more pictures to go with my other blog
By noseypotter
here we go .
the concrete mushrooms im giving to amy with a bird bath I also made .
18 May, 2014
Previous post: ill be back
Next post: my garden revisated
I just love wrinkly dogs, don't know why. You seem to have more than your fair share!!
Are you burglar proofing those mushrooms?
18 May, 2014
I love them too stera . two of them are the sons of the other one . its the only way I can afford them lol . as for pugs melchisedec they tend to be overweight because of there bad breathing and bad shape and ofcourse greed just so us humans can have a bloody lap dog . id never pay for another one as they to me are litteraly bred disabled . it broke my heart losing him he was only young bless him . at least jerry had 14 years as a very healthy fit dog . had a stroke and went to sleep . thow it obviously upset me too but it doesn't get much better than that realy . we all want our dogs to live 70 or so years but they don't . I don't mind crying and being there for them as its the least I can do after 14 years . actualy the sharpie have a realy deep bark and it sounds like ive got 4 rotties or mastifs lol . suits me . take care bye for now people x .
18 May, 2014
super photos. so much character in their faces. I agree the pedigree breeding is cruel and it isn't as if they wont know what will happen. take care.
18 May, 2014
NP, I have a new doggy here. Willow, the Labrador. She has completely stolen my heart. I have never loved a dog as much as I love her. My Molly is very special too, but I'm afraid I am a total sucker for those big sad Labrador eyes! Losing either of them is going to be very hard indeed!
18 May, 2014
You have some lovely photo's to remember them by,Leigh..and they were well loved ,so you did the best you could for them,and they obviously loved you back unconditionally..
Amy is going to be well chuffed with the Mushrooms,and bird bath..I guess you have already ordered some of her home made soup in exchange :o)
take care,,xx
18 May, 2014
I remember the sharpies as puppies how they've grown...
dreadful losing a young dog like that, the kennel club seem finally to be trying to do something, an approved breeder scheme I think, lets hope it works and the puppy farms are prosecuted.
19 May, 2014
my brother had his beloved German Shepherd stolen! but she turned up in a sanctuary hundreds of miles away 4 years later, and they've been reunited! It's terrible the things people do to Animals. Someone found her abandoned in East Anglia. We have no idea where she'd been for those four years. So sad.
19 May, 2014
I quite agree, Leigh. Overbreeding is to blame for a lot of problems. I don't think she'd have chosen a pug, but this one desperately needed a good home with someone experienced. She used to breed Miniature Schnauzers many years ago, but refused to sell the last litter after hearing so many horror stories about cruelty. As they grew up, then old, and finally passed on, she had no dogs at all until she got a plea to take in Winston. She's happy to have a dog again, and I think he's happy to be with her.
19 May, 2014
we can only hope for changes too these problems . the inbreeders ie kennel club are as bad as the cruel thieves and puppy farms realy . cruelty is cruelty whatever guise its in . sharpie are being bred better with less saggy skin in the wrong places and a better coat altogether . id rescue a pug or any dog all day but I just wouldn't buy one as I don't want to premote bad breeding . greyhounds get treated as camodaties as are racing horses even seen one of the queen mothers years ago in a terrible state . I sore a staffy x American bulldog bitch with a sweet nature yesterday that had been rescued . it had been bred young then used as a bate dog ie as it wasn't aggressive they let a m ore aggressive fighter beat her up . they need stringing up . dogs arnt inheritantly violent . that destinction falls to some less than human humans . it doesn't matter what the breed if you respect and bring them up write they will love you whatever . I have 4 so called fighting dogs and they are fine and loving and have great natures . if people want fights they should find another persen who feels the same and fight them .
20 May, 2014
Bravo, Leigh!
20 May, 2014
Hear hear......
20 May, 2014
20 May, 2014
It's nice to see all your lovely dogs again Leigh they have been a great comfort to you and your best friends , I can't believe you are gifting us with your amazing mushrooms they will look fabulous in our garden as you know Tony is coming your way from Bury St. Edmunds on Thursday he will ring you on when he leaves there ,he thinks it will be about by the time he reaches you .. Take care I'm glad to see you back on top form , see you later Xx
20 May, 2014
apserlutly amy xx
20 May, 2014
Agree with everyone about cruelty to dogs/animals in general. I'm sure you're right, Leigh, when you say that it is the owners/breeders who are to blame for aggression in dogs, and it tends to be the same with children. I can't bear the idea of dog fighting - it's sickening. Lovely photos of your dogs. Did you make the mushrooms? They're great; you seem a man of many talents.
21 May, 2014
yes I did Tuesday and thanx xx .
21 May, 2014
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The famous concrete mushrooms! I'm sure they'll be gratefully received.
My sister has recently taken in a pug who needed to be rehomed. Poor thing has had 3 homes already. I think he's found his rightful place now - she is very experienced with dogs, and loves him to bits. She has called him Winston (for obvious reasons). He's a bit overweight, and not too keen on exercise! She'll ease him into a reasonably healthy lifestyle, though.
18 May, 2014