Once upon a puppy time!
By lulu33
Inspired by Terratoonie and dear Truffles and rising to the challenge Sheilar!!!!
Once upon a time 7 tiny wee pointer puppies were born
Their mummy Prudence and Lulu loved them very much (and the whelping box made an excellent pit stop at parties!
Of all the puppies..there was one we girlie, whom we nick named ‘the big white slug’ because she was the biggest, whitest and definitely the fattest!
And a puppy in the hand is worth 7 in the whelping box (only sluggies ear fits in my hand now!)
Sluggy and her mum have always been close…
And it didn’t take long for Sluggy to weedle her way into Davids heart too!!
They learnt to walk, well sort of!
Pru was able to leave them sleeping…
And their tummies grew fatter….
And fatter!
They learnt to play
And then one day…got really BIG!
Learnt how to annoy the cat…
And their Mum!
Sluggy ended up staying and was stuck with her ‘nick name’!! She joined me at the computer
She joined me in the garden
And watched our wedding video and recognised her mum and auntie (very funny!(
Our Sluggy pup has turned into quite a character
Bless her!
21 Nov, 2011
More blog posts by lulu33
Previous post: Grand designs
Next post: Happy Yule Fellow Goyers!
had to do something with a punk band crashing away downstairs Sheilar!
Yep, am 99% ok now thanks ML.
21 Nov, 2011
lovely blog lulu, i just love seeing all the pups, slugs is such a character, glad you kept one because i always feel sad for dogs when their pups are taken from them,
lovely photos ;o)
21 Nov, 2011
lovely Lulu - I laughed seeing the cat's eyes lol and when he was learning to walk looked like a big early stretch - great blog :))))))
21 Nov, 2011
Very nice photos to look back on. I bet you're pleased you kept her, she is so full of life :o)
21 Nov, 2011
Wonderful photos & blog. I really enjoyed it & I bet Sluggy & her mum are very spoilt.
21 Nov, 2011
spoilt, erm.......yes and Pru's sister, we have 3 Pointers now!
21 Nov, 2011
Omg Lu......I can't take any more of these. They really do just melt my heart. Love, love, love them!
Agree with Paul about the cat pic as well :)
21 Nov, 2011
Great to read about such lovely dogs, Lulu! Takes me back about 20 years when we also had lots of puppies, fortunately from a lot smaller dog than yours! We kept 7 dogs for many years! No gardens for us in Spain, or here in the UK, as we've always lived in flats!
I used to be know as Ben Hur where we used to live! You can imagine having 6 small dogs each pulling on its lead, 3 in each hand & the mother & grandmother walking ahead of us!
When we came back to the UK 10 years ago we brought 5 back with us! The last one died about 2 years ago. Now we have been alone without any animal company of any kind since she died. Before she died we had all kinds of animals in our flats over the best part of more than 30 years! Birds, Bats, Hamsters, Cats, a Guinea Pig & Dogs, lots of dogs!
21 Nov, 2011
Brilliant blog Lu. werent those pups sweeties. Dont suppose anyone could resist one of those. Sluggie is adorable.
21 Nov, 2011
oh what a lovely blog and wonderful set of photos, tiny little sluggy, so very cute ~ learning to crawl/walk ~ unbelievable!
thanks lulu ~ and sluggy! and pru! and jazzy!
21 Nov, 2011
Absolutley fab pics! Love them to bits! :)
21 Nov, 2011
LOVE the little fat tummies! This blog is a bit like one of my fave films - 101 Dalmatians! ;o)
22 Nov, 2011
gone straigh on to Faves-- gorgeous.. thanks Lulu..xxx
22 Nov, 2011
Aw Balcony is there no room at all for some kind of animal!?
Thanks peeps, lovely to peruse the old puppy pics!
This blog was thanks to Sheilar and Terratoonie really, I just rose to the challenge!
But I forgot to post a pic of Auntie Jazzy, who is bouncing around downstairs playing with Sluggy!
22 Nov, 2011
this is a lovley blog i never get tired of seeing puppies and hate getting rid of them thats why im keeping one called humbug . ive got an idea which one but ill wate for sure till there eyes oen and they gain more of there indevidual character . again lovley photos and blog . you got to make the most of puppy time as they soon grow up xx .
22 Nov, 2011
They sure grow fast. Quite a few of the pups are local so at least we get to see them!
22 Nov, 2011
well one is going to a friend so ill be kept up to date and as i say im keeping humbug . lovley arnt they . i just want to keep the lot .
22 Nov, 2011
I like their wee fat bellies ol
22 Nov, 2011
i just love them period .
22 Nov, 2011
some ace photos there, lovely story
22 Nov, 2011
Always wondered where her name came from.
22 Nov, 2011
has Sluggypuppy got a posh name Lulu
22 Nov, 2011
Aaaw lovely blog Lulu,enjoyed it very much, they're just tooo cute :-))
22 Nov, 2011
Thanks ,Lulu , really lovely . They have given me a warm glow , makes you feel all Mumsie . [ Mind you I felt that way when our first lot of guinea- pigs were born !] I think its baby things really --they are so helpless .
22 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog and the photo`s are smashing and inspired lots of ahhhh`s Lulu.
Made me think of my sons female "Lady", she is a pointer/spaniel cross and is so like yours apart from shorter legs, very affectionate and also loves to tease their cats, I`ll see if I can find a pic to show you...
22 Nov, 2011
Such a wonderful blog and pics,Lulu..those tiny little gorgeous puppies..I love them all..and Prudence and Jazzy too..thanks for sharing with us :o)
22 Nov, 2011
takes me back 12 years when our sweet little staffy was a pup, she's still sweet. Magic blog Lulu. Special.
22 Nov, 2011
Such a lovely blog. I have to say that the cat's eyes do look scared.
23 Nov, 2011
Great blog, Lulu, beautiful pups, especially Sluggy pup :)
23 Nov, 2011
Oh...my...goodness! I think I'm suffering from an overdose of puppy cuteness! Nah! Bring them on!! I can take it! Many as you like! Just gorgeous, Lulu! Tummies on favs...
23 Nov, 2011
Dammit wrote long comment but got cut off! Sad to say am in Bath hospital with kidney stones. Hope to be home tomorrow. X to you all.
24 Nov, 2011
So sorry you've ended up in hospital, Lulu, and hope you are home by now and feeling much more comfortable. Take care and be a good patient patient :)
24 Nov, 2011
Hope home tomorrow Gee. Then back in to have stones out 7th Dec, a bit close to mosaic exhibition!!
24 Nov, 2011
put your feet up and get well soon Lulu
you could use them in a mosaic!..just saying ; )
24 Nov, 2011
Don't have much choice Stevie, attached to tubes! Thank goodness have made enough
for the show!
24 Nov, 2011
get well soon lulu x x
24 Nov, 2011
hope you soon feel better Lulu-- my mum had gallstones and a lady I worked with had kidney stones and said the pain was worse than childbirth.......
24 Nov, 2011
lulu, im really sorry you are poorly ~ hope you will get better really really soon.
what is that stevie like!!!
24 Nov, 2011
Sorry to hear you're unwell :o( A speedy recovery to you Lulu x
24 Nov, 2011
Sticki, I have offered to give Lulu a go on my skateboard for when she gets better ; )
24 Nov, 2011
oh, thats really nice ~ she will get better superfast for that!!
24 Nov, 2011
Speedy recovery,Lulu..but without the help of Stevies Skateboard ! Take care..x
24 Nov, 2011
for when she gets better!!
24 Nov, 2011
I was just about to comment re incorporating your delightful little 'friends' ?!?!?!?!? into a mosaic & then thought, hang-on, better read-up in case its been mentioned already, & yep, there it is, so, its still a brilliant idea isnt it S the T, & better than earings Im sure. Been there with just the one 'stone' Lulu, doc had to be called out as I was delirious with the pain so joking apart I know its rough. Mindyou, that pethadene jab in the butt was really REALLY nice, talk about drifting away with a smile !! We will be thinking of you on the 7th.
ps: brace your self for the related poems, your not getting off that lightly you know LOL ;-))))))
24 Nov, 2011
Tee hee might mosaic them but think they get smashed up. WiFi keeps cutting out another pain. They tend only to give morphine nowadays bampi but i used to have great fun on pethadin!
24 Nov, 2011
when i was at school one girl brought in her mother's stones in a tupperware pot ~ they weren't smashed up!!! but that was a while ago!!!
24 Nov, 2011
Can't beat Tupperware for keeping things fresh,Sticki !
Oh ,lovely Pethidene...remember that well..it made me even more delirious..The 'high' bit was fine,but the 'coming down' not so good.I might have been better off with magic Mushrooms..allegedly...getting back to gardening ?? ..sort of ..Lol.
24 Nov, 2011
i had pethadine but it didnt do anything for me ~ only remember being hungry afterwards and wanting a mars bar!!!
24 Nov, 2011
Hope you're soon well Lulu. Thinking of you. X
24 Nov, 2011
..and that folks,is why Sticki was happy ever after....:o))
24 Nov, 2011
what the mars bar??
24 Nov, 2011
Exactly ! :o)..what else is there ???
24 Nov, 2011
prefer mars ice cream to the bars!!
24 Nov, 2011
Oh nooo,Sticki..far too sickly sweet,even for me ! Just going to have a couple or three pieces of A...i chocolate with almonds.:o) Don't want withdrawal symptoms..Lol.
24 Nov, 2011
the pyramid one?
24 Nov, 2011
I don't like chocolate with bits in.. its the smooth creamy chocolate as it melts in your mouth-- think of the red lindt...mmmmm...I'd gone there for a minute... as its only 6.30 am maybe not yet.....Morning Lulu hope you got some sleep and feel a bit better...x
25 Nov, 2011
Morning all. Bit of a.morphine night last night. Looks like another day here. Becoming a.bit tired and emotional!
25 Nov, 2011
You poor henny..been there..not nice! get better soon xxxxxxxx
25 Nov, 2011
Haven't seen that one,Sticki..just the bar..must pay more attention,next time ! :o)...Oh,Pam ,..naughty !
sorry you didn't have a good night,Lulu...hope you feel better as the day progresses..and sorry for hi jacking your blog with chocolate...take care..it will be over soon..X
25 Nov, 2011
Sorry to hear you are unwell Lulu.....at least you will be over the worst by Christmas. A good excuse to put your feet up over the festive season!!!! :o))))
25 Nov, 2011
.......love the blog!
25 Nov, 2011
i had one of them about the size of a pea or just smaller but trust me being a man to when i past it it felt like a conker lol and i felt it every step of the way . you get well soon bye for now xx .
25 Nov, 2011
sorry you are still there lulu but very glad you can pop in on here to say hello
hope you will be better soon.
25 Nov, 2011
Good luck Lulu,
at least you got an apology ; )
25 Nov, 2011
yes sorry lulu, i did mean to put that on last night.
25 Nov, 2011
So sorry you're not well Lulu...I somehow missed this blog....hope you get well soon...xx
25 Nov, 2011
can't believe I am back home. feel very strange indeed after all those toxic drugs. pups are confused that i have gone straight to bed, i do have darling pru with me!
I have loved being in touch with you all over the past few days and will elaborate when i have had a good long sleep. bless you all xx laters!
25 Nov, 2011
I too am off for a bit Lulu but will leave a new blog for you yo have a laugh at ; ) sleep tight
25 Nov, 2011
sweet dreams lulu xx
25 Nov, 2011
Glad you are home and hope you recover fully soon:) x
25 Nov, 2011
nice to know you're home and that your lovely dogs are there for comfort......x
25 Nov, 2011
so glad you are back, have a really good rest and hope you are feeling better very quickly.
dont do too much!!!
25 Nov, 2011
will have a butchers Stevie.
Sweet dreams would be a god send right now NP.
Thanks Nana x
Pam, dogs are closed in the kitchen, I must be ill!! Too big and bouncy!
Night all xxx
If I can't sleep will either start writing a book about hospitals (see my last comments on my puppy blog) or will be back on GoY. but fingers x'ed think I would do best with a bite to eat and to sleep.
25 Nov, 2011
havnt you got any valium
25 Nov, 2011
Nope! I do have a sleeping pill but don't dare take it on top of everything else!! It's 8pm, have eaten scrambled egg and am now in bed with dog Prudence and will try to stay put and sleep!!
25 Nov, 2011
I'm pleased to know you're home. Are you feeling all right ?
25 Nov, 2011
a sleeping pill wouldnt hurt lulu honest xx bit late now thow lol xx .
26 Nov, 2011
Have slept ALL day today! Am now in bed at home with Dear Prudence curled up next to me!
I went over to stay with a friend last night she gave me her comfy spare room and played surrogate mummy!
Right, back to sleep!
26 Nov, 2011
Hywel, I feel not very well at all!!! Lots of pain, can't eat or drink much I think better to just sleep until I feel better.
26 Nov, 2011
So sorry for you, Lulu! :-(( Hope you get some sleep & recover very soon.
26 Nov, 2011
chicken soup is good when you finaly can eat xx
27 Nov, 2011
i agree nosey!
hope you feel a bit better today lulu
27 Nov, 2011
Sleeping 20 hours a day at the moment! Trouble is, only allowed up to 8 painkillers a day, every 4 hours I can take them, which leaves 8 hours of pain! What to do!!
Have managed to eat an egg today. Poor David, tired from the Newmarket sales has come home to cooking and cleaning! Also he is showing signs of sympathy pains, which he got last time I had stones!
27 Nov, 2011
thats a man for you!!-- sorry Lulu-- don't laugh!
I do hope that the pain eases for you soon, with love and very gentle hugs...xxx
27 Nov, 2011
Just checking for updates on how you are....Linda x
28 Nov, 2011
Thank You girls. No painkillers today, which is brilliant. Changed the bed sheets and put away washing, am now exhausted! Sleeping lots and lots. Waiting for the date to start the treatment, either Dec or Jan. Dec is right bang in front of my exhibition and Jan seems so far away, and the tube thing (a stent) inside me can be very uncomfortable.
Living off tomato soup and no alcohol!!
29 Nov, 2011
Good to hear that you didn't need the painkillers today, Lulu! December begins in a couple of days time so maybe you'll get your treatment soon.
You'll have a face like a tomato soon - all round & red - with all that tomato soup! LOL!
29 Nov, 2011
This is really serious....what! no alcohol!!!! :o)))
29 Nov, 2011
Tried a sip of wine this eve, it tasted horrid!
Date is set for 7th Dec, in a week, eek!
30 Nov, 2011
That is good Lulu.....you should get your taste buds back for New Year! :o))
1 Dec, 2011
Very true Linda. We are taking my folks, 3 dogs to a hotel in Exmoor, no cooking or washing up for us this year! Just the bill!
1 Dec, 2011
Just catching up! Sorry to hear you have been in hospital Lulu ... & now have toothache on top of it all (read that somewhere else). I had several bouts of being rushed into hospital with gallstones, so I really sympathise with you. The first time, the Dr gave me Pethidene about 5 mins before the ambulance arrived & it took the pain away but made me very edgy & I by the time I got to ER I couldn't sit still. I just wanted to get out of there & back home. On the other occasions, I had morphine, & it was brilliant for me, though got the usual nausea with it. But I felt so relaxed. I had my gall bladder out eight weeks ago & went back to work five weeks later (I'm a nurse at a general hospital). I still get a bit of pain in that region, but its great not having to go to bed every night wondering if I'm going to wake up a few hours later in agony. Worse with kidney stones, as they don't just whip you into hospital & take your kidney out. I do hope it all settles down for you Lulu, cos the pain is horrific.
1 Dec, 2011
Oh Dwyllis, gall stones are not good :(
Trouble is they did whip my kidney out in the end which is why I'm so nervous about the one I have left!
There were a few people in the ward having had their gall bladders out, seems to be quite rife in the uk.
Pethidene used to work well with me but now makes me sick and also it's one of the last resorts at pain relief they usually use morphine which only just works with me and of course makes us feel sick.
In 1986 I spent 5 days on pethidene and just slept alot. When I saw my Mum coming to visit (she wasn't a good hospital visitor!) I used to say, 'quick nurse, another one of those injections please!!)
Back to hospital to see what they can do next Wednesday.
2 Dec, 2011
Be thinking of you next Wednesday. Lulu! Hope you will be reasonably well again by the time Christmas arrives. Good luck to you! :-))
4 Dec, 2011
Thanks so much Balcony, am feeling a little nervous now!! Will let y'all know how it goes. x
5 Dec, 2011
Oh, Oh, nearly 100 comments, well that's a first!!
5 Dec, 2011
Am sure I can jush this blog up when I am bored and lonely in hospital Wednesday night!!
5 Dec, 2011
thinking of you Lulu....xxx
6 Dec, 2011
Thanks Pam x Only looking forward to the 'G & T' pre med!!
6 Dec, 2011
6 Dec, 2011
Looking forward to your updates & to seeing you back at home making more of your lovely glass mosaics!
Will be thinking of you tomorrow & wishing you all the very best! :-))
6 Dec, 2011
Thanks for all your wishes x
They got 3 out of 4 stones I think! No one around to tell me what happened. Glad to be home but a bit sad that no one is spending any money on my mosaics at Cheltenham :( No one spending at all.
10 Dec, 2011
at least you're back home now Lulu, hope you feel better soon ...xxx
10 Dec, 2011
Good to see you are back home now, Lulu! If they have removed the majority of the stones you should feel much better shortly! By Christmas you'll be back to your old self!
11 Dec, 2011
Hope so B and P, one more op in Jan unless asparagus and coke x 6 cans can zap my stone!
Christmas shopping this week,, house work and party for 10 on friday............eeks!
12 Dec, 2011
Good luck to you for Friday!
13 Dec, 2011
Just getting organised now......big shop today and a tidy, will let you know what we cooked after the event.......!!
15 Dec, 2011
Glad the op went well Lulu, hope you feel better soon, party for 10!!! you're brave, think I'd get takeaway much easier after what you've been through :-)
15 Dec, 2011
I know, could probably do without it, get on with xmas shopping etc!!
15 Dec, 2011
Yep its that time to try to tick those pressies off the list. Personally I think we should all agree a national maximum of £5 per pressie or something handmade. Hmm now how many pallets do I have left
15 Dec, 2011
The only pressies I don't have a problem finding are the ones for the dogs!!
15 Dec, 2011
I suppose you don't let them watch the ads on TV, do you Lulu?
15 Dec, 2011
Sweet, Cute And very Lovely:-))))))))))
4 Feb, 2013
A very special time...puppies!
5 Feb, 2013
Recent posts by lulu33
- Lots of News!
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- Hello and garden update
14 Jul, 2013
- Possible Polytunnel Guardians!
9 Apr, 2013
- An Easter song and a sculpture.
31 Mar, 2013
- The danger of dead trees
30 Mar, 2013
- A little sunny walk
28 Mar, 2013
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30 Dec, 2011
Brilliant Lulu. smashing photos. I'm pleased I set you the challenge. lol
21 Nov, 2011