample parking here and a bit of a garden with the woods behind. Fab poorch as well!
Western annex! david wants a studio at the far right end and I think a little hall in the middle where there is a door and a bathroom at the left side leading into the main part of the building. There are beautiful pillars at the front where i would put large double glazed windows, floor to ceiling!
This shows those lovely pillars where the windows would be, looking towards the imaginary bathroom! Door would have to be knocked through into main building!
View through porch towards what could be patio doors leading through to a courtyard garden and 2 more annexes!!
This would be a kitchen!! Not a good pic because it was kind of dark and the area is so large!
I think what with the roof area being so beautiful and with so much space for bedrooms and bathrooms in ‘the annexes I wouldn’t put another floor in! Keep it catherdral like!
This is the front end of the main part of the building, only half of it! There would have to be a built in huge log burner with flue reaching the roof, hopefully heating the large area!
And this is the hay loft above what would be the patio doors. Would make an enchanting bedroom but with eaves maybe a little low for david at 6’4"!
Outside pic, hay loft/bedroom above, huge patio door and side entrance on the left!
This inside window is on the left of the patio doors….studio possibility? I know there’s plenty of studio room in any of the 3 annexes but I like feel that I am still ‘at home’ able to see into the main building would be a comforting bonus!!
This is the annex to the south east of the barn, lots of potential here
oops forgot this, this is the inside of my studio!
the other L shape of the aforementioned annex! Love the beams in the roof.
And of course the views…
Just fab!
I imagine an aga in the kitchen, underfloor heating. A bore hole for water and underground heating with pipes piping in warm air from the earth. Solar panels would have to be ‘planted in the ground’ as don’t think they would good on the roof! And… buy the wood behind would be a bonus, free wood for the fire!
OH sweet dream, better go buy that lottery ticket and sweet talk the Duke!
Hope you enjoyed my journey into what would be the most amazing house!!!
20 Nov, 2011
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Nice to share your dreams Lulu. Well someone has to win the Lottery, it may as well be you. Good luck!
20 Nov, 2011
lovely blog lulu, great idea, i think its good to dream!
20 Nov, 2011
nice to share the dreams Lulu my OH enjoys the programme and some projects are old barns aren't they... but I couldn't live for years in a caravan on a building site as some do....
20 Nov, 2011
Neither could I Pam, too soft ...
20 Nov, 2011
Oh it's lovely. It's great to do up an old building, and make it your own.
Have you bought that ticket yet - Good Luck when you do :o))
20 Nov, 2011
Oh what its is to dream eh? I do it all the time :)
20 Nov, 2011
Wow! good luck with that Lou. At my age all that space would scare the heck out of me..all that housework yeeeuk!
I would just like to own next door (mirror image of my place..pick it up complete with gardens and paddock and put it somewhere the cotswolds? or maybe the Gower coast?
20 Nov, 2011
Lovely dream Lulu , but a headache in its execution .
20 Nov, 2011
Yes would be great - so wish I was rich :/ - I love grand designs - the last one they did a house from a water tank
20 Nov, 2011
Lulu is it about to be renovated there a large pile of something in the first picture.
Afraid like Margo my dreams no longer extend that far,hope yours come true for you before they fade.
20 Nov, 2011
I love Grand Designs too :) We need to win the lottery! ;)
20 Nov, 2011
nope Brian, not up for grabs! those bays are full of gravel and sturf!)
Housework Tet, I forgot to say I would go minimalist!
As for camping, I would live in our cottage (a field away while the work was ongoing!)
Yep, saw the water tank grand designs.
Am sure the headache in it's execution would be well worth it!!
20 Nov, 2011
i love Grand designs to lulu and this fits the bill, i hope you win and get your dream home ;o))
im still waiting to.
20 Nov, 2011
Oh isn't it lovely to dream? Not sure I'd have the staying power any more to see a big project like that through - maybe if it was a REALLY big lottery win, you could get Kevin McCloud to do it for you. :-)
20 Nov, 2011
thats what i would do Gattina, why trouble ourselves when millionaires haha
20 Nov, 2011
Best of luck folks! If ever you get to complete these dreams dont forget I want to be first to visit the gardens! lol! With Brian, and Val and a few others of course...
21 Nov, 2011
Fantastic Lulu! "If you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?" (South Pacific in case you're too young, lol.) Go for it - you have a brilliant imagination . . . then make it a B&B for GoYers! And perhaps let Amy (or me) help with the garden design. :))
21 Nov, 2011
And the funny thing is....I have never bought a lottery ticket!!
21 Nov, 2011
Now that's NOT funny Lou, here's Sheilabub and Amy lining up for a job, and I was going to offer to cook the breakfasts and look after the irises...and walk the puppies..(that would get me slim lol!)
21 Nov, 2011
I think I am more in line with a hobbit house really Tet!
21 Nov, 2011
Keep dreaming, Lulu! It's the only you'll ever get to reform that house - of & in your dreams! Nevertheless if we didn't have B I G dreams on occasions we'd still be living in caves!
Loved your ideas! I think I've seen the programme you talk about on 1 or 2 occasions but, apart from my 30-45 minutes over breakfast in the kitchen, I hardly watch any TV at all! My wife does most of her viewing on line on her laptop so neither of us watches TV much. Yet we've 3 working sets in our flat!
My wife says for the little TV we watch we might as well cancel our contract with Virgin! I tell her we wouldn't save hardly any money because it's part & parcel of the package of phone & broadband we have with them! Taking the 3 services with them & for 10 years of loyalty we get a discount which we would lose if we gave up any of these 3 services!
21 Nov, 2011
Oh I love to dream like that too. Oh to win that lotto! I think it would be lovely to restore an old building and give it a new life!
21 Nov, 2011
Sigh...One of us might! Lets all put a lucky dip on Satuday!
22 Nov, 2011
We should all have a little comptation to see who can win the lotto first. I only buy a ticket when the urge grabs me tho'. Ah well maybe one day I can be the big winner.
22 Nov, 2011
Aye me too lol
22 Nov, 2011
me too, if I ever bought one!
3 tv's in your flat Blacony!!! I would love to not have one in a way, I think the tv can be a big evening waster!!
22 Nov, 2011
"I think the tv can be a big evening waster!!"
I couldn't agree more! Especially when you can use it to greater advantage on GoY! (Or any other gardening forum! I post on 3 other forums!)
24 Nov, 2011
LOL, in hospital at the.moment with no tv! A good book but can't read it because my eyes are squiffy after a GA!
24 Nov, 2011
Oh, Dear, Lulu - hope the eyes and you improve soon! All this and no books, either! My poor OH was taken (quite scarily and totally unexpectedly) into hospital last year, and of course, in the common room, the television was in Italian (what else?) Of course, he couldn't understand it and got very, very bored, once he'd stopped feeling worried about himself. It's amazing what a fast recovery he made, dragged himself back home and sat watching British daytime tv and drinking weak tea for a week until he felt stronger.
24 Nov, 2011
Bless him! Hope he recovered well.
24 Nov, 2011
Poor old Thing, he was never ill! He'd had chest pains and went to the doctor who sent him to A&E at the brand new (3 days old) hospital down the mountain to be checked out. They had all these lovely new wards and no patients, so they were obviously touting for business! As soon as he was admitted he started to feel like a fraud. He was sitting there, fully clothed, fed lovely food 3 times a day while I drove up and down the mountain, or sat around to translate while the doctors gave him test after test. He was lovely and tanned from working in the garden, too, so he looked REALLY healthy. They found nothing wrong with him and discharged him. I reckon it was when he'd been spreadeagled on the summerhouse roof for a few days, trying to replace the roofing felt, and had strained his chest muscles. He's been a bit sheepish about the whole thing ever since.
Get well soon!
24 Nov, 2011
Are you back home now, Lulu? Why did you have to go into hospital - if it isn't prying? LOL! Hope you recover very quickly from whatever it was. :-))
26 Nov, 2011
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- The danger of dead trees
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28 Dec, 2011
oh, Lulu - your dreams are my dreams as well... I would leave that one for you and would find myself something similar in my part of the world, lol...
and definitely - let's buy those tickets, lol.
lovely blog and keep dreaming, hehe
20 Nov, 2011