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sausages puppies as asked for


heres a couple of utube links to films of my pups. ill let the pictures and films do the taling.enjoy and happy new year .

More blog posts by noseypotter

Previous post: my lovley puppies.

Next post: dougall and humbug



Here's looking at you Mum. Gorgeous photos.

8 Jan, 2012


Just look at those little faces how could any one resist lovely photos Leigh cute.

8 Jan, 2012


Great pics! :)

8 Jan, 2012


I'm in love :)))))

9 Jan, 2012


Love them! xx

9 Jan, 2012


thank ya so much me to . i want to keep them all x .

9 Jan, 2012


Love the one eating his brothers/sisters tail!!! Lol they are so cute Nosey.

9 Jan, 2012


thanx gm xx .

9 Jan, 2012


They are really cute Leigh ,cuddly bumps !! you will miss them x

9 Jan, 2012


the've certainly grown Leigh and so cute....:o)))

Lovely to see them again xxx

9 Jan, 2012


They're gorgeous Leigh!

9 Jan, 2012


thanx again . i wont be missing them to much as im keeping 2 perhaps 3 lol .

9 Jan, 2012


Mum looks so proud;deservedly so. They are cute.

15 Jan, 2012


Shes A fantastic mum . I have 3 left as it goes and my mums going to have one if i don't sell it leaving
Me 2 little beautiful boys . One as you know I've called humbupg and the other Ive not named. maybe a famous artists name as I'm an artist . perhaps devinchi but I'm open to suggestions . take care everyone glad you like them .

15 Jan, 2012


Well as one is 'bah humbug'. how about 'tiny tim' as he'll grow into a beautiful big lad......

16 Jan, 2012



16 Jan, 2012


I like the idea of a famous artist .

16 Jan, 2012

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